Three Competency Dimensions

The three Competency Dimensions place focus on the competencies of graduands and are synced to the three professional values, that is, Commitment to the Learner, Commitment to the Profession, and Commitment to the Community. In each category, a list of competencies highlights the competencies the student teacher has developed at NIE.




  • Has strong professional values and uphold professional ethos and ethics
  • Has a clear sense of teacher identity
  • Has in-depth pedagogical content and assessment knowledge
  • Engage in evidence-informed and interdisciplinary practice
  • Inspire students' learning
  • Harness educational and technological developments for teaching and learning

Professional Practice positions the teacher as a professional with the ethos and ethics expected of an educator. It is also pertinent that teachers have a clear sense of teacher identity as it stands at the core of the profession (Beauchamp & Thomas, 2009). An awareness of one's personhood during initial teacher preparation provides an understanding of current self and practices. This forms the foundation for growth in professional development.



  • Demonstrate good character and integrity
  • Have 21st Century competencies and dispositions (e.g., empathy, resilience, passion, adaptability, respect for diversity, creativity)
  • Embrace an open and growth mindset
  • Engage in reflection and lifelong learning
  • Engage in self-regulation and foster personal well-being

Personal Growth and Development expresses the understanding that teachers take charge of their lifelong development, personal development, and career to be professionals who create new value that is appropriate for the context and time they are in.



  • Think systemically and understand multiple perspectives on national and global issues
  • Take initiatives to be an agent of educational change
  • Communicate and collaborate with fellow educators, stakeholders, and the community for the learning and well-being of students
  • Identify with the educational community and contribute to a strong professional identity

Leadership and Agency promotes the understanding of the teacher as an agent of educational change (see 5 Roles of Graduands as Future-ready Teachers) and one who exercises agency in his or her profession. This leadership and agency are also developed as student teachers become systemic thinkers who are cognisant of national, regional, and global developments that influence their students.



Beauchamp, C., & Thomas, L. (2009). Understanding teacher identity: an overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(2), 175-189.