Tuition Fees

Our tuition fees are subject to revision every academic year.

All fees listed are in Singapore dollars (S$) and are inclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST), if applicable, unless indicated otherwise. The GST payable is based on the prevailing rate and is subject to changes. The University Council reserves the right to alter fees at any time without prior notice.

Fees for each academic year must be paid in advance and within the stipulated periods. Students who fail to pay fees within the stipulated periods will have their names removed from the register of higher degree candidates. A student whose name has been thus removed but who is otherwise eligible to continue his/her candidature will be reinstated only after he/she has settled all outstanding fees and paid a re-registration fee of S$54.

A student who withdraws or leaves the University two or more weeks after the commencement of his/her candidature or the commencement of the semester, is liable to pay the fees due for the semester.

International students doing PhD or Masters by Research programmes who choose to pay a lower tuition fee (and thus receive higher subsidy) will have to take up a 3-year service obligation. The University may implement the scheme for international students if deemed feasible based on industry demand, subject to MOE approval. Please click here for more information on Service Obligation scheme.

AY 2025-2026 Fees

AY 2025-2026 tuition fees are listed in the categories below:

New Intakes

Existing Intakes

  • Masters by Coursework  (MOE subsidised programmes)
  • Masters by Coursework (Self-financing programmes)
  • PhD and Masters by Research
  • Doctor in Education

Miscellaneous Fees:

  • Coursework and Research Programmes


(last updated: 7 Jan 2025)