Overseas Documentaries You Should See (ODYSSEE)

Overseas Documentaries You Should See (ODYSSEE) presents an exciting academic and practical challenge to students - producing a digital documentary overseas. Every year, the theme revolves around the big idea of "Heritage in the Age of Digital".

Students (ODYSSEERS) look at a city or a country and its people for inspiration, personal stories and authenticity, brain-storming for and pitching interesting story ideas while organising logistics of the trip. In teams, students then head overseas for their fieldwork, gaining knowledge about the broader social, cultural and economic implications of the place and its people while putting their filmmaking skills into practice.

Explore: ODYSSEE 2023

In 2023, a team of 15 students headed to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to explore the stories of the SEA and ASEAN Para Games athletes.

Explore: ODYSSEE 2020

In 2020, due to unforeseen circumstances caused by COVID-19, the ODYSSEE team captured stories in Singapore based on the theme, "Generations".


Explore: ODYSSEE 2019

In 2019, a team of 15 students headed to the city of Yogyakarta, giving them the unique opportunity to explore stories of the city and its people.


Explore: ODYSSEE 2018

In its pioneer year, Odyssee 2018 centred around heritage, culture and people. The course provided a platform for students to comment on our society, by allowing them the opportunity to glimpse at the city of Penang and its people.