Liow Shiang Swee Grace
Designation Teaching Fellow | Email grace.liow@nie.edu.sg | |
Department Humanities & Social Studies Education (HSSE) | Office Telephone Number 67903589 |
Mdm Grace Liow is a teaching fellow at the Humanities and Social Studies Education Academic Group in the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She has 17 years of teaching experience in an MOE school as a key personnel. She teaches mainly preservice and inservice courses for Primary Social Studies in NIE.
Mdm Liow's passion lies in the teaching of humanities in education. Her current area of interest is to leverage on technology mediated tools in inquiry-based learning. In recognition of her passion in teaching, Mdm Liow received the Most Caring Teacher Award presented by NIE & Exxon Mobile in 2004. In January 2014, she completed a milestone programme at NIE – Management and Leadership in Schools. That same year, she also received the National Day Commendation Award. Mdm Liow is also the recipient of the NIE Innovation Team Award in 2019 as well as the MOE Long Service Award (20 years) in 2021.
- Social Studies Primary Inquiry-based learning
- Social Studies Primary field-based learning
- Geography Assessment and Inquiry Fieldwork
- Social Studies Primary Education
- Geography Education
- Singapore Kaleidoscope (Coordinator and tutor)
Funded Project
Singapore Kaleidoscope Video Production
COPI: LIOW Shiang Swee Grace
Duration: 2017 - 2019
Sim, H. H. & Liow, S. S. G. (2021). Inquiry-Based Fieldwork for Children’s Localities and Beyond in Primary Social Studies: Student Teachers’ Understandings, Concerns and Suggestions. In Sim, H. H. & Sim T. Y. H. (Eds.) Fieldwork in Humanities Education in Singapore (PP. 113-130). Singapore: Springer.