Journal Article:
Wu, P-H, S. (In-press). Values education in Singapore’s preschool education landscape: How leaders lead and teachers teach. The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning, 32(1).
Wu, P-H, S. & Lim-Ratnam, C.T.L. (In-press). More than good behaviour: Developing personhood in early childhood education. Learning: Research and Practice, 11.
Choo, S. S. (2024). Hermeneutical justice as the foundation of cosmopolitan literacy in a post‐truth age. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 68(2), 190-196.
Choo, S. S., & Chua, D. (2023). From moral adaptation to ethical criticism: Analyzing developments in Singapore’s character education programme. Journal of Moral Education, 1–18.
Wu, P-H, S. (2023). Teaching Young Children Values in a Multi-religious Secular Society. Journal of Public Value, 5, 17-24.
Wu, P-H, S. (2022). From policy to practice: Cultivating social-emotional competencies and values in young children. Journal of Public Value, 17-25.
Choo, S. S. (2021). Teaching ethics through literature: The significance of ethical criticism in a global age . Routledge.
Book Chapter:
Vierra, F. F., & Choo, S. S. (in press). Recovering Truth-Seeking Ethical Pedagogies for the Literature Classroom in a Post-Truth Age. In Goodwyn, A., Durrant, D., George, M., Manuel, J., Sawyer, W., & Shoffner, M. (Eds.). English Language Arts as an Emancipatory Subject International Perspectives on Justice and Equity in the English Classroom. Routledge. [Expected publication Dec 2024]
Choo, S. S., & Nah, D. (in press). Ethical Criticism as Pedagogy for the Development of Other-centric Interpretive Communities in the Literature Classroom. In Kelly, K., Rogers, P. & Vinz, R. (Eds.), Building literate communities: In conversation with Sheridan Blau. National Council of Teachers of English. [expected publication Nov 2024]
Choo, S. S. (2024). Applying Chinese Ethical Criticism in the Teaching of Stories for Moral Education. In Lee, J. C.-K., & Kennedy, K. J . (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia (pp. 172-181). Routledge.
Tan, O.S., Chua, J.J.E. (2024). Singapore’s Endemic Approach to Education: Re-Envisioning Schools and Learning. In: Reimers, F.M. (Eds) Schools and Society During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Springer, Cham.
Wu, P-H, S. (2024). Cultivating moral values in Singapore's early childhood landscape: Who, what and how?. In Lee, J, C-K., & Kennedy, K., J. (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia (pp. 192-202). London: Routledge.
Wu, P-H, S. & Tan, C. (2022). Moral and values development for early childhood education in Singapore. In International Handbook on Education Development in the Asia-Pacific (pp. 337-356). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Yu, Y. & Chua, J.J.E. (2024). How to foster resilient challenge-takers? Research findings on children’s free will beliefs, intelligence mindset, and failure mindset. In O. S. Tan, E. L. Low, I. S. Caleon, & E. L. Ng (Eds.), Enhancing holistic well-being of children and youth: Insights from Singapore into research, policy and practice in education. Singapore: Springer.
Choo, S. S., Liu, W. C., & Chua, B. L. (Eds.). (in press). Developing Future-ready Learners for a Global Age: Pedagogical Innovations in Singapore. Routledge. [expected publication Dec 2024]
Tan, O.S., Low, E.L., Caleon, I.S., & Ng, E.L. (Eds.). (2024) Enhancing Holistic Well-Being of Children and Youth. Empowering Teaching and Learning through Policies and Practice: Singapore and International Perspectives, vol 4. Springer, Singapore.
Tan, O. S. (2024, June). Transforming Teacher Training and Civic Education. Keynote Address, National EdCamp Point of Resilience 2024 (Online), Kyiv, Ukraine.
Tan, O. S. (2024, June). Innovation in Teacher Education and Professional Development: Technological Creativity, Character Education and Social Emotional Competencies. Keynote Address, Glocal Future Education Conference, Yeosu, South Korea.
Choo, S. S. (2024, June). Interpretive justice in a post-truth age: A new impetus for cosmopolitan literacy. Keynote address at the Association for Research in L1 Education & International Federation for the Teaching of English, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Tan, O. S. (2024, May). The Holistic Approach: Nurturing Minds, Hearts, and Character in Early Childhood. Keynote Address, PAP Community Foundation (PCF) Parenting Conference 2024, Singapore.
Tan, O. S. (2024, February). Education in a BANI World: Minding the Learning that Matters. Keynote Address, XXIV edition of the International Educators’ Conference (CIE), Lima, Peru.
Choo, S. S. (2024, October). From reading the word to reading the world. Ishou International School, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Liaw, N. (2024, October). Empowering educators: Lifelong learning for character and citizenship education in Singapore. Paper present at 50th Association for Moral Education Conference 2024, New York, United States of America.
Liaw, N. (2024, October). Empowering educators: Lifelong learning for character and citizenship education in Singapore. Paper presented at NIEC Conference 2024: Inspiring excellence in early childhood practice, Singapore.
Ng, M. G. (2024, October). Strengthening the research-practice nexus in character and citizenship education. Paper present at 50th Association for Moral Education Conference 2024, New York, United States of America.
Ng, M. G. (2024, October). A Process-Oriented Approach to Assessing Students’ Learning in Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) in Singapore. Paper present at 50th Association for Moral Education Conference 2024, New York, United States of America.
Tan, O. S. (2024, October). Thinking Again, Thinking Across and Thinking Ahead in Teacher Education with Perspectives of Values, Character and Citizenship. Paper present at 50th Association for Moral Education Conference 2024, New York, United States of America.
Tan, O. S. (2024, October). Developing a Teaching Compass: A Discussion Paper on Empowering Teachers and Revitalising the Teaching Profession for Education Reform (Invited Food for Thought Speaker). Paper presented at 6th Global Forum on the Future of Education and Skills 2030 (OECD), Sendai, Japan.
Wu, P-H, S. (2024, October). Leading and teaching values in early childhood. Paper presented at NIEC Conference 2024: Inspiring excellence in early childhood practice, Singapore.
Yu, Y. (2024, October). Parenting and children's challenge-taking. Oral presentation at NIEC Conference 2024, Singapore.
Choo, S. S. (2024, September). A Character-driven Approach to Global Citizenship Education: Perspectives from Singapore. International Conference on Global Citizenship Education, UNESCO-APECIU, South Korea.
Yu, Y. (2024, September). Toward a unified conceptual framework: Integrating character and citizenship education (CCE). Oral presentation at BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting, Manchester, UK.
Tan, O. S. (2024, June). Teacher Professional Development in Character and Citizenship Education: A Singapore Perspective (Chaired the session). Paper presented at 65th World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching, Braga, Portugal.
Tan, O. S. (2024, April). Trends Calling for Character and Citizenship Education: A Singapore Perspective (Invited speaker). Paper presented at AERA Conference 2024, Pennsylvania, United States of America.
Tan, O. S. (2024, April). Teachers At the Center of a New Social contract for Education: International Insights and Practices (Panel Member). Paper presented at AERA Conference 2024, Pennsylvania, United States of America.
Tan, O. S. (2024, March). A Sharing on Character and Citizenship Education (Invited Speaker). SPD Children Services Forward Planning 2024 session, Serving People with Disabilities (SPD), Singapore.
Choo, S. S. (2024, September). When Values Drive a Whole-school Approach to CCE and E21CC: Key Implications for Practice. Singapore.
Choo, S. S. (2024, September). Connecting E21CC with CCE: Towards a whole-school approach to values. Singapore.
Choo, S. S. (2024, July). Towards a Whole-School Approach to E21CC. Singapore.
Choo, S. S. (2024, July). Integrating CCE and E21CC: Curriculum and Assessment Principles. Singapore.
Tan, O. S. (2024, March). Problem-based Learning for Character and Citizenship Education Workshop. Singapore.