XPS Facility

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface-sensitive quantitative spectroscopic technique based on the photoelectric effect that can identify the elements that exist within a material (elemental composition) or are covering its surface, as well as their chemical state, and the overall electronic structure and density of the electronic states in the material. XPS is a powerful measurement technique because it not only shows what elements are present, but also what other elements they are bonded to. The technique can be used in line profiling of the elemental composition across the surface, or in depth profiling when paired with ion-beam etching. It is often applied to study chemical processes in the materials in their as-received state or after cleavage, scraping, exposure to heat, reactive gasses or solutions, ultraviolet light, or during ion implantation.

The XPS is strictly for CCEB users only.

Contact Information

Li Yongxin (Dr), Lab manager and Crystallographer
Email: yongxin@ntu.edu.sg
Office phone: +65-63168843
Lab location: SPMS-CBC-01-18E, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371