Muhammad Ariff Ahmad (MAS) Postgraduate Scholarship

Muhammad Ariff Ahmad (MAS) Postgraduate Scholarship is initiated in honor of Dr Muhammad Ariff Ahmad, a highly regarded Malay scholar whose encyclopedic knowledge and contributions in the fields of Malay literature, culture, education and language are pivotal in shaping and advancing Malay cultural studies in Singapore and the region.

The MAS Postgraduate Scholarship is dedicated to generate further Malay language, literature, education and culture corpuses by inviting applicants who are pursuing postgraduate studies in Nanyang Technological University.

Applicants for MA and PhD MAS scholarship are to enroll in Nanyang Technological University.


Applicants for MA and PhD scholarship should not concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary during the prescribed period of the MAS Scholarship.

For MA candidates:Open to Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents with First Class or Second Class (Upper Division) Honours only.
For PhD Candidates:Open to all with excellent academic record, regardless of nationality.


Field of Study

Malay Studies (including all areas related to the Malay community, viz. language, literature, culture, education, religion, etc.) Research on the work of Muhammad Ariff Ahmad will be given preference.

Value of Award

  • Masters Degree - $15,000

  • Doctor of Philosophy - $25,000

Disbursement of the Award

Masters Degree
  • $5,000 will be disbursed to the successful applicant upon registration for the MA degree programme in the first semester, and the balance of $10,000 to be disbursed upon confirmation of the applicant’s candidature.
Doctor of Philosophy
  • $5,000 will be disbursed to the successful applicant in the first semester of the PhD programme, $10,000 will be disbursed upon confirmation of the applicant’s candidature, and the balance of $10,000 will be disbursed upon submission of good progress report from the supervisor, at least one year after confirmation of candidature.

Application period and closing date

  • Application period: 15th February to 15th April of each calendar year

  • The application form for Scholarship can be found here.

  • All application forms with attached supporting documents must reach ALC/NIE before the closing date of 15th April.

    Asian Languages & Cultures Academic Group 
    National Institute of Education 
    1 Nanyang Walk 
    Singapore 637616

If you have any enquiries about MAS Scholarship / Research Grant, please email to, attention to Mrs Catherine Neubronner-Lim, Manager, Asian Languages & Cultures Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Singapore.

A brochure on the scholarship can be downloaded here.