Thermal and Mechanical Analysis
The following instruments are housed in N1.2 and N1.3.
Contact Information
Usage of the facility is handled through the Central Equipment Booking System.
For inquiries about specific instruments, please contact the following staff:
Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC1 / 822e DSC | Dr WANG Xiujuan Phone: (65) 6790-6495 Email: |
NETZSCH 409C TGA / Perkin Elmer DSC 4000 / Anton Parr MCR 102e Rheometer | Dr YU Shucong Phone: (65) 6790-4064 Email: |
SDT Q600 TGA | Dr LUA Shun Kuang Phone: (65) 6316-8814 Email: |
EA3100 Elemental Analyzer / Instron 5543 | Ms Octavia Phone: (65) 6592-3179 Email: |
Equipment List
Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC1
- Temperature range from ambient to 1100 °C
- Heating rate up to 50 °C / min
- With sample and reference pans, and sample weight typically 1-10 mg
- Automatic gas switching
- Platinum and alumina sample pans with 70 μL
- Furnace cooling with chiller
- TGA and DSC sensor
Location: N1.2-B3-06

Mettler Toledo 822e DSC
- Liquid nitrogen cooling operation
- Temperature range: -150 – +500 ∘C
- 200W furnace with a max heating rate of 20 K/min
- N2 protective gas purge
Location: N1.2-B3-06

TA Instruments SDT Q600 TGA
- Temperature range from ambient to 1500 °C
- Heating rate up to 100 °C/min
- Sample weight typically 1 – 10 mg (up to 200 mg)
- DTA sensitivity: 0.001 °C
- Automatic gas switching for nitrogen or air
- Platinum and alumina sample pans
- Air uncontrolled furnace cooling

- Temperature range from ambient to 1200 °C
- Heating rate up to 50 °C / min; 20–30 °C / min recommended
- Air uncontrolled furnace cooling
- Atmosphere: N2
Location: N1.3-B3-22

PerkinElmer DSC 4000
- Single furnace
- Measurement principle: Heat flux
- Cooling accessories: Intracooler
- Calorimetric accuracy: ± 2%
- Temperature accuracy: ±0.1 °C
- Controlled heating rates: 0.1 to 100 °C / min
- Temperature range: -60 °C to 400 °C
Location: N1.3-B3-22

Eurovector EA3100 Elemental Analyzer
- Analysis of Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Sulphur
- Analytical range of 50 ppm - 100% for all Elements
- Sample weight is typically 5 mg
- Lower detection limit: 1 μg for (CHNS-O)
- Analysis time: CHNS = 7 min; CHN = 4 min; CN = 3 min; N = 90 sec; S = 3 min; O = 3 min
- Calibration: matrix-free, multiple-point calibration, long term stability
- 80-position auto sampler
- Furnace temperatures up to 1800 °C
Location: N1.2-B4-13

Instron 5543 Tensile Meter
- Tension and compression measurement modes
- Maximum load capacity 1000 N
- 10 N and 100 N load cells
- 10 N and 100 N grips
- Measurement speed 0.05-1000 mm/min
Location: N1.2-B1-33

Anton Parr MCR 102e
- Working mode: Combined Motor Transducer
- Minimum Torque: 5 nN m
- Maximum Torque: 200 mN m
- Angular Velocity Range: 0 – 314 rad/s
- Angular Frequency Range: 10-7 – 628 rad/s
- Normal force range: -50 to 50 N
- Temperature control: 0 to 200 °C
Location: N1.3-B3-22