A word from the Associate Dean, Professional Practice


The Professional Practice and Inquiry (PPI) 

The PPI course provides a meta-framework to develop pre-service teachers with a clear teacher identity, enabling them to reflect on their roles as educators, inquire about their own practices, and draw on theories and research to inform pedagogical approaches aimed at improving student engagement and learning. In these publications, pre-service teachers share how they assume ownership of their learning, recounting their reflective journey of "learning for teaching" and "learning from teaching." Each edition showcases the triumphs, challenges, and profound insights gleaned by pre-service teachers on their journey to become educators who prioritise the holistic development of their students. We believe that through these insightful sharings by our aspiring teachers, educators can resonate with their experiences and be inspired in their own teaching and learning endeavours.



Associate Professor Lee Ngan Hoe

is the Associate Dean for Professional Practice (Teacher Education & Undergraduate Programme) at the National Institute of Education. He also teaches pre- and in-service courses as well as graduate courses in mathematics education and supervises postgraduate students pursuing Masters, EdD, and PhD degrees. His publication and research interests include the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels – primary, secondary, pre-university, as well as adult education, covering areas such as mathematics curriculum development, metacognition and mathematical problem solving / modelling.

Professional Practice Book Series

Learning 4 Life, Teaching 4 Life: Reflection, Inquiry, Identity and Digital Portfolios in a Student Teachers’ Journey
Chye Yen Leng Stefanie

Learning 4 Life, Teaching 4 Life: Reflection, Inquiry, Identity and Digital Portfolios in a Student Teachers’ Journey
Published 2024

Editor: Asst/P Stefanie Chye

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Becoming a Teacher: Reflection, Inquiry and Identity
Chye Yen Leng Stefanie

Becoming a Teacher: Reflection, Inquiry and Identity 
Published 2021

Editor: Asst/P Stefanie Chye

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Inquiring into Practice: Learning for Teaching, Learning from Teaching
Chye Yen Leng Stefanie

Inquiring into Practice: Learning for Teaching, Learning from Teaching 
Published 2019

Editor: Asst/P Stefanie Chye

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Practices of Inquiry: Through the Lense of the Student Teachers
Chua Bee Leng

Practices of Inquiry: Through the Lense of the Student Teachers
Published 2017

Editor: Dr Chua Bee Leng

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e-Portfolio in Teacher Education: Our Journey
Chua Bee Leng
Caroline Koh
Png Lay Hoon, Jessie
Tan Geok Chin, Ivy

e-Portfolio in Teacher Education: Our Journey
Published 2015

Dr Chua Bee Leng
A/P Chua Caroline Koh
Dr Jessie Png
A/P Ivy Geok Chin Tan

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Contribute a Chapter

We invite you to join us in a transformative endeavour by contributing your unique learning journey to our upcoming Professional Practice and Inquiry (PPI) publications. Your experiences, challenges, and triumphs in developing your teacher identity and reflective practice will not only inspire fellow educators but also serve as a guide for those embarking on a similar path. This carefully curated collection aims to cultivate a community of shared wisdom, offering invaluable insights for pre-service teachers in Singapore and beyond. Your narrative has the potential to illuminate the diverse landscape of the teaching profession, creating a rich tapestry of knowledge that empowers the next generation of educators. Come join us in celebrating the remarkable learning journey of pre-service teachers and making a lasting impact on the field of education.

Write to [email protected] today.