Doctor in Education (EdD) Programme

The Doctor of Education program, specializing in English language education, caters to professionals in the field who seek to enhance their knowledge and expertise. The program focuses on developing English language education leaders who can critically analyze and evaluate their professional knowledge, with the goal of advancing their practice in the field. 

The programme provides various avenues for exploration, encompassing (but not limited to) the following areas of inquiry: 

  • Curriculum innovation in English language education 
  • Technology-enhanced language learning 
  • Language programme development, implementation and evaluation 
  • Language teacher professional development 
  • Critical literacy in language education 
  • Early language development 
  • Bilingualism and multilingualism 
  • Other related areas within language education and applied linguistics 

For more information about the EdD programme, do visit:

Doctor in Education (PhD) Programme

Contact Information

EdD Programme Leader
Dr Kiren Kaur
FaridahAdministrative Support:
Mdm Faridah Taib