Dr Tan Aik Ling

Teaches Natural Sciences & Science Education

Have you ever received links to articles sent by friends or loved ones who believe you will benefit from its contents? Perhaps a diet that works wonders for your heart or how you should avoid certain foods because they are linked to certain illnesses? Hopefully, the first question you ask yourself is, “Is it scientifically supported?”

Learn to ask the right questions in this Education Launchpad by Dr Tan Aik Ling, whose passion and research interests lie in inquiry-based learning of science. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, it is becoming very important to know how to separate what is true from what is false. Misinformation of this nature, or what Dr Tan refers to as pseudo science, can be harmful to genuine efforts to improve the world.

Through introducing real-world case studies and the methods of different scientific studies, she will equip you with the scientific literacy skills you need to get useful answers to the questions you want to ask.

Browse Lesson Plan by Dr Tan Aik Ling

1 min 38 secs


Knowledge is king but misinformation is also a real problem in today’s world. Some of the most easily shared articles are often on lifestyle, health and diet. They could be debunking myths on foods, touting the best diet or promoting holistic ways to treat ailments. Many of these could be immediately relevant to us. But how do we know what is true and what is false?

We are all looking for answers so what we really need are skills to separate good science from bad. Join us in Dr Tan Aik Ling’s Education Launchpad where she will show you how to do this like a true scientist.

14 mins 19 secs

Chapter 1 - Dealing with Pseudoscience

Scientific literacy is applicable to many aspects of your life even as a lay person. Being equipped with this skill can help you in your everyday life – from making informed food choices while grocery shopping to rating the accuracy of a health article you just read.

Are GMO foods really bad? How do we tell if an article’s claims are valid? In this chapter, Dr Tan highlights four important points you should look out for in determining whether a claim has been thoroughly researched before it is presented as a fact. Knowing these important steps will fuel your interest in thinking like a scientific investigator and questioning what you read. Learn to look beyond what is presented and go behind the scenes to check out facts and motives.

With the new skills and knowledge you possess comes responsibility. How do you stop the spread of false information, especially if it comes from well-meaning loved ones? Enjoy the challenge of turning it into a win-win!

13 mins 50 secs

Chapter 2 - Making Scientifically-literate Choices

The scientific approach can be applied to many questions we have, from the diet we choose to conventional treatments such as Chinese acupuncture or even chicken soup.

When it comes to our diets, what can science offer in terms of determining what is right for us? In this chapter, Dr Tan guides you through three kinds of scientific studies and how they arrive at their conclusions. She also examines the legitimacy of the highly popular ketogenic diet. Does it really help with preventing epileptic seizures in young children or in managing Type 2 Diabetes? How did scientists arrive at their answers? Do look out for the twist that raises a number of other questions!

Enjoy learning the skills of scientific inquiry, but most of all, discover the joy in the pursuit of the truth. Knowing this first step is vital to understanding how we can focus on the right information that can help us change our lives for the better.