student teachers

Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies and Education

Double major

Programme Type


The Chinese Studies major will offer you a broad understanding of the numerous aspects of the Chinese language, literature, and culture. These range from linguistic to writing skills, from Chinese classical literature to modern literature.

With the rapid rise of China as a global economic powerhouse, there is a growing worldwide trend of learners seeking to master Chinese. Offered by the Asian Languages and Cultures departments in NIE, our major in Chinese Studies aims to equip student teachers in both the depth and breadth of the subject against this backdrop of growing interest in the language. 

Admission Requirements

Academic Discipline Minimum Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies and Education 

Important Note
Meeting the minimum requirement for a specific academic subject does not guarantee the allocation of the academic subject.

Allocation of academic subject is dependent on ranking based on student teachers’ qualifications and results (at the discretion of the departments) as well as the availability of vacancies.

A pass at GCE 'A' Level in Higher Chinese or Chinese Language
A pass at GCE ‘A’ H3 or H2 Level in Chinese Language
At least a Grade B4 pass at GCE 'AO' Level in Chinese Language
At least a C grade at GCE ‘A’ H1 Level in Chinese Language
At least a Grade B4 pass at GCE 'O' Level in Higher Chinese
A pass at Higher Level Chinese (IB Diploma) or at least a grade 4 at Standard Level Chinese (IB Diploma)
At least an overall CAP of 3.0 for NUS High School Diploma in Higher Chinese
At least a CGPA of 3.0 for Diploma in Chinese Studies at the Ngee Ann Polytechnic
A pass in the Chinese Qualifying Test conducted by NIE if the above requirements are not met.

Second Language Requirements
Applicants who do not satisfy the requirements for second language as set out in paragraph 1.1(b) under entry requirements may still submit an application for admission. If selected, such applicants will be admitted to the University on a provisional basis. During their programme of study in the University, they will be required to meet the requisite minimum language requirements before they are allowed to graduate.

Suitability Tests
Applicants may, at the discretion of the Singapore Ministry of Education and the University, be required to undergo such tests as may be set to assess their suitability for University study and teacher-training and to appear for interviews.

Programme Structure & Duration

Please refer here for more information.

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