Pradap Kow Scholarship

The Pradap Kow Scholarship Fund is an endowment established by the estate of Mr Koh Choon Joo (deceased) in remembrance of his wife, Madam Pradap Kow who was also a teacher during her time. The income generated from the invested fund is used to fund postgraduate scholarships.

Eligibility to Apply

1. Successful recipients must enroll in either a Master’s by Research programme or a selected Master’s by Coursework programme at NIE.

2. The area of research or dissertation shall have direct implications or relevance for pedagogy or education policy in Singapore.

3. Preference shall be given to Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents.

4. Eligible Master’s by Coursework programmes include:

  • Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics)
  • Master of Arts (Applied Psychology)
  • Master of Arts (Educational Management)
  • Master of Arts (Instructional Design and Technology)
  • Master of Arts in Humanities Education
  • Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language
  • Master of Science (Exercise and Sport Studies)
  • Master of Science (Life Sciences)
  • Master of Science (Science of Learning)


5. Students in Master’s by Coursework programmes must receive approval to pursue the Dissertation track before applying for the Scholarship.

Tenure of Award

  1. Master’s by Research
    • The Scholarship shall be awarded for a maximum of two years of study for both full-time and part-time students.
  2. Master’s by Coursework
    • The scholarship shall be disbursed to the recipient in one lump sum.

Value of Award

1. Master’s by Research (Full-time)

  • The monthly stipend is shown in the table below.
CitizenshipMonthly Stipend
Singapore Citizen (SC)$3,200
Permanent Resident (PR)$2,400
International Student (IS)$2,300
  • For Singapore Citizens, Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions shall be provided at the prevailing employer's contribution rate set by CPF, in addition to the monthly stipend.
  • The Scholarship will cover tuition fees for a maximum of two years of study.
  • There shall be no bond of service in Singapore attached to the Scholarship.


2. Master’s by Research (Part-time)

  • The Scholarship will cover tuition fees for a maximum of two years of study.
  • There shall be no bond of service in Singapore attached to the Scholarship.

    3. Master’s by Coursework

    • Each award is valued at $20,000.
    • There shall be no bond of service in Singapore attached to the Scholarship.

    Selection Criteria

    • Applicants shall be considered based on their academic record, research proposal (if applicable), references, and work experience.
    • Applicants would also be required to meet the general entry requirements for the Master’s programme and other specific requirements.

    Withdrawal of Award

    The scholarship may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the progress or behaviour of the scholarship recipient is deemed unsatisfactory.

    To Apply

    1. Master’s by Research: Applications must be made on the prescribed form and uploaded to the online application system for admission.
    2. Master’s by Coursework: Applications must be made on the prescribed form. Students must submit the completed application form to the respective Programme Leader by 7 April 2025.