
Copyright and Commercial Use

*Please note that all questionnaires on this web site, developed for research on various areas of child and human development, are copyrighted. You are welcome to use the instruments for your own research projects. However, you may not use any of them for any commercial purposes without written permission to do so from its originators.


The following questionnaires have been developed/revised and validated for use with Singapore participants.


I. Ability Scales: Athletic Ability Beliefs: Conceptions of the Nature of Athletic Ability Questionnaire Version 2 (CNAAQ-2)

The CNAAQ-2 assesses incremental and entity beliefs. Incremental beliefs are assessed through two subscales 'Learning'. and 'Improvement'. Entity beliefs are measured through two subscales 'Stable' and 'Gift'. The questionnaire was validated with the secondary students in Singapore and United Kingdom to provide evidence of cross-cultural applicability.

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I. Ability Scales: Test of Early Mathematics Ability – Third Edition (TEMA-3)

The Test of Early Mathematics Ability-Third Edition is a widely used measure of mathematics knowledge for children aged 3 years to 8 years 11 months. It tests formal and informal mathematics knowledge of children and has been validated with 971 K1 children of Singapore. Informal mathematical knowledge is assessed through four categories of items: a) numbering, b) number comparisons, c) calculation and d) concepts. Formal mathematical knowledge is assessed through four categories of items: a) numeral literacy, b) number facts, c) calculation and d) concepts.

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II. Behavioural Assessments and Regulations: Abilities in Behavior Assessment and Intervention for Teachers - Revised (ABAIT-R)

he Ability in Behavior Assessment an Interventions for Teachers – Revised (ABAIT-R) scale evaluates teacher competencies in behavior supports within Singapore. This scale has been assessed and validated on Singapore special educators. It consists of 30 multiple choice questionnaires with 2 areas that are Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) (15 items) and Behavioural Intervention Plan (BIP) (15 items).

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II. Behavioral Assessments and Regulations: Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS)

The Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS; Bronson et al., 1990) was developed to assess children’s classroom goal -oriented behavior and self-regulation strategies used in academic and social settings. The 20-item CBRS was validated in Singapore with 5-to-7-year-old children (Kindergarten 1 & 2 and Primary 1) and assesses three factors: learning-related social skills (12 items), basic interpersonal skills (5 items) and advanced interpersonal skills (3 items).

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II. Behavioural Assessments and Regulations: Skills and Needs Inventories – Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention (SNI-FBAI)

SNI-FBAI or the Skills and Needs Inventories in Functional Behavior Assessment and Interventions evaluates perceived skills and current needs in Functional Behavior Assessment and behavior interventions among special educators in Singapore. This scale could be used to evaluate skills or training needs or both in behavior supports among teachers. SNI-FBAI has been validates with Singapore SPED personnel’s. SNI-FBAI can be used along with the ABAIT-R as a progress monitoring tool for training/professional development purposes, administering the ABAIT-R first followed by the SNI-FBAI is recommended.

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III. Classroom Qualities and Interactions: Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) Pre-K is used to measure three domains of teacher-child interactional quality in preschool classrooms. A bifactor model of the CLASS was validated in preschools and early intervention classrooms in Singapore. This model has one general (Responsive Teaching) and two specific factors (Proactive Management and Routines, Cognitive Facilitation).

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III. Classroom Qualities and Interactions: Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised

The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) is an observational measure of the quality of early childhood environments. Based on data from 108 classrooms of the main providers of kindergarten programs in Singapore, the validation of ECERS-R resulted in a 22-item scale with two factors: Activities/Materials (14 items) and Language/ Interactions (8 items).

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IV. Learning and Life Skills: Revised Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Revised MSLQ)

The Revised MSLQ (28 items), validated with secondary (junior high) school students in Singapore, assesses five factors: intrinsic value (5 items), self-efficacy (6 items), test anxiety (4 items), learning strategies (10 items, include 6 items on cognitive strategies and 4 items on self-regulation), and lack of self-regulation (3 items).

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IV. Learning and Life Skills: Life Effectiveness Questionnaire-H (LEQ-H)

The LEQ-H was designed to measure life effectiveness. It is normally used for the evaluation of the effects of psychosocial intervention programmes on a person’s life skills. The LEQ-H was validated in the Singapore context to assess seven dimensions of students’ life skills in Project Work. The seven factors were: Time Management, Social Competence, Achievement Motivation, Task Leadership, Emotional Control, Active Initiative, and Self-Confidence.

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V. Language Development: Parental Questionnaire for Quantity and Quality of Media Screens in Early Education and Development (QQ-MediaSEED)

QQ-MediaSEED is a parental questionnaire aimed to capture the quantity and quality of screen media usage by bilingual children in Singapore. This scale has been validated on 3-6years old bilingual students in Singapore. QQ-MediaSEED has 3 subscales: 'Demographics' containing questions on demographic and child’s general environment (30 items); 'Digital Media Use' focuses on children’s digital media use at home (14 items) and 'Parental Mediation' focuses on parental mediation of children’s digital media use at home (7 items).

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VIII. Motivation: 3 x 2 Achievement Goals Questionnaire in Sport (3x2 AGQ for Sport)

The 3x2 AGQ for Sport validated with university athletes in Singapore, assesses student’s achievement goals through 6 subscales, that is, task-approach, task-avoidance, self-approach, self-avoidance, other-approach, and other-avoidance goals.

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IX. Personality: Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children -Revised (NPQC-R)

NPQC-R is a revised version of NPQC measure of narcissism in non-clinical child and adolescent samples. It is a 12-item scale with two subscales that is, superiority (6 items); exploitativeness (6 items). The scale is validated with two independent adolescent school-based samples (n=479 & n= 470) in Singapore.

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X. Psychological Resources: Psychological Capital-School Psychological Capital Scale

Psychological capital(psycap) refers to the psychological resources of hope, efficacy resilience, and optimism. School Psychological Capital scale was developed for use in the school settings and assess dimensions of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism. This scale has been validated for the school aged students in Singapore.

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X. Psychological Resources: Resilience- School Resilience Scale

The School Resilience Scale (SRS) serves as a more comprehensive and theoretically grounded measure for student’s school resilience and assesses four related to social and school domains factors; Academic factors (5 items); Social-Family factors (3 items); Social-Peer factors (4 items); Social-Teachers factors (4 items). This scale has assessed been validated on the adolescent secondary school students in Singapore.

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XI. Relationships and Social Perceptions: Teacher-Student Relationship Inventory (TSRI)

Teacher–Student Relationship Inventory (TSRI), is a brief self-report measure of the teacher’s perception of the quality of teacher–student interactions. TSRI was developed for use with older children and early adolescents and validated for primary and secondary students in Singapore. It assesses three factors instrumental help (5 items), satisfaction (5 items) and conflict (4 items).

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XI. Relationships and Social Perceptions: Student Version of Teacher-Student Relationship Inventory (S-TSRI)

S-TSRI scale is a 14 item scale anchored on attachment theory. S-TSRI is adapted from the Teacher-Student Relationship Inventory (TSRI) to reflect the perspective of students instead of teachers. Students rate the quality of a specific dyadic teacher-student relationship (e.g., the form teacher of a particular class). This scale has been developed and validated with primary students in Singapore and comprises three factors, instrumental help (5 items); satisfaction (5 items) and conflict (4 items).

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XI. Relationships and Social Perception: NEPSY-II Affect Recognition Subtest

The NEPSY-II: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment (Korkman et al., 2007) assesses the neuropsychological development of children between the ages of 3 years and 16 years and 11 months. The NEPSY-II Affect Recognition subtest is a promising measure of young children’s affect recognition ability and was validated with 1222 Singapore preschool children.

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XII. Well-Being: Academic Expectations Stress Inventory (AESI)

The Academic Expectations Stress Inventory (AESI), measures expectations as a source of academic stress in middle and high school Asian students through 2 subscales, that is, expectations of parents/teachers (5 items) and expectations of self (4 items). AESI is validated on the adolescent sample in Singapore and has also been validated on samples from other countries and cultures.

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