Guide on camera or CCTV images/videos (and camera or CCTV installation)

​The use of CCTV images for research requires IRB review and approval, as images of people (and even car license plates) are personal data, and hence considered to be human subjects research.

IRB will consider if the CCTV images are obtained from public or private areas within NTU.

 Public areasPrivate areas
ExamplesNTU canteens, public corridors, roads, etc. NTU LTs, Seminar rooms, Labs, Offices, etc.
Approval requirementsObtain approval from NTU-IRB prior to requesting from Campus SecurityObtain approval from NTU-IRB prior to requesting from relevant Schools/ Institutes/ Centers. 
Consent requirementsConsent from participants is not required for public areas. 
As a good practice, a signboard should be displayed notifying people that a video recording is taking place for research purposes. 
Consent from participants must be explicitly obtained. For individuals who do not agree to participate in the research, they should be allowed to leave the room. 
Storage & Handling requirements of images

As images of people are considered personal data under PDPA, these should be classified as Confidential data. 
Video images should not be published nor shared with external parties/ collaborators. 

If necessary, video images may be anonymised to maintain confidentiality, but is still subjected to the university's data retention policies
Refer to NTU's Data Governance Policy for further info. 


Installation of video cameras for research

For investigators who wish to install new video cameras and to subsequently use the recorded images for research purposes, approval from IRB is similarly required. IRB will review to ensure cameras are appropriately located.

Temporary installationE.g. on a tripod for classroom recordingsInvestigators can proceed to install cameras as described in your IRB-approved protocol. 
Permanent installationE.g. on a ceiling inside a lab, or above a lamp-post.Investigators are to obtain approval from IRB prior to installation by ODFM