Accountancy for Future Leaders - Bachelor of Accountancy (Sustainability Management and Analytics)

Single Degree

The Accountancy for Future Leaders (Bachelor of Accountancy in Sustainability Management and Analytics) is a four-year premier programme leading to direct honours. Designed for students aiming to stand out in the accounting profession, this degree is a result of close collaboration with the Accountancy and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), positioning graduates as the future leaders of business.

As the first of its kind in Singapore, our programme features an integrated curriculum weaving together sustainability management, analytics, and a unique internship component. The 30-week internship will be with premier employers recognised as Accredited Training Organisations (ATOs) by ACRA, ensuring adherence to professional standards, abundant accountancy resources, and commitment to career development.

The internship provides valuable real-world experience with a competitive stipend, expediting your journey towards becoming a Chartered Accountant (Singapore). This hands-on experience significantly contributes to the mandatory three-year practical experience required for qualification. Moreover, our dynamic curriculum offers exemptions from specific Singapore Chartered Accountant Qualification (SCAQ) professional exams, allowing you to accumulate professional experience seamlessly while pursuing your degree.

Take the opportunity to elevate your aspirations, redefine your academic journey, and emerge as a trailblazer in the accountancy world with our forward-thinking programme. Your path to Chartered Accountant (Singapore) status and future business leadership begins here.

Unique Feature

    The first of its kind in Singapore to feature:

    • An integrated curriculum weaving together sustainability management and analytics.
    • An accelerated pathway attaining Chartered Accountant (Singapore) status with
      • An accountancy-related internship of 30 weeks with premier employers recognised as Accredited Training Organisations (ATOs) by ACRA. This internship reinforces professional standards and career development in the accountancy profession. The internship, which comes with a competitive stipend and contributes to the mandatory three-year practical experience required for qualification as a Chartered Accountant (Singapore);
      • Exemptions from a number of Singapore Chartered Accountant Qualification (SCAQ) professional examinations, allowing you to accumulate professional credentials while pursuing your degree.
    • Multiple overseas experiences
      • Opportunity to undertake a study mission to a country in the region to examine sustainability-related issues;
      • Opportunity for semester-long exchanges at a top-tier university

    Course Exemptions


    NUS High and polytechnic graduates may be granted course exemptions for a relevant accountancy or business core courses based on their qualifications.

    Course exemptions include:

    • NUS High Graduates
      If you have taken both MA5107 Statistics and MA6207 AP Statistics, and score​d at least B+ for MA6207, you will be    eligible for exemption from the first-year core course,  AB1202 Statistics & Analysis.  
    • Polytechnic Graduates
      You may be granted an exemption for a relevant first-year course related to the Diploma you have obtained. Note that only Diplomas listed in  Annex A are allowed exemptions.

    Nanyang Business School students transferring from other programmes can seek exemptions and credit transfers for similar or relevant courses covered in their previous programme of study.  

    Students transferring from other universities should submit an  Exemption Request Form together with their degree audit/transcript, and detailed outline of the course(s) via email to NBS Student Admin for review and consideration. Students applying for course exemptions must submit their application before the end of the second week of the first semester for their enrolment.

    If you opt for an exemption, you:

    • Are deemed to have fulfilled the course requirements and the required number of Academic Units.
    • Do not need to attend the lectures, tutorials, sem​inars, or examinations for the exempted course(s). 
    • Will not be given a grade for the exempted course(s). 

    Exempted courses do not count towards your Grade Point Average and have no bearing on the classification of the honours that you will be awarded.

    If you are eligible for a core course exemption, you do not have to take up the offer. For example, you may prefer to read the course at the undergraduate level as a useful refresher of the higher-level courses. In which case, no action is needed on your part. Simply attend the course as scheduled in your timetable.

    Programme Structure & Duration

    Four years, with direct honours.



    Number of courses to be taken:

    Major requirement - ASA Core

    Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC)

    Major Prescribed Electives (MPE)

    Accountancy Core

    Specialisation Core

    Work-Study   (30 weeks)

    University Core

    College Core




    List of ASA Core Courses

    Accountancy Core Courses (10 courses)

    1. Accounting I
    2. Accounting II
    3. Financial Management
    4. Business Law
    5. Statistics & Analysis
    6. Marketing
    7. Organisational Behaviour and Design
    8. Strategic Management
    9. Business Operations & Process
    10. Intermediate Excel


    Specialisation Core (12 Courses)

    1. AC2101 Accounting Recognition & Measurement
    2. AC2104 Assurance & Auditing
    3. AC2105 Accounting for Decision-making & Control
    4. AC2301 Principles of Taxation
    5. AC2302 Company Law & Corporate Governance
    6. AC2401 Accounting Information Systems
    7. AC3102 Risk Reporting & Analysis
    8. AC3103 Accounting Analysis & Valuation
    9. AC3104 Enterprise Risk Management & Sustainability
    10. BL5305 Advanced Taxation
    11. BU5102 Sustainability Reporting
    12. BC2406 Analytics 1: Visual and Predictive Analytics


    Work-Study Core (1 Course) (30 weeks)

    List of University Core ICC

    1. CC0001 Inquiry & Communication in an Interdisciplinary World
    2. CC0002 Navigating the Digital World
    3. CC0003 Ethics & Civics in a Multicultural World 
    4. ML0004 Career & Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World
    5. CC0005 Healthy Living & Mental Well-Being in an Aging Society 
    6. CC0006 Sustainability: Society, Economy & Environment
    7. CC0007 Science & Technology for Humanity 
    List of College Core ICC
    1. AB0403 Decision Making with Programming & Analytics
    2. AB1003 Professional Attachment
    3. AB0602 Communication Management Strategies
    4. AB2008 Careers Future Forward

    List of MPE

    Choose 5: at least 2 from each 

    A. Sustainability Management Related Electives (MPE) 

    1. Sustainable Finance
    2. Marketing Sustainability for the Next Generation
    3. Legal and Ethical Issues in Sustainability
    4. Social Entrepreneurship
    5. Sustainability Assurance
    6. Study Mission on Sustainability Management
    7. Selective courses in NTU’s Second Major in Sustainability 
    8. Other approved sustainability-related courses  


    B. Business Analytics Related Electives (MPE) 

    1. Designing and Developing Databases
    2. Analytics II: Advanced Predictive Techniques
    3. Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation
    4. Lean Operations & Analytics
    5. AI in Accounting & Finance
    6. Accounting and Audit Analytics
    7. Other approved analytics-related courses


    30-Week Work-Study Programme (WSDeg)


    The aim of the 30-Week Work-Study Programme (WSDeg) with ATOs is to equip our students with extended experiential learning and industry exposure to develop the skills, attitudes and behaviours to be a Chartered Accountant of Singapore.

    The International Federation of Accountants’ (IFAC) International Education Standard (IES) 5 states, “Practical experience, gained by performing the work of professional accountants, in addition to the acquisition of knowledge through professional accounting education programs, is considered necessary before candidates can present themselves to the public as professional accountants.”

    Career Prospects

    The CA (Singapore) qualification is the national accountancy qualification that is globally recognised and portable.

    Career roles in sustainability management and business analytics.