Project Requirements & Deliverables

​Safety in Garage@CresPion is of utmost importance to us. Therefore, before you get started on your project, all members of your group would need to attend several briefings and fill up relevant forms as stated below:

  1. Print the Conditional Approval Form, can be found in "Garage Forms".
  2. Read and sign the Indemnity Form, can be found in "Garage Forms".
  3. Attend the Safety Briefing, Purchasing Briefing and General Briefing
  4. After the Safety Briefing, submit project-specific Risk Assessment Form, can be found in "Garage Forms"​.
  5. Attend Equipment training

As part of the funding requirements for Garage@CresPion projects, each group will be required to complete the following deliverables:

  1. Presentation and Demonstration – 3-5 min presentation and demonstration of the project's progress to be presented at the bi-semesterly Garage@CresPion general meeting (usually last Saturday of every school holiday). At least one group member has to be present at this meeting.
  2. Project Report – a brief report summarising the progress of the project (min. 1 page) to be submitted upon completion of the project
  3. Project Poster – poster providing a pictorial summary of the project (A4-sized, PDF format) to be submitted upon completion of the project
  4. Project Video – a maximum 2-minute video showing how your prototype can be operated and its functions, with relevant verbal explanations.