School Partnerships

Our Purpose

We aim to strengthen research-practice-policy links by promoting and facilitating partnerships between NIE researchers and education stakeholders.

1) Strengthening Research-Practice-Policy Links
A key factor enabling Singapore to become a high performing education system is the close partnerships and alignment among NIE, MOE, schools and institutes of higher learning. NIE is committed to developing trusting relationships and strong collaborations across the education system to translate and disseminate relevant research for all stakeholders. NIE strives to develop collaborative relationships to understand stakeholder needs and facilitate evidence-based deliberations with stakeholders to improve educational practice. To these ends, the School Partnership Unit (SPU) serves to create opportunities for NIE researchers and education stakeholders to co-construct educational research and facilitate participation of multiple education stakeholders in research and professional development programmes.

2) Enhancing Research Impact
NIE research impacts policy and practice through the design and development of pedagogical, curricular, and technological innovation, by including key stakeholders in the research process, and by ensuring research efforts address significant problems of policy and practice. NIE researchers are encouraged to translate research into practice and develop stakeholder capacities at multiple levels of the education system to enhance teaching and learning. SPU operates as an intermediary between NIE researchers and education stakeholders to boost mutual awareness, streamline exchange of ideas, and inspire collaboration.  

3) Characterising and Developing Effective Partnership Models
It is important to document and understand the different forms of researcher-practitioner partnerships that have emerged in consonance with the development of the Singapore education system. SPU examines and characterises effective partnership models between NIE researchers and education stakeholders that suit NIE’s vision and the local education context.

Research Publications on Partnerships

Pereira, A. J., & Fang, Y. (2022). Research practice partnership for schools and universities. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(1), 154-168. 

Ong, M. W. L. Baildon, M., & Caleon, I. (2022). How research impact occurs and can be assessed? Perception of some Singapore researchers, policymakers and practitioners. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, 2022. Singapore.

Ong, M. W. L. Baildon, M., & Caleon, I. (2021). Understanding and extending research impact through Research-Policy-Practice Partnership (Research Report). National Institute of Education, Singapore.

Outreach Efforts

1. OER Organises the Inaugural Research-Practice (RP) Connection for Lead Teachers (East Zone)
2. OER and East Zone Teacher Leaders Development Committee (EZTLC) Organise the Second Research-Practice Connection (RPC) for Lead Teachers in the East Zone


Imelda headshot

Dr Caleon Imelda Santos  

Assistant Dean, Partnerships;
Senior Education Research Scientist, Science of Learning in Education Centre

Office: NIE5 03 57D

Pereira Andrew Joseph (resized)

Dr Pereira Andrew Joseph

Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice

Office: NIE2 03 28

Yang Yifan (resized)

Dr Yang Yifan

Education Research Scientist, Science of Learning in Education Centre

Office: NIE5 03 26

Jack Fogarty (resized)

Dr Jack Fogarty

Education Research Scientist, Science of Learning in Education Centre

Office: NIE5 03 57A