NIE ERFP Projects (2008 - 2012)

Proj Ref no. Proj Title Project PI Research Brief URL, if any
OER 01/08 SW Early Intervention of Malay Preschool Teachers in Promoting Children's Mathematics Learning (Mendaki Pilot Project) Prof Susan Kay Wright
OER 02/08 KL Age and Individual Differences in Mathematical Abilities : From Kindergarten to Secondary School (Continuation) Assoc Prof Kerry Lee
OER 03/08 TSC Evaluation of Implementation of IT Masterplan 3 and Its Impact on Singapore Schools - Instrumentation and Baseline Study (Project Completed) Assoc Prof Tan Seng Chee 
OER 04/08 SL Teaching Diverse Learners: Conceptualisations and Pedagogies of Preschool Teachers Asst Prof Lim May Yin, Sirene  
OER 05/08 SL Exploring the Emerging Identities of Special Needs Officers in Singapore Primary and Secondary Schools Asst Prof Lim May Yin, Sirene 
OER 06/08 SHJ Towards a Community of Practice: Teachers' Meaning Making Using Video for Examining Technology Integration Practices Assoc Prof So Hyo-Jeong  
OER 07/08 WQY Investigating the Affordances of Facebook for Collaborative Learning Assoc Prof Wang Qiyun  
OER 08/08 HKF Students' Knowledge Construction in Asynchronous Online Discussions: Analysis of Group Size, Duration of Online Discussion and Facilitation Techniques Asst Prof Hew Khe Foon  
OER 09/08 PT A Study of the Implementation of the Understanding by Design (UbD) Curriculum Design Framework at Raffles Girls' School, Singapore Prof Taylor Peter Gordon 
OER 10/08 MDP An Exploratory Study of the Effectiveness of a Literature-driven English Curriculum in Improving the English Language Skills of Normal (Technical) Students Asst Prof Mary Delfin Pereira  
OER 11/08 ZSH Study of Chinese Language Oral Competence of Primary School Students - Exploring Effectiveness of the Newly Implemented Curriculum Dr Zhao Shouhui 
OER 12/08 CG Promoting Talk: A Study of Frequency, Contextual Conditions and Variation in Transitions Between Whole-class Teaching to Group Work in Primary and Secondary Classrooms Prof Goh Chuen Meng, Christine  
OER 13/08 JY Understanding the Development of Students' Abstract Concepts in Electromagnetic Induction Using Visualisation-based Instruction Asst Prof Yeo Ai Choo, Jennifer  
OER 14/08 LYJ The Fidelity of Implementation of an Innovative Science Programme in a Secondary School Assoc Prof Lee Yew Jin  
OER 15/08 SW A Development Project for the Scoping of the Singapore Early Years Longitudinal Study Prof Susan Kay Wright 
OER 16/08 WME From Beliefs to Practice: Students with Visual Impairments, Teachers and Their Perspectives on Assistive Technology Assoc Prof Wong Meng Ee 
OER 17/08 SZ Glocalising Quest Atlantis: Globalising and Localising an Interactive Digital Medium for Learning and Teaching Asst Prof Zuiker Steven John  
OER 18/08 ZHE Investigation of Students' Difficulties in Understanding Fundamental Thermodynamic Concepts in Everyday Contexts Asst Prof Z Hye Eun  
OER 19/08 FYP IDM-supported and Web-based Cognitive Tools to Build Virtual Community of Practice (VCoP) for Teachers and Students in Mathematics Problem Solving Assoc Prof Fang Yanping  
OER 20/08 SW Early Intervention of Malay Preschool Teachers in Promoting Children's Mathematics Learning (Mendaki Main Project) Prof Susan Kay Wright  
OER 21/08 CWL Pre-Service Teachers in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment: One-to-One Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Assoc Prof Chen Wenli 
OER 22/08 ZBH Sustaining and Scaling up Modeling and Visualisation Technologies Enhanced Inquiry-based Science Learning (MVT II) Asst Prof Zhang Baohui  
OER 23/08 GP Enhancing Preservice Teachers' Professional Growth Through Reflections Using Videos Assoc Prof Doris Choy  
OER 24/08 SD GenSing 2: Pedagogy, Content and Teacher Tools in the Generative Classroom, a GenSing Project Dr Sarah Margaret Davis  
OER 25/08 LZ Enhancing Singaporean Students' Motivation, Efficacy, Engagement, and Self-regulation for More Effective Bilingual/Biliteracy Learning Assoc Prof Zhang Jun, Lawrence  
OER 26/08 CH Engagement, Expression and Embodiment: Bridging Multimodal Literacies and Language Arts Through Constructing an Interactive Virtual Museum Asst Prof Ho Mei Lin, Caroline 
OER 27/08 PT Multimodal Literacy in English Language and Literature Teaching: The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a One-to-One Wireless Laptop Programme in a Singapore High School Dr Phillip Alexander Towndrow 
OER 28/08 VV Building English Competencies in Bilingual Underachievers: A Baseline Study of Singapore's Learning Support Program Assoc Prof Viniti Vaish 
OER 29/08 RS The Impact of Negotiation for Meaning on Reading Comprehension Among Singapore Primary Students Assoc Prof Rita Elaine Silver  
OER 30/08 SP Formative Assessments of Reading Comprehension Prof Paris George Scott  
OER 31/08 SP Scaling Up Smart Pen Technology for Primary One Reading Assessments Prof Paris George Scott  
OER 32/08 TTL (M-ProSE) Mathematical Problem Solving for Everyone Assoc Prof Toh Tin Lam  
OER 33/08 MAH Singapore Big Math for Little Kids: Developing Understanding of Foundation Mathematics Among Identified, Low-Achieving Primary 1 Students Assoc Prof Heng Huan Gek, Mary Anne  
OER 34/08 BK An Exploratory Study of Low Attainers in Primary Maths Prof Berinderjeet Kaur 
OER 35/08 JS Towards Engaged Citizens: Singapore Students' Civic Knowledge, Participation, Attitudes and Perceptions Assoc Prof Sim Boon Yee Jasmine  
OER 36/08 ED An Examination of Creative Music Making in the General Music Programme (GMP) Assoc Prof Eugene Iruthayaraj Dairianathan  
OER 37/08 LC Arts Research on Teachers and Students (ARTS): Pedagogies and Practices Prof Hung Wei Loong, David  
OER 38/08 PD Developing Data Visualisation Techniques for Enhancing Professional Development: Viewing Patterns of Discourse and Disciplinarity in Classroom Corpus Data Asst Prof Paul Grahame Doyle  
OER 39/08 DH Life Pathways Analysis Project Prof David John Hogan  
OER 40/08 RS Investigating Conceptual Change and Its Association with Secondary School Students' Epistemological Beliefs Assoc Prof Subramaniam s/o Ramanathan  
OER 41/08 AK An Investigation of Gaming Effects and Interventions for Young Gamers in Singapore Assoc Prof Angeline Khoo  
OER 42/08 VH Social Problem-Solving Skills Gaming for Children Assoc Prof Huan Swee Leng, Vivien  
OER 45/08 FLH The Singapore Mathematics Pedagogy and Assessment (Phase Two) Project Assoc Prof Fan Lianghuo  
OER 46/08 FSK PB 11 @ School : A Large Scale Study on the Effect of "Physics by Inquiry" Pedagogy on Secondary One Students' Attitude and Aptitude in Science Dr Wong Jon Sien, Darren 
OER 47/08 MS Curriculum Implementation in Early Primary Schooling in Singapore (CIEPSS) - Stage 1 Assoc Prof Rita Elaine Silver 
OER 48/08 LS Non-cognitive Skills and Singaporean Students: International Comparisons Prof Lazar Stankov  
OER 49/08 KL Age and Individual Differences in Mathematical Abilities: From Kindergarten to Secondary Schools Assoc Prof Kerry Lee  
OER 50/08 MK Designing for Productive Failure Assoc Prof Manu Kapur  
OER 51/08 MB Using Web-Based Tools to Support Source Work and Inquiry in Social Studies Assoc Prof Mark Charles Baildon 
OER 52/08 ZSH Effectiveness of the Chinese Modular Curriculum in Singapore Primary Schools: An Evaluation Study Dr Zhao Shouhui  
OER 01/09 DH CORE 2 Research Programme Pilot Study: Pedagogy and Assessment Prof David John Hogan  
OER 02/09 SP A Baseline Study of Assessment Practices in P1 and P2 Classrooms Prof Paris George Scott  
OER 03/09 PT Developing a Model of a Cycle of Fast Learning (CFL) Prof Taylor Peter Gordon  
OER 04/09 KM Enhancing Inquiry-Based Teaching Through Collaboration Between Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers Assoc Prof Tan Aik Ling  
OER 05/09 LYT The Starling Project: Representations of Collaborative Learning Through the Development of an Education-Focused Client Viewer for Second Life Dr Lim Yang Teck, Kenneth  
OER 06/09 KN Developing Baseline Data About Existing Assessment Practices in Literacy and Numeracy in P1/P2 Classrooms Dr Nirmala Karuppiah  
OER 07/09 HS Literacy in Learning Science: A Vygotskian Approach Assoc Prof Lee Yew Jin  
OER 08/09 YLS Inclusive Education in Singapore Primary School Classrooms Assoc Prof Yeo Lay See 
OER 09/09 SMR Teachers as Researchers: Using Evidence-based Practice in the Singapore Classroom Asst Prof Shobana Musti Rao  
OER 10/09 YCH WebQuest: A Useful Teaching Tool to Promote Higher Order Thinking and ICT Integration in ECSE Teacher Preparation Asst Prof Yang Chien-Hui  
OER 11/09 KNK Experiential Learning in Authentic Learning Environments: An Impact Study of Retail Experience for Active Learning (Real) Dr Koh Noi Keng 
OER 12/09 WKY Identification of Unique and Promising Practices in Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation Among APEC Economies: Singapore Participation Assoc Prof Wong Khoon Yoong  
OER 13/09 LEL Building an Evidence-base for Initial Teacher Preparation (ITP) in NIE: A Formative Project Prof Low Ee Ling  
OER 14/09 WLH A Mobile Assisted Language Learning Environment to Improve Primary School Pupils' Attitudes and Competencies in Chinese Proverb Learning and Writing Dr Wong Lung Hsiang  
OER 15/09 CJY An Investigation of Nonlinear Pedagogy and Its Application in Singapore Schools Assoc Prof Chow Jia Yi 
OER 16/09 MC Physical Inactivity, Physical Fitness, Metabolic Status and Academic Performance Amongst Secondary School Students in Singapore Prof Chia Yong Hwa, Michael
OER 17/09 EM Teacher and Learner Development Through Portfolio Pedagogy: An Implementation Study (terminated as PI has left) Prof Erica McWilliam  
OER 18/09 JE Empowering Metacognition Through Social-Emotional Learning Assoc Prof Ee Leong Choo, Jessie  
OER 19/09 DH Metacognition Within the Zone of Regulatory Development: Investigating the Dialectics Between Self- and Socio-Regulation in Traditional and Online Communities Prof Hung Wei Loong, David  
OER 20/09 DH Core 2 Research Programme: Pedagogy and Assessment Dr Phillip Alexander Towndrow 
OER 21/09 TSC Evaluation of IT Masterplan 3 - A Nationwide Longitudinal Study Assoc Prof Tan Seng Chee  
OER 22/09 PEW Identifying and Building Drama Pedagogical Practices in Singapore Asst Prof Wales Prudence Ellen  
OER 23/09 TLW Facilitators/Barriers to Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Utilisation in Schools and Other Educational Settings as Perceived by Singapore School Practitioners Dr Teh Laik Woon  
OER 24/09 SCM Classroom Assessment Practices of Secondary School Teachers of English in Singapore Asst Prof Shih Chih-Min 
OER 25/09 KP Supporting Students with Special Needs in Secondary Schools: A Study of Perspectives, Practices and Support Structures Assoc Prof Poon Kin Loong, Kenneth  
OER 26/09 TSY On-the-job School Counselling Supervision, Counsellor Self-Efficacy and Professionalism Enhancement Dr Tan Soo Yin  
OER 27/09 GQ Investigating Beginning Teachers’ Classroom Management Using Teacher-generated Cases Assoc Prof Quek Choon Lang, Gwendoline  
OER 28/09 SZ Participatory Visual Cultures In and Out of Singapore Schools Dr Jan Ming-Fong  
OER 29/09 BK Playing and Learning with Dinosaurs In and Out of School Boundaries: Games, Discourse, Shared Spaces for Earth Science Education Asst Prof Beaumie Kim  
OER 30/09 MSK An Embodied Modeling-Based Inquiry Activity Towards Participatory Learning Environments Dr Kim Mi Song  
OER 31/09 DH Investigating Identity Becoming Trajectories Within the Interplay of Spatial and Social Dimensions of Affinity Spaces Prof Hung Wei Loong, David  
OER 32/09 VC New Media Literacy of School Students in Singapore Assoc Prof Chen Der-Thanq, Victor 
OER 33/09 RS Talk , Language and Learning in P1/P2 Lessons Assoc Prof Rita Elaine Silver  
OER 34/09 YCH Implement an Online Research-based Intervention to Promote Mathematics Learning of Students With or Without Special Needs Asst Prof Yang Chien-Hui  
OER 35/09 XLC Biliteracy Development: Metalinguistic Knowledge and Bilingual Academic Performance Assoc Prof Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen  
OER 36/09 SP Assessment for Learning In Singapore Classrooms Prof Paris George Scott  
OER 37/09 HHQ Pedagogy and Disciplinarity of Singaporean Teachers' Classroom Discourse: A Corpus-based Integrated Approach Dr Hong Huaqing  
OER 38/09 PT Understanding the Integrated Program Student Identity: A Transitions Perspective Prof Paris George Scott  
OER 39/09 JW Learning for Life, Learning with Fun: Igniting Students' Intrinsic Motivation to Learn in the Classroom Prof Wang Chee Keng, John  
OER 40/09 JE Equipping Secondary Students with Metacognitive and Social-Emotional Competency Skills to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century Assoc Prof Ee Leong Choo, Jessie  
OER 41/09 SC International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Its Correlation with Teachers' Communicative Competence Assoc Prof Chong Nguik Yin, Sylvia  
OER 01/10 FLH The Singapore Mathematics Assessment and Pedagogy Project (Phase Three) Assoc Prof Wong Khoon Yoong  
OER 02/10 BK In-depth Analysis of Singapore’s TIMSS 2007 Data Prof Berinderjeet Kaur  
OER 03/10 CD Leadership and Organisational Change in Singapore Schools : A Baseline Study Assoc Prof Goh Wee Pin, Jonathan  
OER 04/10 LEL Building an Evidence-Base for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in NIE: A Bridging Project Prof Low Ee Ling  
OER 05/10 LYH Singapore Youth's Participation in New Media Ecologies - A Pilot Study Dr Liang Yee Hing, Rose  
OER 06/10 WLH A Mobile-Assisted Game-Based Learning Environment to Improve Pupils' Chinese Character and Phrase Learning Dr Wong Lung Hsiang  
OER 07/10 LCH Images of Practice in Arts Education in Singapore Assoc Prof Lum Chee Hoo  
OER 08/10 LC Arts Research on Teachers and Students (ARTS): Pedagogies and Practices, Phase 2 Dr Tan Liang See 
OER 09/10 RS Comprehending Reading Comprehension: An Intervention in P4 Reading Assoc Prof Rita Elaine Silver (
OER 10/10 DH Peri Summative Evaluation Baseline Study 1: Quantitative Study Prof David John Hogan  
OER 11/10 CL Peri Qualitative Case-Studies (Baseline) Dr Christina Lim-Arasaratnam  
OER 12/10 KHL Understanding and Profiling Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Development Patterns Assoc Prof Koh Hwee Ling Joyce 
OER 13/10 LYT The Development of a Framework for the Effective Translation of Educational Research into Sustained Practice in Singapore Dr Lim Yang Teck, Kenneth 
OER 14/10 JYL Students' Academic and Non-Academic Outcomes: An International Perspective from PISA 2009 Study Asst Prof Lee Jihyun  
OER 15/10 HLC Singapore Teachers' Perspectives of Diversity and Multicultural Education Asst Prof Ho Li-Ching  
OER 16/10 LCK Design for Scalability: From a Class Intervention to a Level Intervention Prof Looi Chee Kit 
OER 17/10 WLH MyCLOUD - A Seamless Chinese Language Learning Environment Leveraging on Ubiquitous Technology and the Construction of Mental Lexicon Dr Wong Lung Hsiang  
OER 18/10 KB STEP* for the Future: Investigating Pedagogical Change in New Approaches to Learning and Teaching in the Knowledge Age Assoc Prof Manu Kapur  
OER 19/10 LWO Citizenship Attributes for the 21st Century: A Study of Singapore Teachers' Perceptions in Comparative Perspectives Assoc Prof Sim Boon Yee, Jasmine  
OER 20/10 TAL Partnership For Change Towards Science as Inquiry in Elementary Science Classrooms: Collective Responsibility of Teachers and Students Assoc Prof Tan Aik Ling  
OER 21/10 GLB Building a Singapore Learner Corpus of English Writing for Pedagogy Asst Prof Guo Libo  
OER 22/10 MC Hydration and Fluid Replacement Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours in Heat-Acclimatized Singaporean Youths Prof Chia Yong Hwa, Michael
OER 23/10 DH Study of Developing a Framework for Understanding Relationships Between Formal (Schools) and Informal (Communities) Learning Environments Prof Hung Wei Loong, David  
OER 24/10 ZDB Morphology in Biliteracy Acquisition: An Intervention Study Dr Beth Ann O’Brien 
OER 25/10 LYJ The Work that Teachers Do Assoc Prof Lee Yew Jin  
OER 02/11 CYS Level Up: Enhancing Classroom Teaching and Learning with Game-Based Learning Assoc Prof Chee Yam San  
OER 03/11 MK Building Teachers' Capacity for Assessment for Learning of 21st Century Skills in Mathematics Assoc Prof Manu Kapur  
OER 01/11 AK Singaporeans Youth in the Cyber World: A Study of Cyber Wellness Issues Assoc Prof Angeline Khoo  
OER 04/11 CK Evaluating the E-portfolio as a Pedagogical Tool for Initial Teacher Education Asst Prof Caroline Koh  
OER 05/11 LCY A Narrative Inquiry into the Lived Experiences of English Teachers in Singapore Secondary Schools Asst Prof Warren Mark Liew Cheng Yi  
OER 06/11 ZMM E-Portfolios as a Tool to Assess and Promote Student Teachers’ Learning and Development Asst Prof Chye Yen Leng, Stefanie  
OER 07/11 BKL Secondary Analyses of Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M) Dr Boey Kok Leong 
OER 08/11 ISC Beginning and Experienced Physics Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Instructional Practices Dr Imelda Santos Caleon 
OER 09/11 JMF Fostering Collaborative Dialogic Arguments with Games Dr Jan Ming-Fong  
OER 10/11 NTTM Input, Output, Interaction and Pragmatics. A Study of the Effects of Adult-Child Interaction on Singaporean Children’s Acquisition of Speech Acts Assoc Prof Nguyen Thi Thuy Minh  
OER 11/11 JY Designing a Physics Curriculum for Developing Students' Science Competencies Asst Prof Yeo Ai Choo, Jennifer  
OER 12/11 KN Identifying Computer Habits and Behaviours among Young Children (K1 & K2) in Singapore Dr Nirmala Karuppiah  
OER 13/11 JR Enhancing Students’ Interest, Engagement, and Understanding of Primary and Secondary School Science Concepts by Means of Task Explanations and Task Predictions: An Experimental Study Asst Prof Rotgans Ingmar Jerome  
OER 14/11 VC Through the Lens of the School:  School-based Curriculum Innovation (SCI) Assoc Prof Chen Der-Thanq Victor  
OER 15/11 LEL Building an Evidence-Base for Teacher Education - Phase I Prof Low Ee Ling
OER 16/11 VV Use of First Language in Teaching and Learning English and Chinese Assoc Prof Viniti Vaish  
OER 17/11 KL Executive Functioning and Academic Performance: From the Laboratory to the Classroom Assoc Prof Kerry Lee  
OER 01/12 LYJ Hands-on and Minds-on Learning of Science using a Microbial Fuel Cell Assoc Prof Lee Yew Jin
OER 02/12 TTW Curriculum Evaluation and Change for a Re-envisioned NIE Chemistry Program Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee  
OER 03/12 KKH Understanding Singaporean Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment Asst Prof Fulmer Gavin William  
OER 04/12 TCS Exploring the Dialogic Space in Teaching: A Study of Pre-university Classroom Talk in Singapore Assoc Prof Teo Chin Soon, Peter  
OER 05/12 TKS Harnessing Popular Media for Science Learning and Critical Literacy Asst Prof Tang Kok Sing  
OER 06/12 TSS An Exploratory Study on the Learning Needs and Home Background of Socio-economically Disadvantaged "New Singaporeans" Dr Teng Siao See  
OER 07/12 CYH Teacher and Student Perceptions of Peer Assessment for English Writing Dr Tay Wan Ying
OER 08/12 NYY Norm-referenced, Criterion-referenced, and Self-referenced Feedback: Their Effects on Motivation and Achievement Assoc Prof Nie Youyan  
OER 09/12 LYH Mathematical Progress and Value for Everyone Assoc Prof Leong Yew Hoong
OER 10/12 WJS Design Study Approach to Teacher Professional Development to Support the Implementation of the Revised 2013 Lower Secondary Science Curriculum Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee
OER 11/12 HHQ Integrating Classroom Discourse Corpus for Reflective Practice and Professional Development Assoc Prof Teo Chin Soon, Peter
OER 12/12 MK Implicit Social Cognition as a Predictor of Academic Performance Assoc Prof Manu Kapur
OER 13/12 LWS Assessing Students' Academic Motivation, Emotion and Strategies Asst Prof Luo Wenshu, Serena  
OER 14/12 HS The Impact of Community-Based Teacher Learning on Student Learning Outcomes Assoc Prof Hairon Salleh
OER 15/12 LJY Transition into Inclusive Society for Youths With Special Needs in Singapore: An Enquiry into Transition Outcomes Dr Li Jen-Yi  
OER 16/12 RB Examining Kindergarten Approximation Skills as a Predictor of Children Requiring Learning Support for Mathematics Dr Rebecca Bull 
OER 17/12 ED Learning through Popular Music, Lessons for the General Music Programme Syllabus in Singapore Assoc Prof Eugene Iruthayaraj Dairianathan
OER 18/12 LWO A Value-Mediated Approach to Profiling Professional Learning Communities in Singapore Schools Dr Daphnee Lee Hui Lin  
OER 19/12 LJY The Development of Confidence Assoc Prof Wong Yuen Fun, Isabella  
OER 20/12 CYS Developing Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment for Primary Mathematics Teachers to Enhance Pupils' Learning Dr Cheng Yuan Shan  
OER 21/12 WCK Motivating the Academically Unmotivated: The Why's and the How's Prof Wang Chee Keng, John
OER 22/12 TTL Mathematical Problem Solving for Everyone: Infusion and Diffusion (MInD) Assoc Prof Toh Tin Lam
OER 23/12 JW Teacher Efficacy in the Context of Teaching Low-Achieving Students in Singapore Dr Wang Li-Yi  
OER 24/12 CCH An Evidence-Informed Study to Determine Why Singapore Teachers Engage in Professional Development Assoc Prof Chang Chew Hung  
OER 25/12 WME Practices of Assistive Technology Implementation and Facilitation: Experiences of Teachers of Students with Visual Impairment in Singapore Assoc Prof Wong Meng Ee  
OER 26/12 LCK Infusion, Dissemination and Evolution: Seeding an Innovation from One School to a Few Schools Prof Looi Chee Kit
OER 27/12 DH Design as Meaningful Interdisciplinary Learning Context for Science Learning Dr Tan Lip Thye, Michael  
OER 28/12 DN Instructional Leadership in Singapore and East Asia Assoc Prof Ng Foo Seong David
OER 29/12 PDY Teacher Burnout and Teaching Effectiveness in Singapore Prof Wang Chee Keng, John
OER 30/12 LK Schools Taking the Lead in Engaging Parents in Partnership: Supporting Lower-Achieving Students in Singapore Schools Dr Khong Yiu Lan Lana
OER 31/12 LA Investigating School-based Co-Curricular Activities as Contexts for Expanding Learning Spaces Prof Hung Wei Loong, David
OER 32/12 OP Practices, Perceptions, and Needs of Primary School Generalist Art & Music Teachers in Singapore: An Investigation of the Pedagogical Changes & Differences of Generalists after a Specialist Professional Development Program Dr Pamela Grace Costes-Onishi 
OER 33/12 SA From the Bottom to the Top: Investigating Learning Strategies and PISA Mathematics and Science Outcomes of Students of Differing Abilities in Singapore Asst Prof  Areepattamannil Shaljan  
OER 34/12 KYH Motivational Aspects of Differential Learning Assoc Prof Kee Ying Hwa  
OER 35/12 AB Evaluation of Singaporean Preschool Children’s Development using the East Asia-Pacific Early Child Development Scales Dr Audrey Bernadette Lim Swee Eng  
OER 36/12 ZHE The Impact of Short-Cycle Formative Assessments on Students' Conceptual Understanding and Beliefs of Learning among Academically Lower Achieving Secondary School Students in Science Assoc Prof Tan Kim Chwee, Daniel  
OER 37/12 KKH Attentional Focus and Distractibility in Low-Achieving Students: Helping Students Pay Attention Dr Khng Kiat Hui  
OER 38/12 NHK Assessing Singapore Students’ Creative and Critical Thinking – A Preliminary Study Dr Ning Hoi Kwan, Flora  
OER 39/12 CYH Trends of Learning Research from 2003 to 2012: Analysis of Articles, Authors, and Institutions in Selected  Educational Journals Dr Koh Ruilin, Elizabeth  
OER 40/12 RS Reading Discussions and Reading Comprehension: Sustainability in Teacher Development and Opportunities for Student Learning Assoc Prof Rita Elaine Silver (
OER 41/12 SM Is Movement Proficiency the Precursor to Physically Active Behaviour and Health? An Investigation of the Relationship between Fundamental Movement Skills, Physical Activity and Health in Singapore Primary School Children Assoc Prof Swarup Mukherjee
OER 42/12 ISC Turning Achievement Around: Predictors of Academic Resilience of Academically At-Risk Students in Singapore Dr Imelda Santos Caleon
OER 43/12 MT Development of an Outdoor Education Curriculum in Singapore through a "Deliberative" Perspective - Inclusion of the Commonplace of the Teacher Dr Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan  
OER 44/12 TLS Arts Research on Teachers and Students (ARTS3): Cultures and Leverages in Nurturing Adaptive Capacities Dr Tan Liang See  
OER 45/12 MM Learning to be Biliterate in English and Malay using Dual Language Books Assoc Prof Mohd Mukhlis Bin Abu Bakar  
OER 46/12 LPF Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn: Developing Scientific Argumentation Skills in Pre-service Chemistry Teachers Assoc Prof Tan Aik Ling  
OER 47/12 LA Investigating the Development of Grammar in the Writing of Primary School Children in Singapore Assoc Prof Lubna Alsagoff  
OER 48/12 TKS Developing Disciplinary Literacy Pedagogy in the Sciences Asst Prof Tang Kok Sing  
OER 49/12 LTL Exploring the Variety in Lesson Study: Unpacking the Variety from Cases in Singapore Dr Christina Lim-Arasaratnam  
OER 50/12 CW Media Literacy in the Teaching of English in Singapore Assoc Prof Csilla Weninger
OER 51/12 TWT Examining Normal Academic/Technical Students’ Science Learning from a Sociological and Cultural Lens Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee
OER 52/12 LJY The Implementation of a Broad-Based, Inquiry-Oriented Curriculum within a Singaporean Senior School Context: Transitional Experiences, Challenges and Enablers Prof Hung Wei Loong, David  
OER 53/12 TK Understanding Parental Expectation and Student Experiences of Private Tuition in Singapore Dr Kang Lu-Ming, Trivina  
OER 54/12 TLS Curriculum Innovation and the Nurturing of 21st Century Learners Dr Tan Liang See
OER 55/12 JRB Globalization, Citizenship and Postfeminist Media Culture in Singapore Assoc Prof Joel Robert Gwynne  
OER 56/12 IJR The Relationship between Situational Interest and Individual Interest: How Can We Help Weaker Students by Means of an Instructional Shift from Trait to State Interest? Asst Prof Rotgans Ingmar Jerome  
OER 57/12 WHL Private Tuition at Tuition Centres – A Singapore Study Dr Woo Huay Lit  
OER 58/12 OBA Early Bilingual Experience and English Literacy Acquisition: An Approach to Phonics Instruction Dr Beth Ann O’Brien  
OER 59/12 TPL Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S) Singapore Trials: Collective Creativity and Collaborative Problem-Solving Competencies among Secondary School Students Dr Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan  
OER 60/12 CSL Education for Twenty-first Century Global Capacities: A Comparative Case-study of Two Schools in Singapore and the United States Assoc Prof Suzanne Choo Shen Li  
OER 61/12 WLH Towards a Seamless Language Learning Framework: Enculturating Learners to Practices of Bridging Language Learning Spaces Mediated by an Integrated Technology-transformed Learning Environment Dr Wong Lung Hsiang  
OER 62/12 EK Exploring Teamwork Beliefs and Competencies in Technology-enabled 21st Century Classrooms Dr Koh Ruilin, Elizabeth
OER 63/12 MFN The Use of a Mobile App Training Program to Improve Functional Communication in Children with Autism Assoc Prof Neihart Maureen Frances  
OER 64/12 JL Literacy Teaching in Singapore: A Study of Teacher’s Perceptions and Practices Dr Jason Loh Kok Khiang  
OER 65/12 SLH Building on Teachers' Knowledge About Students' Language-related Challenges in Science Dr Seah Lay Hoon  
OER 66/12 KP The Outcomes of a Training Program to Support Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorders in Mainstream Schools Assoc Prof Poon Kin Loong, Kenneth
OER 67/12 ASY Executive Function in Student-Athletes: Does the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Val66Met Polymorphism Moderate the Cognitive Benefits of Various Sporting Activity? Dr Ang Su Yin  
OER 68/12 SA Investigating the Effects of Private Supplementary Tutoring on Primary Students' Academic Achievement, Motivation, Self-Concept, and Engagement Asst Prof Areepattamannil Shaljan