Conference Papers published in proceedings
Zhu. Y., & Tan, T.L. (2020, November). A finite mixture model for geographical origin discrimination of Ganoderma Lucidum using FTIR spectroscopy. Proceedings of the 8th China Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference, 1, 1-2. |
Zhu,Y., & Soh,C.G. (2020, February). A regularized Gaussian mixture model for medical image classification. Proceedings of the 7th Asian Near Infrared Symposium, 1, 104-105. |
Journal Articles
Ruixue Zhang, Fengming Dong, Problems on chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs,Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 8 (2) (2020), 241–246. |
Ruixue Zhang and Fengming Dong, Zero-free intervals of chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs, Discrete Mathematics 343 (Dec 2020). |
Ouyang Zhangdong, Fengming Dong, Ruixue Zhangd and Tay Eng Guan, Properties of π-skew graphs with applications, Acta Mathematica Sinica (Nov 2020). |
Xiao Zhao, Fengming Dong and Sheng Chen, On non-feasible edge sets of matching-covered bipartite graphs,J. Graph Theory 95 (Oct 2020), 192-208. |
Ge Jun and Fengming Dong, Spanning trees in complete bipartite graphs and resistance distance in nearly complete bipartite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 283 (Sep 2020), 542-554. |
Shengjie He, Rong-Xia Hao and Fengming Dong, The rank of a complex unit gain graph in terms of the matching number, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 589 (2020), 158-185. |
Fengming Dong, New expressions for order polynomials and chromatic polynomials, J. Graph Theory 94(1)May 2020), 30-58. |