Coursework Programmes (Master of Arts & Master of Science) (August 2025 Intake)

This admission guide is applicable to the following programmes:

  • Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics)
  • Master of Arts (Counselling and Guidance)
  • Master of Arts (Humanities Education)
  • Master of Arts in Professional Education (Training and Development)
  • Master of Science (Life Sciences)
  • Master of Science (Mathematics for Educators)

Schedule of Events

Besides referring to this schedule, you MUST read and FOLLOW the procedures given below. Your admission to the programme may be delayed if any of the steps and submission of documents are missing.



Deadline / Venue


Matriculate online

From 17 April (9 am) to 29 April 2025 (6 pm)

Please register your acceptance of our offer here.


Online Verification of Academic Documents exercise.

From 13 May to 26 May 2025


Please refer to 'Online Verification of Academic Documents (VOD) Exercise' tab below for more information.




View course timetable


Note: The Login Account UserID and Password to access NIE Student Portal will be given to you after you have e-matriculated.

2 June 2025 (noon) onwards

Please view the course timetable here (requires login).




Applicable to Full-time International Students only

Application for Student’s Pass with the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)             

From 2 June 2025 onwards.

Please refer to the NIE offer package for more details.


Online Course Registration Exercise for August 2025 Semester



8 July (9am) – 9 July 2025 (5pm)

NIE Student Portal > Student Dashboard > Favourites > ISAAC (Academic Administration) > Student Services (GE) > Register Course for GE


Participate in the orientation programme

6 August 2025


Complete admission health screening

By 8 August 2025


Creation of NTU Pass          

Before 11 August 2025

E-Matriculation Instructions

Please register your acceptance of our offer hereIf you do not matriculate by the deadline as furnished in the above schedule, we shall assume that you will not be accepting this offer and the offer will automatically lapse.

You are also required to prepare in advance and furnish the following details of your Next-Of-Kin in the e-Matriculation system:

  1. Title & Full name
  2. Your relationship with him/her
  3. Phone number
  4. E-mail address
  5. Mailing address

Please take note that you will be asked to declare in the e-matriculation system that you have obtained consent from your Next-Of-Kin to furnish his/her personal data to NIE as part of the NIE Crisis Response Plan.

Login access rights to NIE Student Portal and issuance of NTU Email Account: In about 2 weeks’ time after you have completed your e-matriculation successfully, you will receive your NIE Student Portal login credentials (UserID and Password) and instructions to retrieve your NTU email account (ending with via e-mail.

NTU Pass - Digital NTU ID Card

The NTU Pass app holds your digital NTU ID card. You can download the NTU Pass app 3 days after you have obtained the NTU email account. Please click here to download the NTU Pass app.

If you have any questions about the NTU Pass app, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information.  


Please refer to the AY2025-2026 tuition fees information here.

The AY2025-2026 miscellaneous fees information have yet to be announced by the University. It is usually announced in June/July for the August intake exercises. You may wish to refer to the AY2024-2025 miscellaneous fees information here as a gauge first.

The fee items payable for August 2025 semester are as follows:

  1. First Semester Tuition Fee

    Except for the Master of Arts (Counselling and Guidance) programme, fees are billed based on the total Academic Units (AUs) of the number of courses registered in each semester.

    For the Master of Arts (Counselling and Guidance) programme, fees are billed based on the number of courses (or equivalent) registered in each semester.

  2. Miscellaneous Fees 

Note: The University reserves the right to alter fees at any time without prior notice.

The e-invoice for the August 2025 semester will be ready in September 2025.  Student will receive an e-mail trigger once the invoice is published. 

You can view your e-Invoice online and the mode of payment applicable to you.

If you wish to pay your fees via GIRO, the deduction will only be effected after the GIRO form has been approved by the bank.

Submission of GIRO Form

Please complete the GIRO form here (if applicable), with your customer/account/bill number. You are to submit the completed form to NIE Finance Department:

Finance Department
National Institute of Education
1 Nanyang Walk
Singapore 637616

Insurance Schemes (Applicable to Full-Time Students only)

The medical scheme and insurance plans are offered to full-time matriculated students to provide effective protection against financial loss as a result of an illness or accident. It is important that you read through the details here. Please exercise your option during e-matriculation. The amount payable will be incorporated into the e-invoice for the August 2025 semester.

Online Verification of Academic Documents (VOD) Exercise

All matriculated students (including Singaporean and Singapore Permanent Residents) are mandated to participate in the verification of academic documents exercise. Students who withhold important information from the University may be refused admission.

The online VOD exercise will begin from 13 May to 26 May 2025.

If you are unable to provide the information mentioned at either (a), (b) or (c) below, please send an email to us at

(a) University Link

If the university which you obtained your Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree(s) and transcripts has an electronic repository that stores official electronic documents containing a full record of your confirmed academic results and certificate(s), you are required to send the following to us via email

  • your full name as per NRIC/ passport

  • the NIE programme applied/ Application Number

  • your date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format

(b) List of NIE/ NTU Approved Credential Verification Agencies

Applicants who are presenting overseas credentials/ degrees have to obtain an official verification report from an NIE/ NTU approved credential verification agency:


Verification Agency


Universities from China

China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHSI)
Please click here to view sample.

Request verification report(s) - in the English language for Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree certificate(s) and transcript(s). 

Please ensure that the verification report(s) is valid at the point of verification.

Applicant to send a copy of your verification report(s) to us via email: . In your email, please include your full name as per NRIC/ passport, the NIE programme applied and your Application Number.

Universities from Australia/ New ZealandMy eQuals(Bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript and/or Master’s degree certificate and transcript ONLY)

Applicant to send the academic documents with PIN (if applicable) to us via email: In your email, please include your full name as per NRIC/ passport, the NIE programme applied and your Application Number.
Universities from United States of America

National Student Clearing House

World Education Services, Inc.
- Select verification from WES (Canada)
- Select ICAP evaluation
For National Student Clearing House

(Bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript and/or Master’s degree certificate and transcript ONLY)

Applicant to send a digital copy of your evaluation report to us via email: In your email, please include your full name as per NRIC/ passport, the NIE programme applied and your Application Number.

For World Education Services, Inc.

(Bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript and/or Master’s degree certificate and transcript ONLY)

Applicant to send a scanned copy of payment receipt of WES report to us via email:
In your email, please include your full name as per NRIC/ passport, the NIE programme applied and your Application Number.
Universities not statedWorld Education Services, Inc. 
- Select ICAP evaluation

(Bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript and/or Master’s degree certificate and transcript ONLY)

Applicant to send a scanned copy of payment receipt of WES report to us via email:
In your email, please include your full name as per NRIC/ passport, the NIE programme applied and your Application Number.

(c) Graduates of Singapore Autonomous Universities

  • For SIT, SUSS and SUTD:

Please refer to for a list of Singapore Autonomous Universities. 

Applicants who are presenting degrees from Singapore Autonomous Universities [except Singapore Management University (SMU)] have to provide their Full name as per written on the Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree certificate(s), the University name and Date of Birth. Please email the information to by 26 May 2025.

  • For SMU:

Graduates of Singapore Management University (SMU) are to follow the instructions at to find out about your digital certificates. Please email the link to your digital certificates to by 26 May 2025.

  • For NTU and NIE:

For applicants who are presenting degrees from NTU and NIE, NIE will verify your academic records via the NTU Degree Verification Portal or NIE Online Verification of Educational Qualification System.

  • For NUS:

Graduates of National University of Singapore (NUS) are to email a copy of your Opencert to by 26 May 2025.

For enquiries relating to the verification / submission of documents, you may write to NIE Student Services Centre at or call 6219-6081 / 6219-6082 to speak to our Customer Service Executive.


More information on the Orientation will be provided nearer the date. Updates will be posted here.

[Note: The Login Account UserID and Password to access NIE Student Portal will be given to you after you have e-matriculated.]

For enquiries relating to the Orientation, you may write to the Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning at

Plagiarism and Other Dishonest Practices

All students are not to engage in dishonest practices such as plagiarism (copying and using another person's work without proper acknowledgement) and passing off an assignment, project or report completed by another person as their own. Students who are found guilty of these practices will be dealt with according to the University's disciplinary regulations. Please refer to the NIE Academic Integrity Framework document that is available for download from the NIE Student Portal.

Course Exemption/Credit Transfer

For students who wish to apply for course exemption / credit transfer, please login to NIE Student Portal to complete the application form. The completed form must be accompanied by supporting documents, such as the details and marks of the courses to be accredited/ exempted.

Update/Amendment of Student's Particulars

1. Changes to Name OR Citizenship Status OR NRIC / FIN / Passport Number

  • For changes to name, citizenship and identification card number, please complete the Update/Amend Student Particulars form and present the original and photocopy of the relevant document(s) for verification at NIE Student Services Centre (SSC) within 5 working days of the effective change.
2. Changes to Contact Details

  • If your mailing address, phone number or email address has changed, you need to keep us updated by changing them via the NIE Student Portal. This is the only mechanism to amend your contact information. When you change your mailing address/ phone number/ email address at the NIE Student Portal, it will automatically update our internal system.

    NIE Student Portal > Login using password > Click on your name at the top right-hand corner of the page and select ‘About Me’

    Additional information for school leaders with the Ministry of Education, Singapore (MOE):

    If you participate in an NIE Leadership programme while in a Graduate programme, your NIE contact information (mailing address/ phone number/ email address) will be common for both the Graduate programme and the Leadership programme.

    Your contact information submitted to NIE at the point of joining the Leadership programme or any updates you made via the NIE Student Portal, will be used by NIE to communicate with you for matters related to either of the programmes.

International Student Matters

1. Student’s Pass (Applicable only to Full-time International students)

  • Full-time International Students are required to apply for Student's Pass from the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA). Please refer to the NIE offer package for more details as soon as possible.

2. Valid pass to stay in Singapore (Applicable to International students doing Part-time programme)

  • The Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) does not issue Student’s Pass to student of part-time programmes. Hence, you may accept an offer of admission to the part-time programme only if you have a valid immigration pass issued by ICA or Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to study and reside in Singapore throughout the duration of your programme of study.

    If the validity period of the immigration pass expires before you can complete the programme, the Institute may have to have your enrolment withdrawn from the programme.

3. Accommodation

  • International students are advised to seek off-campus accommodation as there are limited places for on-campus accommodation in NTU. Students seeking off-campus housing should begin their search before departing for Singapore. In fact, many students make it a practice to secure a room at a student hostel in the neighbourhoods near NTU/NIE before their arrival.

    For possible accommodation alternatives, please visit