
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Education

Double major

Programme Type


The Chemistry major allows you to explore the nature of matter and gain an in-depth understanding and integration of concepts in chemistry through inquiry and research. Chemistry, as the “Central Science”, holds key ideas essential for solving current and future problems, such as drug design, creation of new materials for energy storage, and sustainable living. The courses encompass a broad range of topics on how matter is made, measured, and modelled. Foundations of modern chemistry, such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and physical chemistry, and advanced industrially relevant topics, including spectroscopy, organometallic chemistry, green chemistry, and drug design, form the core of the curriculum.

Academic Discipline Minimum Requirements for Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Education 

Important Note
Meeting the minimum requirement for a specific academic subject does not guarantee the allocation of the academic subject.

Allocation of academic subject is dependent on ranking based on student teachers’ qualifications and results (at the discretion of the departments) as well as the availability of vacancies.

At least a Grade C at GCE 'A' Level in Chemistry AND a pass at GCE 'AO' Level in Mathematics
At least a Grade C at H2 level in Chemistry AND a pass in H1 level in Mathematics
At least a Grade 5 pass at Higher Level in Chemistry (IB Diploma) AND a pass at Standard Level in Mathematics (IB Diploma)
At least a major CAP of 3.0 for NUS High School Diploma in Chemistry AND an overall CAP of 2.0 for NUS High School Diploma in Mathematics
A good polytechnic diploma in approved Chemistry-related disciplines.

Suitability Tests
Applicants may, at the discretion of the Singapore Ministry of Education and the University, be required to undergo such tests as may be set to assess their suitability for University study and teacher-training and to appear for interviews.

Please refer here for more information.

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