Cross-recognition with NHG DSRB
Cross-recognition with NHG DSRB
NTU-IRB and National Healthcare Group (NHG) DSRB have agreed to cooperate and enable cross-recognition of each other's ethics review, thereby eliminating dual reviews of the same research protocol. Collaborative studies involving both NTU and NHG investigators can be reviewed by either Party's IRB, and should be submitted by the Lead PI to their respective institution's IRB. If the collaborative research involves patients/medical/dental records or databases from NHG institutions, ethics review must be made through NHG DSRB.
NTU-PIs who have obtained DSRB approval are required to notify NTU-IRB by submitting your DSRB approval letter through ERMP (choose "NHG DSRB Approved Project" option). NTU-IRB will issue a letter of notification stating that the application has been approved by NHG DSRB and no review is required by NTU-IRB based on the mutual recognition agreement.
Please click below for a list of FAQs on this cross-recognition.