Double Degree in Business (with specialisation in Business Analytics) and Computer Engineering/Computer Science

Double Degree

Programme Type


NBS UG Admissions

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At Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the School of Computer Science and Engineering and the Nanyang Business School have come together to design two hybrid undergraduate double-degree programmes: Business and Computer Engineering, and Business and Computer Science.

Designed to suit the speed and efficiency of outstanding individuals who want two degrees from four years of university education, our double-degree programmes are set to fully maximise your capabilities.

Structured in a comprehensive, well-rounded curriculum, our four-year programme integrates two disciplines thereby broadening your scope and enabling you to leverage on a kaleidoscope of opportunities.

Not only will you have a strong foundation in Business and Computer Engineering or computer science disciplines, you will also have the forward-looking skills that are much sought after in today’s changing economic landscape.

You will be introduced to the basics and combined application of key industries, such as financial services, engineering, consultancies, manufacturing, telecommunications, tourism, and retail.

Our programmes offer around 50 courses that constitute elements of each degree, as well as a range of broadening electives that will supplement your course of study.

In addition, you will engage in research projects such as Multidisciplinary Design Project (MDP) and the Final Year Project (FYP) that will further strengthen your problem-solving capabilities and communication skills. 

You will also have the opportunity to embark on an eight to ten-week professional attachment in key industries. This will require you to apply your knowledge and skills on real-life issues that organisations face on a daily basis.

Not applicable.
Four years, with direct honours.

You can view the curriculum for Computer Engineering here and Computer Science here.

Specialisation Component (Business Specialisation Courses - 6 to 10 courses)

Business Analytics

Specialisation Core Courses

  1. Designing & Developing Databases
  2. Analytics I: Visual & Predictive Techniques
  3. Analytics II: Advanced Predictive Techniques

Specialisation Prescribed Electives

Choose 3 Specialisation Prescribed Electives:

  1. Supply Chain Analytics
  2. Financial Service Processes & Analytics
  3. Lean Operations & Analytics
  4. Business Analytics Consulting
  5. Decision Modelling & Analytics
  6. AI in Accounting & Finance
  7. Service Operations Management

With a double degree in Business and Computer Engineering, and Business and Computer Science from NTU, you can be assured of wider career options. Having the flexibility and versatility to take on dual roles, with in-demand business skills and technical knowledge, will give you a competitive edge in the job market. 

Our programmes consist of a well-integrated, thorough curriculum, merging business and computer engineering or computer science courses.


  1. Business Analytics 

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