Browse Career Resources
CAO publishes CareerTracks, an exclusive online career guide for all NTU students to prepare you to thrive and transform in the world of work.
In addition, CAO provides a plethora of resources to help you with your career planning and job search, covering useful articles to job portal links.
Postgraduates can refer to this comprehensive guide for postgraduate career resources.
Intensify Your Job Search in Challenging Times
Job-hunting tips and advice for Singaporeans.
A one-stop portal that enables Singaporeans of all ages to make informed learning and career choices, so that they can pursue their skills and career development throughout their lives.
Get all the advice you need to launch your career in Singapore or beyond!
Singapore's 100 Leading Graduate Employers
Discover Singapore's most desired employers.
HBR Ascend helps bridge the gap between your education, your ambition, and your jobs, focusing on soft skills and career development for young professionals and students.
O*NET offers information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations.
Watch videos on different career choices and how to get hired.
Free Online Career Personality Tests
Understand what drives you, and what are your strengths and weaknesses, and career paths for your personality type.
This O*NET Interest Profiler reveals your career interests based on the RIASEC Types (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional).
Assessment Practice Tools
Graduates First (with Free access for NTU students)
Gain free access as a NTU student to over 70 online practice assessments on Graduates First, covering aptitude tests, game-based assessments and video interviews used by top employers globally. Use your NTU email to sign in and immerse yourself in an online practice environment similar to real tests.
Check out tips and advice for assessments and do practice tests for a range of areas such as Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension.
Take free aptitude and psychometric tests from this leading source for tailored and verified practice tests.
Try out different assessment exercises such as inductive reasoning and in-tray exercises which employers use.
Complimentary psychometric tests such as Critical Thinking and Situational Judgement.
Find a growing library of Coding Challenges in different test formats and varying difficulty levels. Moreover, find interview prep resources for various IT roles on this resource page as well.
A wide collection of Programming Tests that allow you to assess and polish your skills to create solutions, implement new functionality, analyse code, or fix a bug.
Job Portals
Job opportunities for NTU students on the CareerAxis portal.
Public Service careers to shape Singapore's future.
Creative and marketing jobs and internships in Singapore.
Find jobs on Asia's largest Tech media platform.
Graduate jobs, internships and graduate trainee programmes in Singapore.
Connecting job seekers to employers.
Browse the latest jobs available in Singapore.
Job site for career-minded professionals in Singapore.
Graduate jobs, internships and management trainee programmes for NTU students.
Leverage your LinkedIn profile in your career search.
Jobs and careers in Singapore.
Job search portal for Singapore Citizens and PRs, for jobs based on skills and competencies.
Startup and tech jobs in Asia.
sgCareers Telegram Channel
Connecting career seekers to employers in Singapore instantly!
Opportunities in tech startups across Asia, mainly Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Employment in Singapore
Work Passes and Work Passes and Permits
Guidelines for the various types of work visas in Singapore.
Employment rights and conditions under the Employment Act, and schemes for employers and employees.
The Workright initiative helps employees and employers understand their rights and obligations respectively in accordance with the Employment Act and CPF Act.
Company reviews, interview questions and salary information shared by anonymous employees and job seekers.
Robert Half Salary Guide
Starting salary ranges and the latest hiring trends.
Ministry of Manpower
Manpower-related information and services in Singapore.
Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board
Information about CPF for retirement, housing and healthcare needs for employees and self-employed persons.
Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP)
TAFEP encourages the adoption of fair and progressive HR practices. Find out about the guidelines for pre-employment and in-employment, and for self-employed persons and freelancers.
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
Learn about the amount of tax and tax rates for employment income sourced in Singapore, based on your tax residency status.
Online Learning
An online learning platform that provides video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative and business skills.
Streaming video lectures in subjects like business, computer science, data science and language learning.
Industry Mentorship Community
Sign up as a mentee on NTU Connecting Minds to meet and learn from industry mentors from the NTU alumni network and beyond.