X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory

The X-Ray Diffraction Lab operates three state-of-the-art Bruker single crystal diffractometers. We serve the educational and research needs of the students and researchers within NTU by providing structure determination of single crystal samples, training new users, and offering advice and technical assistance in crystal growth, data collection, structure refinement and data interpretation. We also provide access to the Cambridge Structure Database (CSD).

Users from outside the university are also welcome.

Sample Submission

All samples must be accompanied by a completed sample submission form below:

X-ray Sample Submission form

Samples should be kept in a sealed vial and in mother liquor if possible.

User Training

The lab holds group trainings for students and researchers to use the instrument and the APEX 3 software suite for processing diffraction data. Users are encouraged to attend the training and obtain the licence to operate the Bruker X8 Apex diffractometer.

Contact Information

Li Yongxin (Dr), Lab manager and Crystallographer
Email: yongxin@ntu.edu.sg
Office phone: +65-63168843
Lab location: SPMS-CBC-01-18E, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371

Equipment List

Bruker X8 APEX

The Bruker X8 Apex instrument was installed in 2005. It is equipped with an Oxford Cryostream series 800 variable temperature unit providing sample temperature from 90 to 400K. It operates with a fine focus sealed tube Mo X-ray source and an APEX II CCD detector. This instrument is mainly for training and student projects.

Bruker D8 Quest Cu

The Bruker D8 Quest (Cu source), purchased in 2024, is equipped with a high-brilliance IµS DIAMOND II microfocus Cu source and a PHOTON III detector. The system includes an Oxford Cryostream series 800, allowing precise temperature control from 90 to 400K. The combination of the high intensity Cu source and the ultra-sensitive photon counting detector enables the structure determination of very small and weakly diffracting crystal samples. This system is also featuring for absolute configuration determination of organic compounds without atoms heavier than Si.

Bruker D8 Quest

This Bruker D8 Quest was installed in 2017. It is equipped with an Incoatec IμS 3.0 Mo microfocus X-ray source and a large area PHOTON II CPADs detector. This advanced system allows for the detector to collect X-ray diffraction data continuously in shutterless mode leading to substantially short data collection times. The equipped Oxford Cryostream series 800 variable temperature unit enables the data collection at a temperature range of 90-400K. This system is for routing structure determination of small molecules including organic, inorganic and organometallic compound as well as alloys.

Polarizing Microscope

The lab houses an Olympus SZX2 polarizing microscope coupled with an Olympus DP73 digital camera for crystal selecting and mounting.
