Dr Chang Chew Hung

Teaches Geography and Environmental Education

Living in times of unprecedented change, there is a gradual shift across our planet. Everyone has a part to play in climate change that is impacting our lives in so many ways. Known for his passion in environmental and sustainability education, Dr Chang Chew Hung focuses on climate change misconception diagnostics and technology-enabled instruction. Lead a more impactful life and find out how you can make a difference to the world we live in.

Discover about the science of climate change and the impact you can make to the environment. Dr Chang will show you how to empower others with your knowledge and actions.

Browse Lesson Plan by Dr Chang Chew Hung

1 min 24 secs


Enhance your knowledge and make a difference to fighting climate change through your actions.

8 mins 34 secs

Chapter 1 - Geography of the Future

Immerse yourself in the beauty of geography, of studying nature and society, and interacting with human beings. Climate change is ongoing and our actions have an impact on the environment. Dr Chang shares why climate change is a great concern for us and what we can do to make our actions count.

With a deeper understanding of geography, you will discover how a change of temperature can cause a heat wave or high tide, hence impacting the environment around us. With the fragility of the eco system, this will result in a loss of biodiversity and natural habitat. Uncover the mystery of how global warming can affect the shift of climate pattern.

Find out how human activities have enhanced the greenhouse effect and increased the growth of the emission of carbon dioxide. Decide on the actions we can take to save the environment.

8 mins 06 secs

Chapter 2 - The Scientific Consensus

The topic of climate change has sparked uncertainty among the community. Dr Chang shares the commitment of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change comprising of scientists providing interdisciplinary ways to understand and update the knowledge of climate change.

Understanding climate science is a long term phenomenon. Dr Chang shows how the impact of temperature trends on the weather patterns can change the climate system. With this knowledge, you will find the urgency to protect the environment. When we understand the causes of climate change and the impact on our lives, we will change our mindset on climate change. With a collective effort, our actions to reduce carbon footprint will have a substantial impact.

Discover how Gardens By The Bay, a zero carbon facility, helps to regulate the environment with the use of solar energy. Imagine what we can do if all organisation and companies apply the same mindset and act to change the energy footprint.

5 mins 39 secs

Chapter 3 - Think Like a Scientist

When we have a better understanding of what causes climate change and the impact on the environment, we realise the significance of our actions on the environment. Backed by research findings and scientific knowledge by scientists, you will be challenged to change your mindset and be proactive in protecting the environment.

Dr Chang emphasises the need in educating to empower, take action and be in the present. We are reminded to be conscious of our behaviour and develop a sense of what it means to be a human being on earth. Learn how to empower others by sharing our knowledge of climate change.

As custodians of our environment, we inherit a rich diversity of life. Let us leave a legacy to our future generations.