ABCC-2024-006: “Unsustainability in Sustainable Urban Farming: Paradox of Apollo Aquaculture Group (AAG)”

Category: Sustainability

Abstract: Apollo Aquaculture Group (AAG) is a Singapore-based high-tech aquaculture company specializing in both ornamental fish and seafood production. Founded by Eric Ng, AAG evolved from his father's ornamental fish business into urban vertical fish farming. AAG became a symbol of innovation in the aquaculture industry that contributed to Singapore's "30 by 30" food security vision, which is aimed at meeting 30% of the nation's nutritional needs through local food production by 2030. This case explores the challenges faced by AAG and the broader sustainable urban fish farming industry, providing valuable insights into innovation, sustainability, and economic viability in aquaculture.

ABCC-2024-006: “Unsustainability in Sustainable Urban Farming : Paradox of Apollo Aquaculture Group”