Bachelor of Accountancy

Single Degree

Programme Type


NBS UG Admissions

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Get ahead of the curve and learn from world-class professors the fundamentals of accounting, as well as the latest trends and issues.

At Nanyang Technological University, we have the most established, well-regarded accountancy degree programme in Singapore and the region. For more than five decades, we have nurtured forward-looking professionals for leading accountancy roles as partners in accounting firms, ​chief financial officers of major corporations, and managing directors of public and private companies. 

Through our full-time, three-year Bachelor of Accountancy programme, we will broaden your mind with exciting, flexible career options to pursue beyond accounting. By equipping you with data analytics skills, as well as programming and automation know-how, we will also prepare you for the demands and challenges of the digital world.​​​​  

NUS High and polytechnic graduates may be granted course exemptions for a relevant accountancy or business core courses based on their qualifications.

Course exemptions include:

  • NUS High Graduates
    If you have taken both MA5107 Statistics and MA6207 AP Statistics, and score​d at least B+ for MA6207, you will be    eligible for exemption from the first-year core course,  AB1202 Statistics & Analysis.  
  • Polytechnic Graduates
    You may be granted an exemption for a relevant first-year course related to the Diploma you have obtained. Note that only Diplomas listed in  Annex A are allowed exemptions. 

Nanyang Business School students transferring from other programmes can seek exemptions and credit transfers for similar or relevant courses covered in their previous programme of study.  

Students transferring from other universities should submit an  Exemption Request Form together with their degree audit/transcript, and detailed outline of the course(s) via email to  NBS Student Admin for review and consideration.

Students applying for course exemptions must submit their application before the end of the second week of the first semester for their enrolment.

If you opt for an exemption, you:

  • Are deemed to have fulfilled the course requirements and the required number of Academic Units.
  • Do not need to attend the lectures, tutorials, sem​inars, or examinations for the exempted course(s). 
  • Will not be given a grade for the exempted course(s). 

Exempted courses do not count towards your Grade Point Average and have no bearing on the classification of the honours that you will be awarded.

If you are eligible for a core course exemption, you do not have to take up the offer. For example, you may prefer to read the course at the undergraduate level as a useful refresher of the higher-level courses. In which case, no action is needed on your part. Simply attend the course as scheduled in your timetable.


Three years, direct honours

Core Courses

  • Accounting I
  • Accounting II
  • Financial Management
  • Business Law
  • Statistics & Analysis
  • Marketing
  • Organisational Behaviour and Design
  • Strategic Management
  • Business Operations & Process
  • Intermediate Excel

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (Common Core)

  • Healthy Living and Mental Wellbeing
  • Sustainability: Society, Economy & Environment
  • Science and Technology for Humanity
  • Career & Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World
  • Ethics & Civics in a Multi-Cultural World
  • Navigating the Digital World
  • Inquiry and Communication in the Interdisciplinary World

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (Foundational Core)

  • Careers II
  • Decision Making with Programming & Analytics
  • Professional Attachment
  • Communication Management Strategies

Broadening and Deepening Electives (Five Courses)

Specialisation Component (Accountancy Courses - Nine courses)

  • AC2101 Accounting Recognition & Measurement
  • AC2104 Assurance & Auditing
  • AC2105 Accounting for Decision-making & Control
  • AC2301 Principles of Taxation
  • AC2302 Company Law & Corporate Governance
  • AC2401 Accounting Information Systems
  • AC3102 Risk Reporting & Analysis
  • AC3103 Accounting Analysis & Valuation
  • AC3104 Risk Management & Advanced Auditing

With a Bachelor of Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University you will have the versatility to choose from a broad, diverse range of career options, including: 

  • Assurance 
  • Taxation Management 
  • Financial Accounting 
  • Management Accounting 
  • Auditing 
  • Corporate Finance

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