Admission Procedures for Successful Graduate Applicants

Welcome to NIE! Please read through the admission procedures and take note of the deadlines to complete the various procedures.

All students must undergo and pass a health screening prior to admission to the University.

In addition, International Full-time students are required by the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to pass the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Tuberculosis (TB) medical tests for the issuance of Student's Pass. The International Full-time students MUST undergo the health screening at the University Health Service (UHS) in NTU.

Students who do not meet the health screening criteria cannot be admitted to the University. International students who do not clear health screening will need to return to their home country at their own costs. Failure to clear health screening shall include, but is not limited to, any testing with positive results of the abovementioned or any other medical conditions as advised by the UHS, hospital and/or medical authorities.


(1) Go for Admission Health Screening at the University Health Service (UHS) in NTU by APPOINTMENT only

Student are required to book a health screening appointment via Fullerton Health Booking System. Please be reminded to wear a mask before entering the clinic.

For students who are currently residing in Singapore, please book a health screening appointment here. You will receive a SMS once your health screening appointment is confirmed, and you are required to present it to the staff at UHS.

For Full-time international students who will be arriving in Singapore nearer to the commencement of the August 2024 semester, you are required to book a health screening appointment here. Please refer to the Guide for instructions on how to book your health screening appointment. Once you have confirmed your health screening appointment, please print the appointment confirmation letter and present it to the staff at UHS.

Changes to your appointment can be made as long as there is available timeslot.

Deadlines to complete Admission Health Screening at NTU UHS:

    • Students who are currently residing in Singapore: By 31 July 2024
    • Full-time international students: By 5 August 2024

To bring along the following items for health screening:

  1. Health Screening Form (MC1) - For all students 

    Please refer to the form for the tests that will be conducted.

    Chest X-ray is required only for the following 2 categories of students:

    (1) Students who are doing Early Childhood Education related programmes
    (2) All full-time and part-time international students

  2. Medical Examination Report (MC2) - This is an additional form required by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for Full-time international students to apply for their Student's Pass.

    Complete Part 1 of the MC1 form as well as the top half of the MC2 form (if you require a Student's Pass) and bring these to the clinic on the date of your appointment. 

  3. Fitness Status: Upon completion of your admission health screening at NTU UHS, the clinic will notify NIE directly on whether you are fit to commence the graduate programme in the upcoming semester.

Fullerton Health @ NTU, University Health Service (UHS)

Operating Hours:

For admission health screening at NTU UHS, it is strictly by appointment only.


Fullerton Health @ NTU

University Health Service Building

36 Nanyang Avenue

Singapore 639801

Contact Details:

Phone Number: 6793-6828
Email: [email protected]

To be borne by students: Health Screening Fees (BEFORE GST):

  • Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident
    • S$32 if chest X-ray is not required
    • S$35 if chest X-ray is required (for students pursuing Early Childhood Education related programmes)
  • Full-time International Students: S$50 (chest X-ray and HIV test are required)
  • Part-time International Students: S$35 (chest X-ray is required)     


(2) Students who are Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Residents - Health Screening at Registered General Practitioners in Singapore

  1. Singapore Citizen/ Singapore Permanent Resident students who are unable to have health screening done at the University Health Service (UHS) in NTU may have it done by any registered general practitioners in Singapore. Do bring the Health Screening Form (MC1) along with you to the registered general practitioners for the tests. 

  2. The completed Form MC1 and chest X-ray report (if applicable) must be submitted personally by hand to UHS in NTU for an endorsement as reports sent by mail might be lost in the process. You can go to UHS in NTU at the following time slots (no appointment is required): 

    Monday to Friday ONLY (excluding public holidays)
    9 am to 12 noon or 2 pm to 4 pm 

  3. A nominal administrative charge of $5 will be levied on those who seek endorsement from UHS in NTU. Students with incomplete reports or questionable results will be asked to re-do or add on further tests at additional costs.

Important information for female students

  1. Female students are advised to wear a plain T-shirt (one-colour only) with no buttons, logo, emblem or pattern. This allows the X-ray to be taken without any change of clothes. Otherwise, you may have to purchase and change into a disposable gown for the X-ray examination.

  2. For female students who are expecting their menstrual period to coincide with the health screening, please arrange for a date that is at least one week after the last day of your period. This is to avoid having to come back a second time to complete the urine test, as an ongoing or recent period will interfere with the results of the urine test.

Please register your acceptance of our offer via the e-Matriculation tab: