Physical Proficiency Test

Passing the Physical Proficiency Test (PPT) is one of the pre-requisites for admission to teacher-education programs specializing in Physical Education offered by the National Institute of Education. The PPT comprises five components: Agility Run, Badminton, Gymnastics, Possession Game and Swimming. Candidates are required to pass all five components to pass the PPT. Details of each component are provided below.


Physical Proficiency Test Component

PPT component: Agility Run

The aim of this component is to assess the candidate's agility using the Illinois Agility Run. To pass this component, candidates must complete the pre-determined course within the given timings:

Males: Less than or equal to 18.1 seconds.

Females: Less than or equal to 21.7 seconds.

The agility test will be conducted either at the outdoor or indoor basketball court. 
Court shoes are recommended for this station.

Click here for the Agility Run video.

PPT component: Badminton

The aim of this component is to assess the candidate's hand-eye coordination while using an implement (i.e., badminton racket). To pass this component, candidates must demonstrate the ability to maintain a rally (i.e., adjusting one's position on the court to receive the shuttle and hitting the shuttle over the net).

Click here for the Badminton video.

PPT component: Gymnastics

The aim of this component is to assess the candidate's ability to demonstrate coordination and posture while performing three compulsory tasks and one selection task. The three compulsory tasks are forward roll, backward roll and arabesque. For the selection task, candidates may perform either the cartwheel, handstand or headstand. To pass this component, candidates must perform each task as described:

Forward roll: Start from a standing position, roll forward using the shape of a round-tuck, and finish with control in a standing position.

Backward roll: Start from a standing position, roll backward using the shape of a round-tuck, and finish with control in a standing position.

Arabesque: Start from a standing position, extend the back leg with pointed foot as high as possible by tilting the torso slightly forward from the hip socket to allow the leg to lift higher (i.e., parallel with the floor), and extend arms out to the sides as well, parallel to the floor. Maintain balance for 1 second before coming out with control.

Cartwheel: Start from a standing position, turn in lateral rotation, demonstrating a transfer of body weight from feet, onto hands by swinging one straightened leg up and off the floor, pushing off the floor with the other foot, and back to both feet to land with control.

Handstand: Start from a standing position, balance on the hands in the inverted position for 1 second, and come out of the balance with control.

Headstand: Start from a standing position, balance on the hands and head in the inverted position for 1 second, and come out of the balance with control.

Click here for the Gymnastics video.

PPT component: Possession Game

The aim of this component is to assess the candidate's ability to maintain and regain possession of the ball in a game similar to Netball. To pass this component, candidates must demonstrate the ability to adjust one's position on the court to receive or intercept the ball, and pass and receive the ball successfully.

Click here for the Possession Game video.

PPT component: Swimming

The aim of this component is to assess the candidate's ability to swim. To pass this component, candidates must swim continuously for 25 meters using one of the following recognized swim-strokes: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly stroke and front crawl.

Click here for the Swimming video.


The PPT fee is S$10.90 (inclusive of GST; non-refundable).
Only credit cards are accepted (i.e., Visa or MasterCard) at the online fee payment platform.
After completing the online application and fee payment, candidates must print the payment receipt for verification during PPT day.

Note to PPT Candidates

Note to PPT Candidates

Do familiarize yourself with the PPT components before the test.
Do be punctual; late-comers will not be entertained.
Do bring along your photo identification documents (e.g., NRIC or passport) and payment receipt for verification.
Do bring along your swimwear and goggles for the Swimming component.

Day of PPT

2.00pm - Verification of candidate's photo identification document(s) and payment receipt.
This will be followed by a PPT briefing for candidates.
Latecomers will not be entertained.
2.30pm - Start of PPT
5.30pm (estimated) - End of PPT

PPT results

PPT results will be emailed to candidates no later than 2 weeks after the test. Ensure that your email address is entered correctly during the online application. Do email us if you do not receive your results after 2 weeks.

For candidates who passed the PPT, the results are valid for 2 years from the day of the test.

Request for review of PPT results will not be entertained.

Details of upcoming PPT

Date of PPT

Venue of PPT

Printing of receipt

To be confirmed

NIE, Block 5

(Getting to NIE)

View/print your receipt here.



For any further enquiries, do email us.