PGDE Secondary (English Language) Programme

All student teachers enrolled in the General Track of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Secondary Programme are required to take two Curriculum Studies (CS) subjects. ELL offers three English Language CS courses in the PGDE Secondary Programme and their course descriptions are reflected below. 


QCE 52B: Language Teaching Approaches   [completed in first year, semester 1]
This course introduces student-teachers to the theory and practice of teaching the following areas of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, representing, grammar and vocabulary. It aims to help student teachers explore a range of strategies and skills for developing language proficiency in students and develop lesson outlines for the above areas of language learning in integrated ways. Student teachers will become familiar with the theoretical perspectives, approaches and principles that underpin language teaching and learning. They will also develop an ability to select, evaluate, adapt, and use a variety of resources for language teaching and modes of assessment of learning. By encouraging a critical, integrated, and balanced view of theory and practice, this course aims to develop informed, reflective and effective beginning teachers of English Language at the secondary school level. 

QCE 52C: Unit Planning and Language Assessment   [completed in first year, semester 2] 
This course aims to enable pre-service teachers to design unit plans to enhance students’ learning in secondary school contexts. Student-teachers will engage in the process of developing a unit of work using principles of curriculum planning.  They will develop the skills of planning a unit of work taking into account students’ profile and needs, the English Language Syllabuses and the macro contexts that influence the development of unit plans. Student teachers will also be introduced to the principles of assessment with an emphasis on an integrated approach to teaching, learning and assessment. They will plan and develop a range of assessment tasks.   

QCE 52A: Language Teaching Practice   [completed in first year, semester 2] 
This course aims to develop preservice teachers’ understanding of teaching practice in a school context. It enables them to engage in the process of designing lessons and implementing them. Student teachers will be provided with the opportunities to apply the language teaching approaches and assessment principles that they have learnt in the earlier courses. They will be provided feedback on their lesson preparation and delivery, and they will reflect on their teaching practices with a focus on theory-practice link.  

Contact Information

PGDE Secondary (English Language) Programme Leader
Dr Poh Soon Koh 
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Support
Mdm Zabrinah Bte Zaini
Email: [email protected]