Bachelor of Science in Environmental Earth Systems Science with Second Major in Sustainability

Single Degree with 2nd Major

Programme Type


We live in a time of large-scale challenges, where climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss and ocean acidification are no longer only considered from an environmental perspective, but also in terms of social justice, economic development, technological adaptation, and political will. The survival of our growing population depends on the natural resources we continue to overexploit, but there is increasing awareness on how the concept of sustainability strives to address this. By understanding how our environment, economy and society interact, applying this to technological innovation and communicating readily with decision makers, we can maintain the health of our world for the benefit of current and future generations.

Admission Requirements

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Earth Systems Science with 2nd Major in Sustainability programme accepts ‘A’ Level, IB, NUSHS Diploma, Polytechnic Diploma and other equivalent international qualifications on a selective basis. All candidates with strong academic potential who satisfy minimum subject requirements as well as the general admission requirements set by NTU will be considered.

A-Level Students:

  • H1 Level Pass in Mathematics AND
  • H2 Level Pass in Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Economics/Computing

IB Diploma Students:

  • Mathematics at Standard Level AND
  • Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Economics/Computer Science at Higher Level

International and Other Qualifications:

  • Mathematics at O Level/Junior High School and equivalent AND
  • Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Economics at Senior High School

NUS High School Diploma:

  • Major CAP of 2.0 in Mathematics AND
  • Major CAP of 2.0 in Physics/Chemistry/Biology

Polytechnic Diploma:

  • Please visit us on the web to learn which polytechnic diplomas are eligible for our programme

Programme Structure & Duration

Requirements for Second Major in Sustainability:

Students need to fulfil a minimum total of 30 AU (compulsory courses + electives + interdisciplinary project).

  S/NTo complete:
    15 compulsory courses, 1 course in each knowledge area (People, Planet, Profit, Practice and Policy)
    2Elective Courses (a min. total of 12 AU)
    3Interdisciplinary Project


Course Requirements for Second Major in Sustainability

To be awarded the Second Major in Sustainability, students are required to complete:

  • 1 core course in each knowledge area (People, Planet, Profit, Practice and Policy)
  • A minimum total of 12 AU of elective courses
  • Interdisciplinary project

A minimum total of 30 AU has to be completed (core courses in each knowledge area + electives + interdisciplinary project).

Core Courses

(To complete at least 1 course in each knowledge area – People, Planet, Profit, Practice and Policy)
Knowledge AreaCourse TitleAU
1) PeopleEM5109 Environmental Issue & Sustainability3
ES5006 Environmental Sustainability3
HV5001 Introduction to Environmental Humanities3
2) PlanetES5001 Natural Hazards and Society3
ES5005 Environmental Earth System Science3
ES5007 Climate and Climate Change3
3) ProfitAB0603 Social Entrepreneurship3
HE5091 Principles of Economics3
4) PracticeEM5103 Water Resources Management3
EM5104 Air Quality Management3
EG1001 Engineers in Society3
BM2517 Marketing Sustainability for the Next Generation 
5) PolicyHA1001 Introduction to International Relations and Foreign Policy3
HA1003 Introduction to Public Administration and Public Policy3
HU1002 Introduction to Urban Planning 


Elective Courses
Knowledge AreaCourse TitleAU
1) PeopleES3201 Coupled Human and Natural Systems*4
ES3202 Resilient Urban Systems*3
HC2017 Writing on Places: Nativism, Ecology, Politics 地文誌: 从乡土文学到生态批评 (Offered in Mandarin)*3
HC3043 Chinese Ecological Thoughts and Philosophy 古今生态思想与哲学(offered in Mandarin)3
HC5010 Animals in Chinese Cultures3
HL4013 Advanced Studies in Literature & Culture: Ecocritical Approaches to Literature*4
HG2027 Ecolinguistics: Language and the Environment3
HY2008 Environmental Ethics3
HP3206 Environmental Psychology*3
2) PlanetEM5101 Environmental Quality3
ES2303 Introduction to Ecology*3
ES3103 Sea-level Rise and Coastal Processes2
ES3302 Tropical Ecology*3
ES3305 Current issues in Ecology*3
ES3306 Global Change Ecology*3
ES4301 Conservation Biology and Biodiversity*3
ES4303 Marine and Freshwater Ecology*3
HH3042 Climate and Society in Historical Perspective3
HH4006 The Green Earth: Issues in Environmental History*4
HH3017 World Environmental History3
HH3018 The Environmental History of Oceans3
3) ProfitBF2228/BU5503# Sustainable Finance*3
BE2502 Innovation Marketing4
HE2010 Development Economics*/ HE3021 Intermediate Econometrics*#3
HE3602/HE3032# Game Theory & Applications to Social Science*3
HE3005 Environmental Economics*/ HE3024 Introduction to Applied Economic Policy Research*#3
HE3613/HE3026Urban Economics*3
HE4010/HE4042Singapore Economy in a Globalized World*4
HE4040 Behavioural Economics*4
4) PracticeBU5102 Sustainability Reporting* 
CM5091 Industrial and Environmental Chemistry3
CS5209 Collective Problem Solving3
HP1100 Fundamentals of Social Science Research or  CS2008 Fundamentals of Research 3
MS4664 Environmental Sustainability and Materials*3
MS4666 Environmental Degradation of Plastics*1
EE2005 Electrical Devices & Machines*3
EE3015 Power Systems & Conversion*3
EE4503 Power Engineering Design*2
EE4504 Design of Clean Energy Systems*2
EE4530 Power System Analysis & Control*3
EE4532 Power Electronics & Drives*3
EE4533 Power Apparatus & System Protection*3
EE4534 Modern Distribution Systems with Renewable Resource*3
5) PolicyCS4311 Promoting Sustainability4
ES2201 Law & Economics, Sustainable Development, and Environmental Protection4
ES2202 Global Environmental Politics and Governance*4
ES4201 Environmental Management and Valuation*3
HA3014 Singapore Foreign Policy*3
HP3203 Conservation Psychology*3
HS0301 Environmental Sustainability3
HS2023 Environmental Sociology*3

# Students who matriculated in AY2021-2022 or later should choose these course codes.

* Pre-requisites apply


Please find the full curriculum here.

Additional Information

Please click here for additional information about second major at NTU.

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