Service Obligation

International students who choose to pay a lower tuition fee (and thus receive higher subsidy) will have to take up a 3-year service obligation. As part of the service obligation, the international student is required to work in Singapore-based companies upon graduation.

Singapore-based companies refer to local companies and international companies that have a base in Singapore which is registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).

The duration of the service obligation is fixed at 3 years, regardless of the duration of study at subsidised rates.


International graduate students interested in pursuing a research-based graduate degree with MOE subsidy may apply for the scheme. The University may implement the scheme for international students if deemed feasible based on industry demand, subject to MOE approval. Upon approval, successful applicants will receive the subsidy up to the maximum candidature duration of their degree programmes.

Please refer to the tuition fees document here.

Students who had previously enjoyed MOE subsidy in a graduate degree will not be eligible for MOE subsidy in another graduate degree of the same or lower level.

Application and Signing Procedures

For students enrolled in Semester 2 AY2024-2025 (January 2025 intake)

At the point of admission application, NIE staff will obtain from students (if applicable) about their intention to opt for the service obligation.

Students are not required to provide a surety/guarantor or sign the service obligation agreement during the application or matriculation stage.

 Online Registration with Ministry of Education (MOE)

The process is as follows:

Pre-Application:  Student will be required to complete 2 pre-application steps before applying for SO. Please refer to this link for more info.

Apply for SO: 17-19 February 2025
Student must register via MOE online portal.

Sign SOA: 20-28 February 2025
Student and sureties must complete the signing process via MOE online portal.

  • The two sureties/guarantors (of any nationality) must be aged 21 and above but below 65 and must not be an un-discharged bankrupt.

Note: Please contact MOE at if you encounter any problem with the online registration at MOE's website.


Contact Us

For further enquiries about the Service Obligation Scheme, please refer to the MOE's website or contact MOE's Tuition Grant Unit at:

Tuition Grant Section
School Placement and Services Division
Customer Service Centre (MOE Podium Block)
Ministry of Education, Singapore
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675