Consistently ranked among the top global universities, NTU Singapore offers unparalleled education through our cutting-edge graduate programmes. Courses are designed and delivered by industry leaders and experts, in collaboration with top global partners. Benefit from world-class education and stay ahead in your career with programmes tailored to keep you industry-relevant and future-ready. Discover how NTU’s cutting-edge graduate programmes can keep you agile and relevant as you pursue professional growth.

Sustainability- Related Postgraduate Degrees

Joint NTU-TUM Master of Science in Green Electronics

Feb 16, 2021, 09:22 AM
Title : Joint NTU-TUM Master of Science in Green Electronics
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The joint Master of Science degree program in Green Electronics is a new highly specialized programme offered on a full-time basis for training semiconductor researchers and engineers.

The joint Master of Science degree program in Green Electronics is a new highly specialized programme offered on a full-time basis for training semiconductor researchers and engineers to work in the areas of novel electronic/optoelectronic devices and systems, with particular focus on the energy, sensing/monitoring and semiconductor manufacturing fields. This joint Master of Science degree program in Green Electronics is conducted by faculty from both EEE NTU and the Technical University of Munich.

The duration of the joint Master of Science (Green Electronics) is 24 months. Students will need to complete 2 Laboratory Core Courses (6 AUs), Select 6 out of 7 Core Elective Courses (18 AUs) and Select 4 out of 7 Elective Courses (12 AUs). The Laboratory core courses core includes: Laboratory 1: Semiconductor Process and Device Simulation, Laboratory 2: Design and Modelling of Nanodevices. The core elective courses include: Microfabrication Technology, Materials for Electronic Devices, Bioelectronics, Nanotechnology for Energy Systems, Microstructured Devices and Systems for Green Electronics, Optomechatronic Measurement Systems and Introduction to Power Systems. The elective courses include: Modern Semiconductor Devices, Low Power Displays and Solid State Lighting, Nanophotovoltaics, Green Nanotechnology, Polymer Electronics, Semiconductor Power Devices and Advanced MOSFET & Novel Devices. In addition, students are required to take 2 out of 6 Non-Technical Elective Courses to broaden their professional knowledge.

After completion of coursework, all students need to undertake 3 months of internship in industry and a further 6 months of independent research leading to a MSc dissertation. The internship and dissertation research can be carried out in different organizations or the same organization in Singapore or in Europe. (Students are free to choose where to complete the internship and dissertation requirements.) For NTU, the minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) for graduation from the Master of Science (Green Electronics) is 2.5.
  • Degree / FH Diploma

    An applicant must have completed at least a Bachelor Degree (Honors) or European/German FH Diploma or its equivalent in areas of Science/Electrical/Electronics Engineering from a university with recognized standing with at least a 2nd Class Honors or equivalent.
  • As the Programme instruction medium is English, applicant must be able to demonstrate a satisfactory level of the language. Applicant whose native tongue or medium of instruction from previous studies (Bachelor / FH Diploma) is not English must submit at least one of the following:


 -TOEFEL ( With recent TOEFL score indicating a minimum of 600 for Paper based test or 100 for internet based test.


- IELTS ( With academic IELTS result of at least 6.5. 


Akademische Prüfstelle (APS) certificate is required for applicant with education qualification from China, Vietnam and India.                         

For further enquiry, please click here.

Programme Structure

No. of AUs Graduate
Laboratory Core Modules
2 Modules (6 AUs)
Core Elective Modules
(Select 6 out of 7)
6 Modules (18 AUs)
Elective Modules
(Select 4 modules)
4 Modules (12 AUs)
Internship for 3 Months
Dissertation for 6 Months
Non-technical Elective Modules
(Select 2 out of 6)
2 Modules
Min NTU CGPA Require to Graduate ≥ 2.5


Programme Duration

Study Mode: Full time 


Type of Coursework Programme Candidature
Joint NTU-TUM (Full-time) Minimum Maximum
  24 months 36 months

The Master of Science in Green Electronics degree is a 2-year full-time programme. Students must complete their coursework, 3-month internship and 6-month of Master Thesis writing to qualify for graduation.

Graduate level Modules offered

Laboratory Core Modules (45 hours per Module) 

Module Code Module Title (3 AUs / Module) Conducted By
NM6604 Laboratory 1: Semiconductor Process and Device Simulation NTU
NM6605 Laboratory 2: Design and Modelling of Nanodevices NTU


Core Elective Modules (Select any 6) (45 hours per Module) 

Module Code Module Title (3 AUs / Module) Conducted By
NM6601 Microfabrication Technology NTU
NM6607 Optomechatronic Measurement Syst ems TUM
NM6618 Materials for Electronic Devices NTU
NM6619 Bioelectronics TUM
NM6620 Nanotechnology for Energy Systems TUM
NM6621 Microstructured Devices and Systems for Green Electronics TUM
NM6625 Introduction to Power Systems TUM



Elective Modules (Select any 4) (45 hours per Module) 

Module Code Module Title (3 AUs / Module) Conducted By
NM6603 Modern Semiconductor Devices NTU
NM6617 Advanced MOSEFT & Novel Devices TUM
NM6622 Low Power Displays and Solid – State Lighting NTU
NM6623 Nanophotovoltaics NTU
NM6624 Green Nanotechnology NTU
NM6626 Polymer Electronics TUM
NM6627 Semiconductor Power Devices TUM


Non-technical Elective Modules (Select 2 out of 6)

Module Title  Conducted By
Business Administration TUM
Production Planning in Industry TUM
International Intellectual Property Law TUM
Industrial Marketing TUM
Innovation and Technology Management TUM
Paradigm Shift to Industry 4.0
Augmented Reality
Industrial Additive Manufacturing Quality Certification
Cyber Physical Systems

Important Information and Links 

International applicants are advised to have sufficient funds (whether from scholarships or personal funds or both) to cover the expenses of their entire period of study. There are no arrangements for employment for graduate students.

Discipline :
  • Engineering
  • Sustainability
Programme Type :
  • Full-time
Programme Level :
  • Master (Coursework)
Academic Year :
  • AY2019/2020
Which sites does this programme appear? :
  • College of Engineering
  • School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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