Programme Structure

The academic calendar for the Master programme is based on three trimesters.  The number of classroom hours per course is 3 hours per week for 12 weeks. This is typically a one-year, full-time programme conducted on-site at NTU’s main campus. 

The programme requires every student to earn a total of 30 academic units (AUs) in order to graduate. Students may earn 27 AUs from coursework and 3 AUs from an Applied Research Project (eligible for students with a GPA of 4.5 and above) or earn all 30 AUs from coursework. 

Typically, a student will read three full courses (3 AUs each) per trimester. Students who are not eligible to take Applied Research Project (ARP) are required to read one extra full course in Trimester 2 or Trimester 3. 

The courses offered will depend on the availability of faculty, and wherever possible we will take into account the interests of students.


Programme Calendar

Trimester 1August to October
Trimester 2November to February
Trimester 3March to May
​VacationEarly July & End December