Recruitment by External Institutions

Recruitment by external institutions


The following guidelines are intended to offer guidance to researchers from external institutions on advertising and recruitment of research subjects in NTU community for their studies.

Once the study has been approved by the respective IRB, the Principal Investigator from the external Institutions should submit the following to NTU-IRB (​) for review:

  • IRB approval letter from the respective Institutional Review Board
  • Advertising/recruitment material(s). This needs to be in line with  NTU-IRB’s advertising requirements
  • Contact details of the external Institutional Review Board that approved the study protocol for our verification

The ​NTU-IRB Secretariat will review a final version of the advertisement/recruitment materials in order to evaluate the impact of design details such as photographs, images, font sizes, styles and other visual effects before approval can be granted. The NTU-IRB Secretariat will ONLY review the information contained in the advertisement and the mode of its communication as the respective Institutional IRB is expe​cted to rev​iew all the research-related documents and activities and ensure that the rights and welfare of research subjects are protected. The NTU-IRB Secretariat will contact the respective Institutional Review Board and verify the authenticity of the project.