Lab Supplies
The CCEB Store at Nanyang Link has an online inventory system, accessible here:
Note: this site can only be accessed within the NTU network. To access outside of NTU, please use a VPN.
The CCEB Store is available to College of Science personnel only. All solvents and chemicals purchased from the CCEB Store are strictly to be used within the SPMS building only (this is a government licensing rule).
For enquiries regarding the CCEB store, contact Ms. Tee Ee Chiew (
Ordering and Collection
After checking out and confirming the items in your cart, wait for approval from your PI/approving officer. Print out the hard copy of the order from your buyer’s history page, and bring it to the CCEB Store to collect the items. Non-approved orders will not be entertained.
Observe all appropriate safety procedures, including the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and secondary containers, when transporting chemicals and solvents.
Invoice Payment
Each research group will be issued an invoice on the 5th day of every month. The invoice must be collected by a research student from the group, who must then pass the invoice to the PI to authorize payment.
The signed invoice must be returned back to the Store within five working days after its issue. No further items from the store will be issued to the group until the signed invoice has been returned to the store.
Operating Hours
The operating hours of the CCEB store are as follows:
- Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 12 pm (for deliveries only)
- Monday – Thursday, 1:30 pm – 5 pm (for purchases only)
- Friday 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm (for purchases only)
Note: the CCEB Store will close on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. Deliveries in the afternoon and purchases in the morning may not be entertained.
Delivery of Supplies
For safety purposes, all chemicals and solvents must be delivered to CCEB Lab Supplies. Lab equipment must also be delivered to CCEB Lab Supplies before being distributed to individual labs.
Attention all deliveries to your PIs to facilitate the processing of Delivery Orders.
Delivery Orders and Tax Invoices must be passed to CCEB Lab Supplies or to the Purchasing desk in the General Office.
Waste Disposal
Disposal of chemical waste is only available between 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm daily. This is enforced strictly.
Any group that does not follow proper waste disposal procedures, or does not stick to the waste disposal schedule, may be banned from using the disposal service.