NTU-NIE Teaching Scholars Programme

The NTU-NIE Teaching Scholars Programme (TSP) is NIE's flagship programme exclusive to aspiring educators. TSP aims to grow outstanding students with a strong passion to teach, deep humility, and great leadership potential into tomorrow's leaders of education.

TSP scholars will be exposed to a multi-disciplinary curriculum with an interactive pedagogy, practical work experience, overseas opportunities, and personal mentorship. They will graduate from the programme as not only future-ready educators but as steadfast nation-builders with strong values.

The TSP augments a double major Bachelor of Arts/Science degree in an Academic Discipline and in Education, providing a versatile and dynamic education to prepare for the future.

Bachelor of Arts in -

• Art and Education 
• Chinese Studies and Education 
• Drama and Education 
• English Language & Linguistics and Education 
• English Literature and Education 
• Geography and Education 
• History and Education 
• Malay Studies and Education 
• Music and Education 
• Tamil Studies and Education 

Bachelor of Science in -

• Biology and Education 
• Chemistry and Education 
• Food & Consumer Sciences and Education 
• Mathematics & Computational Thinking and Education 
• Sport Science and Education 

• Physics & Energy Studies and Education