NIE ERFP Projects (2013 - 2017)

Proj Ref no. Proj Title Project PI Research Brief URL, if any
OER 01/13 SFB Effect of Breakfast and Exercise on Academic and Cognitive Performance in Junior College Students Assoc Prof Stephen Francis Burns
OER 02/13 TPI Instructional Coaching and Learning of Instructional Practices: A Study of the Perceptions of Coaches and Teachers Assoc Prof Leong Yew Hoong
OER 03/13 HKF Use of Information Technology: Identifying the Key Competencies Expected of Pre-School Teachers Assoc Prof Cheung Wing Sum  
OER 04/13 OBA Developmental Differences in Aspectual Knowledge for English-Mandarin Bilinguals in Singapore Dr Beth Ann O’Brien 
OER 05/13 KHL Developing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for 21st Century Learning (TPACK-21CL) Through Design Thinking Assoc Prof Koh Hwee Ling, Joyce
OER 06/13 RBK Nurturing Positivity: A Positive Psychology Intervention to Enhance Well-being, Engagement, and Achievement among At-Risk Students Dr Imelda Santos Caleon
OER 07/13 MEM Asian Pedagogies: Investigating Singapore as a Microcosm Dr Manzon Maria Iluminada Esquivel  
OER 08/13 CWH The Roles of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Teacher-Student Relationships in Student Engagement: Perspectives from Normal Stream Students Assoc Prof Chong Wan Har
OER 09/13 GAD Participation in School-Based Co-Curricular Activities and Student Development: A Motivation and Engagement Perspective Assoc Prof Gregory Arief D Liem
OER 10/13 MAH Finding Meaning and Purpose: What Are Our Youth Telling Us? Assoc Prof Heng Huan Gek, Mary Anne
OER 11/13 TPL Primary Education Review & Implementation (PERI) Policy Initiatives and the Development of 21CC Student Learning Outcomes: A Follow-Up Quantitative Evaluation Study (2014) Dr Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan  
OER 12/13 BK An Evaluation of the Implementation of the ICAN Project (Pedagogy for Low Progress Students in Mathematics) Prof Berinderjeet Kaur  
OER 13/13 JY Developing a Framework for Assessing Students' Construction of Scientific Explanations in Physics Asst Prof Yeo Ai Choo, Jennifer
OER 14/13 LEL Building an Evidence-Base for Teacher Education: Phase II Prof Low Ee Ling
OER 15/13 TLT Engaging Secondary School Students in Authentic Research Projects Based on Environmental Science Theme Dr Tan Lik Tong
OER 16/13 TTW “Children are Natural Scientists”: Learning Science in Early Childhood and Early Primary Years Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee
DEV 01/13 LA Developing a Research Repository at NIE: Bridging the Knowledge Gap in the Research‐
Practice Nexus
Assoc Prof Lubna Alsagoff  
OER 09/14 RB Singapore Kindergarten Impact Project (SKIP) Dr Ng Ee Lynn  
OER 17/13 WHL Study on Why Students Who Were Offered Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS) Were Not Admitted into an Independent School (IS) Dr Woo Huay Lit  
OER 01/14 OP Community Music Education: Towards the Development of New Pedagogies for the 21st Century Dr Pamela Grace Costes-Onishi
OER 02/14 AA Towards Responsive Professional Development for Singapore Music Teachers Phase 1: Mapping the Landscape Dr Bautista Arellano Alfredo
OER 03/14 JMF How do Experienced Learning Designers Differ from Novice Designers When They Design for Game-based Learning? Dr Matthew Joseph Gaydos
OER 04/14 RB Exploring the Functional Outcomes of Children with Hearing Loss in Singapore Dr Rebecca Bull
OER 05/14 TAL Professional Learning of General Science Teachers: Epistemic Discourse and Understanding of Scientific Epistemology Assoc Prof Tan Aik Ling  
OER 06/14 TKS Formalising Disciplinary Literacy Teaching in Primary Science through a Writing-to-learn Approach Asst Prof Tang Kok Sing  
OER 07/14 WLY Situating and Contextualising Professional Development for Sustained Practice and Learning in School Dr Lee Shu Shing
OER 08/14 NHK Examining Early Primary School Children’s Self-Regulated Learning Development Dr Ning Hoi Kwan, Flora  
OER 10/14 JS Curricular-Instructional Gatekeeping in Singapore: How Teachers Enact Social Studies and Give Purpose to Citizenship Education Assoc Prof Sim Boon Yee, Jasmine
DEV 01/14 RS Re-designing NIE’s Research Project Data Use and Management: Building Research Resources, Enhancing Research Ethics and Improving Research Practices Assoc Prof Rita Elaine Silver
DEV 02/14 LA Making Sense of Social Media to Guide Research Agenda Assoc Prof Lubna Alsagoff  
DEV 03/14 MK Translating Productive Failure in the Singapore A-level Statistics Curriculum Assoc Prof Lee Ngan Hoe
OER 11/14 LWO A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Learning and Teaching of Mathematics in Singapore Classrooms (Preparation for Core 3 Research Programme) Dr Kwek Beng Kiat, Dennis  
OER 12/14 MT Characterising Epistemic Engineering Practices in a School Makerspace Dr Tan Lip Thye, Michael
OER 13/14 LJY Towards a Framework of Inclusive Practice in Singapore Dr Li Jen-Yi  
OER 14/14 WLH LI-nterChange: Towards a Contextual- and Social-mediated Seamless Language Learning Practice with Multiple Learning Pathways Dr Wong Lung Hsiang
OER 15/14 RB Reading Lives and Practices of Singapore Teachers and the Use of Multicultural Children's Literature to Promote Socio-emotional Learning Asst Prof Bacsal Rhoda Myra Garces
OER 16/14 SLH Understanding How Teachers Design Lessons in Response to the Language Demands of Science Dr Seah Lay Hoon
OER 17/14 KBK Core Research Programme: Baseline Investigation of Science Pedagogy Dr Kwek Beng Kiat, Dennis
OER 18/14 AD An Experimental Evaluation on the Effectiveness of a Web Based Training Program in Functional Behavioral Assessment and Interventions with Special Education Schools in Singapore Dr Dutt Anuradha Salil Kumar
OER 19/14 TK Fostering Cross-cultural Communication and Understanding in the English Language Writing Asst Prof Tupas Topsie Ruanni Fernandez
OER 20/14 CCY Secondary Quantitative Analysis of Core Research data (2004-2010): A Multilevel Study of Academic Achievement and 21st Century Competencies Dr Chan Chee Yeen, Melvin
DEV 04/14 WLK Investigation of making-centered learning spaces in Singapore schools to promote students' interests in Science and Technology Dr Wu Longkai
DEV 05/14 WQY Developing an Interactive Online Learning Environment for Post-Graduate Learning Assoc Prof Wang Qiyun
DEV 06/14 LYH NA: Improvement of Learning, Innovations in Teaching (NA: ILIT) Assoc Prof Leong Yew Hoong
DEV 07/14 TTL MAthematics is Great: I Can And Like (MAGICAL) Assoc Prof Toh Tin Lam
OER 21/14 CJY Nonlinear Pedagogy and its Relevance for the New PE Curriculum Assoc Prof Chow Jia Yi
OER 22/14 NFS An Investigation of the Impact of Instructional Leadership Practices and School Culture on Staff Performance in Singapore Primary Schools Assoc Prof David Ng Foo Seong
OER 23/14 JG An Investigation of the Impact of Leadership Practices on Student Learning and Development Outcomes in Singapore Schools Assoc Prof Goh Wee Pin Jonathan
OER 24/14 HS Leadership for Collective Learning: An Effective Distributed Perspective Assoc Prof Hairon Salleh
OER 25/14 CSK Investigating Leadership and Policy Implementation for School Improvement Asst Prof Chua Siew Kheng Catherine  
OER 01/15 MEM Engaging Parents as Supportive Partners: A Baseline Study of Practices in Singapore Schools Dr Chan Chee Yeen, Melvin  
OER 02/15 HJS Investigating the Generation-First-Instruction-Later Method for its Effects on Learning and Transfer - A Proposal to Study Analogical Reasoning as the Generation Task Dr Huang Junsong, David
OER 03/15 YT Multi-level ICT Integration for Diffusing Complex Technology-Mediated Pedagogical Innovations Dr Yancy Toh
OER 04/15 MG Game Development for Education Dr Seah Lay Hoon
OER 05/15 WLH Investigating Affordances of Learning Contexts in Mediating and Enhancing Students’ Participation in School-Based Vocational Education in Singapore Dr Wang Loke Heng
OER 06/15 RJL Preparing Students to Collaboratively Solve Community and Global Issues: Focusing on Low Progress Learners Dr Rachel Jane Lam
OER 07/15 CYL A Socio-Cognitive Approach to Teaching English Language Writing: Impact on Primary School Students’ Compositions Assoc Prof Cheung Yin Ling
OER 08/15 KKH Effects and Mechanisms of a Deep Breathing Intervention for Test Anxiety— An Exploratory Study on the Use of Mobile EEG Headsets in Educational Research Dr Khng Kiat Hui
OER 09/15 EK Measuring and Nurturing Teamwork Competency through a Computer-supported Creative Collaborative Problem-Solving Program Dr Koh Ruilin, Elizabeth
OER 10/15 GWF Understanding Teacher Learning Communities as Support for Implementation of Computer Simulations for Physics Conceptual Instruction Assoc Prof Chen Der-Thanq Victor  
OER 11/15 PT Visualising and Performing Character and Citizenship through Digital Storytelling Dr Phillip Alexander Towndrow
OER 12/15 CCD Perceptions, Policies and Practices: AfL in the Singapore Context Asst Prof Leong Wei Shin
OER 13/15 KBK Implementation of Self-Assessment and Investigation of Feedback in Lower Primary Classrooms Dr Wong Hwei Ming
OER 14/15 GEP Perspectives of Stakeholders on Youth with Intellectual Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood Dr Goh Ee Ping, Ailsa
OER 15/15 CL Exploring the Designing of a Growth Mindset Curriculum in a Singaporean School Dr Christina Lim-Arasaratnam
OER 16/15 LTW Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Exploring the Use of Culture in Singapore’s Low Progress Classrooms Assoc Prof Lim Tze-Wei Leonel
OER 17/15 TYC Developing 21CC Through Band: An Exploratory Study of the Four Cs Assoc Prof Tan Yuh Chaur, Leonard
OER 18/15 JH Teachers’ Engagement in Lesson Study for Learning Community: Shaping Teachers’ Beliefs about Students from Disadvantaged Social Backgrounds Assoc Prof Jiang Heng
OER 19/15 TS Understanding Teachers' Knowledge and Practice of Lower Secondary Geographical Investigations Dr Seow Ing Chin, Tricia
DEV 01/15 AW Using Video Cases to Teach Classroom Management Assoc Prof Wong Foong Lin, Angela
DEV 02/15 LDP Teachers Developing Concept-Based Curricula to Engage Diverse Learners Dr Letchmi Devi d/o Ponnusamy
OER 20/15 JL Reforming the Language Curriculum in Singapore: An Implementation Perspective Dr Jason Loh Kok Khiang  
OER 21/15 LCY Investigating the Effectiveness of Language Awareness Approaches to English Language Teaching in Singapore Secondary Schools Asst Prof Warren Mark Liew Cheng Yi  
OER 22/15 JW Factors Influencing the Teachers’ Use of Motivational Strategies in the Classroom Prof Wang Chee Keng, John
OER 23/15 CBL Problem-based Learning: A Study on its Impact on Learners' Motivation, Strategy Use, Learning Processes and Academic Achievement Dr Chua Bee Leng 
OER 24/15 MK Effects of School-based Intervention Programs in Promoting Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity during Leisure-time Asst Prof Masato Kawabata 
OER 25/15 KBK Core Research Programme: Baseline Investigation of Social Studies and Character & Citizenship Education Pedagogies in Singapore Classrooms Dr Kwek Beng Kiat, Dennis
DEV 03/15 SL Creating a Corpus Data Bank (CDB) in Tamil to Investigate the Impact of Standard Spoken Tamil (SST) and to Provide Pedagogical Guidance to Tamil Teachers on Standard Spoken Tamil in Singapore Assoc Prof Seetha Lakshmi  
OER 26/15 VV Bilingualism and Biliteracy in Preschoolers: A Longitudinal Home-School Transition Study Assoc Prof Viniti Vaish
OER 27/15 TLS Curriculum Perspectives and Leadership in Innovations for the Nurturing of 21st Century Learners Dr Letchmi Devi d/o Ponnusamy
OER 28/15 ISC Lessons from Resilience-Nurturing Environments: Classroom Practices of "Turnaround" Teachers Dr Imelda Santos Caleon
OER 29/15 CCY Core 3 Research Programme: A Quantitative Study of Learning and Teaching in Singapore Classrooms Dr Chan Chee Yeen, Melvin  
OER 30/15 KL Working Memory and Numeracy Intervention for Children in the Learning Support Programme for Mathematics Dr Jose David Munez Mendez
OER 31/15 BK A Study of the Enacted School Mathematics Curriculum Lead PI: Prof Berinderjeet Kaur
Co-Lead PI: Assoc Prof Toh Tin Lam
Project 1 PI: Assoc Prof Lee Ngan Hoe
Project 2 PI: Assoc Prof Leong Yew Hoong
OER 32/15 KP Singapore Ability Scales Norming Study Assoc Prof Poon Kin Loong, Kenneth  
OER 01/16 CBL Justification in Mathematics (JiM) Asst Prof Chua Boon Liang 
OER 02/16 LSS Characterising Situated Professional Development for Diffusing Innovations in the Singapore Education Landscape Dr Lee Shu Shing
OER 03/16 CBH Portraits of Teacher Noticing during Orchestration of Learning Experiences in the Mathematics Classrooms Asst Prof Choy Ban Heng
OER 04/16 LCK Researching and developing pedagogies using unplugged and computational thinking approaches for teaching computing in the schools Prof Looi Chee Kit
OER 05/16 LCE Building a Reading Culture: a Nation-wide Study of Reading and School Libraries in Singapore Secondary Schools Assoc Prof Loh Chin Ee
OER 06/16 LEL An exploratory study of beginning teacher mentoring practices in Singapore Prof Low Ee Ling
OER 07/16 SM Physiological workload, musculoskeletal injuries and dysfunctions amongst physical education teachers in Singapore schools - A prospective investigation Assoc Prof Swarup Mukherjee
OER 08/16 CCH Developing Learning Progression for Climate Change in Geography Education Assoc Prof Chang Chew Hung
OER 09/16 WLY The influence of a collaborative PD programme on teachers’ self-efficacy and its sustainability in teaching low progress students Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee
OER 10/16 TTW “We ‘Own’ the Teachers”: Understanding Subcultures of Singapore Lower
Track Science Classrooms
Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee 
DEV 01/16 CGG Improving Disciplinary Literacy by Developing Vocabulary and Grammatical Profiles Asst Prof Green Clarence Gerald
OER 11/16 WHM Qualitative Study of PERI Holistic Assessment Implementation in Primary Schools Dr Wong Hwei Ming  
OER 12/16 VS Differentiated Instruction as a Means to Inclusion (DIMI) Assoc Prof Lim Heng Fook, Levan
OER 13/16 HS Animated Electronic Storybook and Children's Mother Tongue Development: Tracing the Process and the Outcome with Eyetracking Dr Sun He 
OER 14/16 AGP Teachers as Adult Learners: Effecting Professional Development and Teacher Change in Primary Chinese Language Teaching and Learning Through Variation Theory and Multi‐dimensional Reflective Dialogue Assoc Prof Aw Guat Poh
OER 15/16 KKT The Use of Information Communication and Technologies Tools to Maximise Students' Learning in Physical Education in Singapore Schools Assoc Prof Koh Koon Teck
OER 16/16 SLH Fostering Science Teachers’ Language Awareness: Exploring Impacts on Teachers’ Oral Interactions With Students to Support Science Writing Dr Seah Lay Hoon
OER 04/17 OBA Technology-Based Tools for Teaching Early Literacy Skills Dr Beth Ann O’Brien
OER 01/17 JS Inquiry Into Patriotism Among Social Studies Teachers in Singapore Assoc Prof Sim Boon Yee Jasmine  
OER 02/17 HTT Exploratory Study of Singapore Teachers' Implementations and Experiences of Differentiated Instruction Asst Prof Heng Tang Tang 
OER 03/17 RDR Investigating Digital Literacies as 21st Century Competencies among Normal Technical Students Dr De Roock Robert Santiago 
OER 05/17 KYH Syntactic Resonance in Child-Caretaker Interaction and Children’s Peer Talk Dr Sun He 
OER 06/17 LWS Teacher Motivation and Practices: Leadership Antecedents and Student Outcomes Asst Prof Luo Wenshu, Serena  
OER 07/17 CWL Assessment and Visualization of Collaborative Argumentation in Science Classroom Assoc Prof Chen Wenli
OER 08/17 VC Digital Storytelling for Character and Citizenship Education: a Knowledge Forensics Approach Assoc Prof Chen Der-Thanq Victor
OER 09/17 CYL Impacts of a Socio-cognitive and Motivation-and-learning Approach on Students’ Writing Quality and Reception of Self-directed and Collaborative Learning Assoc Prof Cheung Yin Ling
OER 10/17 KBK Core 3 Research Programme: Baseline Investigation of Subject-Domain Pedagogies in Singapore’s Primary and Secondary Classrooms (C3-PP) Lead PI: Dr Kwek Beng Kiat, Dennis
Co-Lead PI: Assoc Prof Lee Yew Jin
2nd Co-Lead PI: Dr Wong Hwei Ming
Project 1 PI: Dr Kwek Beng Kiat, Dennis
Project 2 PI: Dr Pamela Grace Costes-Onishi
OER 27/17 KKT A Study on the Implementation Status of the Physical Education (PE) 2014 Syllabus in Singapore Schools Assoc Prof Koh Koon Teck  
DEV 01/17 LYT Learning Mathematics with Portable, Programmable Robots Dr Lim Yang Teck, Kenneth
DEV 04/17 LNH Constructivist Learning Design for Singapore Secondary Mathematics Curriculum Assoc Prof Lee Ngan Hoe  
DEV 02/17 XHC Enhancing Developmental Screening in Early Childhood Settings: Adapting and Testing a Singapore version of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) Asst Prof Xie Huichao
DEV 03/17 EK Developing My Groupwork Buddy for Geography Dr Koh Ruilin, Elizabeth
OER 12/17 NWL Flipped Linear Algebra and Calculus for Pre-Service Teachers (FLACPT) Dr Ng Wee Leng
OER 13/17 CM Development of a Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) for the Activities and Participation Rating Scale (APRS) in Singapore Dr Chen Mo
OER 14/17 NEL Transitioning from Kindergarten to Primary School – Exploring the Links between Children’s Self-regulation Skills, Socio-emotional Competence and Academic Outcomes Dr Ng Ee Lynn 
OER 15/17 LSS Teacher Inquiry about Pedagogical Practices: A Case Study of a Singapore school Dr Lee Shu Shing 
OER 16/17 YPD Immigrant Teachers in Singapore Schools: Trajectories, Identities, and Integration Asst Prof Yang Peidong
OER 17/17 SH Preschooler’s School Engagement to Teacher’s Questions and Comments during Interactive Book Reading: A Child-Centered Approach using Electro-Dermal Bracelet Dr Sun He 
OER 18/17 WLK Bridging school-based formal and informal learning spaces: A case of advancing interest-driven education in Singapore schools Dr Wu Longkai
OER 19/17 LKE Building a Culture of Collaboration and Listening Pedagogy in Classrooms through Lesson Study for Learning Community: An Exploratory Study in a Primary School in Singapore Asst Prof Choy Ban Heng
OER 20/17 TTL CAlculuS for TEaching and Learning: An Exploratory Study Assoc Prof Toh Tin Lam 
OER 21/17 ISC Nurturing Positivity and Resilience in Singapore Schools: Development and Evaluation of an Arts-based Positive Psychology Intervention Toolkit Dr Imelda Santos Caleon
OER 22/17 CSL Cultivating Cosmopolitan Virtues through Critical, Aesthetic and Ethical Engagements with Literature Assoc Prof Suzanne Choo Shen Li 
OER 23/17 CCY Core (2018): A Quantitative Study of Teaching and Learning in Singapore Classrooms Dr Chan Chee Yeen, Melvin
OER 24/17 HS Effectiveness of Teacher Leaders in Singapore Schools: Context, Construct and Causality Assoc Prof Hairon Salleh 
OER 25/17 TTW Science Teachers and Teaching of Special Education Needs Students Assoc Prof Teo Tang Wee
OER 26/17 KN Parents' Perception of 'Play' and 'Holistic Development' in the Early Years Dr Nirmala Karuppiah
OER 28/17 TCL Uncovering What Matters in Collaborative Inquiry Learning: Impact of Teachers Engagement in Learning Analytics on Their Intervention to bring about Knowledge Building Discourse Dr Teo Chew Lee
OER 29/17 MM The Place of Sebutan Baku in Students’ Spoken Malay Assoc Prof Mohd Mukhlis Bin Abu Bakar
OER 30/17 HPY Vice-Principals in Singapore: Key Leadership Roles, Enablers and Constraints Dr Ho Pau Yuen, Jeanne Marie
OER 31/17 NYH Development of the Youth-Theory of Mind (Y-ToM) Singapore Version Dr Nah Yong Hwee
OER 32/17 TYC Facilitating Flow in Band: Learning with Joy in the 21st Century Assoc Prof Tan Yuh Chaur Leonard
OER 33/17 JH Teacher Learning with Classroom Assessment in Singapore Schools Assoc Prof Jiang Heng
OER 34/17 TSS Navigating Diversities and Differences in Singapore Schools: An Exploratory Study of Students' Intercultural Mindedness Dr Teng Siao See