VIII. Motivation: 3 x 2 Achievement Goals Questionnaire in Sport (3x2 AGQ for Sport)


Within the achievement goal theory research, different labels or forms of achievement goals have been identified by different researchers such as Ames (1984), Dweck (1986), Maehr (Maehr & Nicholls, 1980), and Nicholls (1989). Despite the different labels, there is a common agreement that two major achievement goals operate in achievement settings. The first goal perspective focuses on self-referenced mastery or learning how to do the task and is labelled by terms such as “learning”, “mastery”, and “task-involved” goals. The second perspective emphasizes normative comparison of ability or performance relative to others and is labelled by terms such as “performance”, “ability”, and “ego-involved” goals (Pintrich, 2000). Both of these goals are approach in nature (Ames, 1992; Nicholls, Cheung, Lauer, & Patashnick, 1989). In recent years, the two achievement goals have developed into a trichotomous goal framework (Elliot & Harackiewicz, 1996) with the addition of approach and avoidance dimensions, refinement into a 2 × 2 achievement goal framework (Elliot, 1999), and more recently, a 3 × 2 achievement goal model (Elliot, Murayama, & Pekrun, 2011) was proposed.


The purpose of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the 3 × 2 achievement goal questionnaire (AGQ) for sport. A total of 475 university athletes (263 males, 212 females), ranging from 20 to 29 years of age (M= 24.27, SD = 2.30) took part in the study. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported the measurement model of the 3 × 2 AGQ as well as the invariance of the measurement model across gender and type of sport. There were inconsistent loadings to the hypothesised latent factors in the uncorrelated-trait and uncorrelated-method to support the existence of the dual meaning models. Generally, the 3 × 2 achievement goals were linked to other key variables central to the achievement goal literature in a theoretically coherent manner. This study supported the use of the 3 × 2 achievement goal measure in the sport domain. Finally, the findings suggest some cultural differences between Singaporean and Western athletes in the conceptualization of approach and avoidance tendencies.

Scales and Subscales

The 3x2 AGQ for Sport consists of 6 subscales, that is, task-approach, task-avoidance, self-approach, self-avoidance, other-approach, and other-avoidance goals.


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Elliot, A. J., Murayama, K., & Pekrun, R. (2011). A 3 X 2 achievement goal model. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(3), 632–648.      

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Wang, C. K. J., Liu, W. C., Sun, Y., & Chua, L. L. (2017). Psychometric properties of the 3 x 2 achievement goal questionnaire for sport. International Journal of Sport and       Exercise Psychology, 15(5), 460-474. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2016.1142458