
Ku, C. Y., Tay, T. S., Toh, P. C., & Toh, T. L. (2016). Singapore Mathematical Olympiads 2016 (PP. 65). Singapore: Singapore Mathematical Society.


Conference Papers published in proceedings

Zhu,Y., Tan,T.L., & Cheang,W.K. (2016, December). Classification and Feature Selection with its Application to Detection of Chinese Herbal Medicine. Proceedings of the 5th Asian Near Infrared Symposium, 1, 99-100.


Conference Papers without proceedings

Dong F.M. (2016, June). (Invited) On flow polynomials with real roots only. Paper presented at The workshop on graphs and knots, Xiamen, China.
M. Dong (2016, July). (Invited) A Survey on Chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs. Paper presented at The Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC 2016 Bali), Bali, Indonesia.
Dong, F.M. (2016, December). (Invited) On the study of roots of Jones polynomials. Paper presented at 2016 Conference on the advances on Combinatorics and related topic, Xiamen, China.
Zhu,Y. (2016, December). Functional data analysis with its application to discrimination of Chinese herbal medicine. Paper presented at The 9th International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2016), Seville, Spain.


Journal Articles

Byard, K., Shutler, P. M. E. (2016). Singer Product Apertures - A Coded Aperture System with a Fast Decoding Algorithm. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2016.12.042(N.A.), N.A..
Zhu, Y. and Tan, T.L. (2016). Penalized Discrimination Analysis for the Detection of Wild-grown and Cultivated Ganoderma Lucidum Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 159, 68-77.
Toh, P. C. (2016). On certain pairs of q-series identities. The Ramanujan Journal, 40, 359-365.
Tay, E. G., & Toh, P. C. (2016, January). A problem on Egyptian fractions Mathematical Medley, 41(2), 8-10.