Ku, C. Y., Tay, T. S., Toh, P. C., & Toh, T. L. (2021).Singapore Mathematical Olympiads 2021 (PP. 44). Singapore: Singapore Mathematical Society. |
Journal Articles
Lin, B.L.S., Peng, L., & Toh, P.C. (2021). Weighted generalized crank moments for k-colored partitions and Andrews-Beck type congruences. Discrete Mathematics, 344(8), Article 112450 (13 pages). |
Lin, B. L. S., Peng, L., & Toh, P. C. (2021). A variation of the Andrews-Stanley partition function and two interesting q-series identities. The Ramanujan Journal, 56(1), 297-307. |
Huang Y.Q., Ouyang Z.D., &Dong F.M. (2021). On the sizes of bipartite 1-planar graphs.Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(2), P2.22. |
Ouyang Z.D., Huang Y.Q., Dong F.M., & Tay E.G. (2021). Zip products of graphs and crossing numbers.J. Graph Theory, 96, 289-309. |
Dong F.M., Ge G., &Yan Y. (2021). Upper bounds on the signed edge domination number of a graph.Discrete Mathematics, 344(null), 112201. |
Ouyang Z.D., Huang Y.Q., & Dong F.M (2021). On the crossing numbers of maximal 1-planar graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 37(null), 1333-1344. |
Dong F.M., Ge J., Gong H.L., Ning B., Ouyang Z.D., & Tay E.G. (2021). Proving a conjecture on chromatic polynomials by counting the number of acyclic orientations. J. Graph Theory, 96, 343-360. |
C. Shen, X. Xi and D. Zhao, Maximal point spaces of posets with relative lower topology, Filomat 35(2021) 8:2645-2661. |
X. Xu, C. Shen, X. Xi and D. Zhao, First countability, ω-Rudin spaces and well-filtered determined spaces, Topol. and Appl. (2021) 107775. |
H. Miao, Q. Li and D. Zhao, On two problems about sobriety of topological spaces, Topol. and Appl . 295 (2021), 107667, 10 pp. |
Q. Li, Z. Yuan and D. Zhao, A unified approach to some non-Hausdorff topological properties, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 30(2021), 9:997-1010. |
X. Xu, X. Xi and D. Zhao. A complete Heyting algebra whose Scott space is non-sober, Fund. Math, 252 (2021), 315-323. |
Wong, W. H. W., & Tay, E. G. (2021). A Complete Characterisation of Vertex-multiplications of Trees with Diameter 5. Theory and Applications of Graphs, 8(2), Article 6. |
Wong, H. W. W., & Tay, E. G. (2021). On optimal orientations of complete tripartite graphs. >Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 80(1), xx. |
Ng, W. L., & Lee, P. Y. (in press). An extension of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem for Sargent spaces.Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics. |
Ng, W. L. (2021). Banach-Steinhaus theorem for the Space P of all primitives of Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions.New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 51, 79-83. |