Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy
The following instruments are housed in N1.2 and N1.3.
Contact Information
Usage of the facility is handled through the Central Equipment Booking System.
For inquiries about specific instruments, please contact the following staff:
6130 LCMS / HPLC | Dr LUA Shun Kuang Phone: (65) 6316-8814 Email: |
5977B GCMS / 6890N GC | Ms Octavia Phone: (65) 6592-3179 Email: |
Equipment List
Agilent 6130 LCMS
- Mass range 2 - 3000 m/z
- Mass analyser: single quadrupole
- Resolving power: Unit mass resolution over mass range
- Electrospray ionisation (ESI)
Location: N1.2-01-03

Agilent 1100 HPLC
- Vacuum degasser (4 channels)
- Flow rate: 0 – 5 ml/min per channel
- Quaternary pump
- Flow range: 0.001 – 10 ml/min, in 0.001 ml increments
- Pressure: Operating range 0 – 400 bar
- Low Pressure quaternary mixing/gradient capability
- Composition range 0 – 95 % or 5 – 100 %, user selectable
- Autosampler
- Injection range: 0.1 – 100 µl in 0.1µl increments
- Sample capacity: 100 × 2 ml vial in 1 tray
- Column compartment
- 10 °C below ambient to 80 °C with stability of ± 0.15 °C
- Diode Array Detector (DAD)
- Deuterium and tungsten lamps with wavelength range of 190 – 950 nm
- Drift of 2 x 10-3 AU/hr at 254 nm with wavelength accuracy of ± 1 nm
- Variable Wavelength Detector (VWD)
- Deuterium lamp with wavelength range of 190 – 600 nm
- Drift of 3 x 10-4 AU/hr at 254 nm with wavelength accuracy of ± 1 nm
- Refractive Index Detector (RID)
- Refractive index range 1.00 – 1.75 RIU, calibrated
- Measurement range of ± 600 × 10-6 RIU
Location: N1.2-B4-13

Agilent 1260 HPLC DAD/FLD
- Vacuum degasser (4 channels)
- 0 – 10 ml per channel
- Quaternary pump
- Flow range: 0.001 – 10 ml/min, in 0.001 ml increments
- Pressure: Operating range 0 – 600 bar
- Low Pressure quaternary mixing/gradient capability
- Composition range 0 – 95 % or 5 – 100 %, user selectable
- Autosampler
- Injection range: 0.1 – 100 µl in 0.1 µl increments
- Sample capacity: 100 × 2 ml vial in 1 tray
- Column compartment
- 10 °C below ambient to 80 °C with stability of ± 0.15 °C
- Diode Array Detector (DAD)
- Deuterium lamp (equipped with RFID tag) with wavelength range of 190 – 640 nm
- Drift of 0.5 × 10-3 AU/hr at 230 nm with wavelength accuracy of ± 1 nm
- Fluorescence Detector (FLD)
- Multi-signal fluorescence detector
- Xenon flash lamp with wavelength accuracy of ± 3 nm
Location: N1.2-B4-13

Agilent 1290 UPLC
- Vacuum degasser (2 channels)
- Internal volume of 1.5 ml per channel
- Quaternary pump
- Flow range: 0.001 – 5 ml/min, in 0.001 ml increments
- Pressure: Operating range 0 – 800 bar
- High pressure binary mixing
- Composition range 0 – 100 %
- Autosampler
- Injection range: 0.1 – 20 µl in 0.1 µl increments with standard loop
- Sample capacity: 132 × 2 ml vial in 2 tray
- Column compartment
- 10 °C below ambient to 80 °C with stability of ± 0.05 °C
- Diode Array Detector (DAD)
- Deuterium lamp (equipped with RFID tag) with wavelength range of 190 – 640 nm
- Drift of 0.5 x 10-3 AU/hr at 230 nm with wavelength accuracy of ± 1 nm
- Refractive Index Detector (RID)
- Refractive index range 1.00 – 1.75 RIU, calibrated
- Drift of ± 200 × 10-9 RIU/h
Location: N1.2-B4-13

Agilent 5977B GCMS
- Oven operating temperature: ambient +4 to 320 °C
- Carrier gas: helium
- Spilt/splitless inlet
- Mass range: 1.6 - 800 m/z
- Ion source: EI
- Detector: electron multiplier
- Resolution: mass unit adjustable by tune
- Sensitivity: 1 pg
- Scan speed: 10,000 amu/s
- Automatic Liquid Sampler Tray: 16-position
Location: N1.2-B1-33

Agilent 6890N GC
- Oven operating temperature: ambient +4 to 320 °C
- Carrier gas: Helium
- Inlet: Split/Splitless
- Detector: Flame ionization detector (FID)
- Automatic Liquid Sampler Auto injector: 8-position
Location: N1.2-B1-33