Header - Turing AI Scholars Programme

Turing AI Scholars Programme

Special Programme

Programme Type


Turing AI Scholars admissions


NTU’s new Turing AI Scholars Programme (TAISP) aims to nurture exceptionally talented students who want to advance AI research and develop cutting-edge solutions to change the world for the better. TAISP is open to students in Computer Science, Data Science and AI, and AI and Society.

The programme is suitable for students who possess outstanding academic records and have a strong passion for the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It targets those who intend to eventually pursue postgraduate research study in the AI domain and build a career in the AI industry and research centres.

Graduates from this Turing AI Scholars programme will acquire cutting-edge knowledge in the field of AI and be groomed as AI experts with international outlook and exposure. This will equip them to come up with innovative ideas and solutions to propel Singapore to become a world leader in AI adoption for its economy and national defence strategy.

Unique Feature

  • Masterclasses
    • Attend Masterclasses taught by world-leading AI researchers or practitioners from renowned universities or companies

  • Mentorship
    • NTU mentors: Each Student will be assigned one NTU leading AI Professor as a mentor
    • Overseas mentors: Top AI researchers
    • Industry mentors: Industry leaders
    • Under the supervision of a distinguished professor in AI, Turing AI Scholars will get to conduct research in their second year

  • Overseas Exposure (Study + Work)
    • 1 Year Overseas Exposure (During Year 3) consisting of a 1-semester study in top universities + 1-semester internship with AI industry giants
    • Overseas attachment will be financially supported, including tuition fees and living expenses

  • Scholarships
    • Full tuition fee coverage (after MOE Tuition Grant)
    • S$6,500 living allowance per academic year
    • Up to S$2,000 accommodation allowance per academic year (for scholars residing in NTU hostels)
    • S$8,000*#  travel grant for overseas study/attachment programme
    • One time S$2,000* computer allowance
    • Year 3 overseas benefits 
      • Tuition fees at partner university
      • Return airfare as decided by TAISP Office
      • Hostels & meal allowances as decided by TAISP Office
    * For cohort 2025 onwards
    # subject to terms and conditions of travel grants

    Students will graduate with their major's degrees and a 'Turing Al' certificate. 

      Admission Requirements

      Applicant must possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Local Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or equivalent qualifications.

      The applicant must indicate interest in the TAISP programme in the application form and be enrolled in any of the following programmes for a successful application.

      • Computer Science programme (CSc)
      • Data Science & AI programme (DSAI)
      • AI & Society programme (AISC)

      Programme Structure & Duration

      This is a full time four-year direct honours Bachelor degree programme.


      Students will undertake a customised curriculum with additional courses to supplement their chosen major, and they will be poised for postgraduate studies and research-based careers.

      Below are the courses for the Turing Artificial Intelligence Scholars Programme (TAISP), not including the major programme details that the student will be taking. 

      Mathematics Foundations
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPrerequisite/Remark
      MH1812Discrete MathematicsC3Nil
      MH2500Probability and Introduction to StatisticsC4MH1805
      MH2802Linear Algebra for ScientistsC3NIL
      Computing Fundamentals
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPrerequisite/Remark
      SC1303Programming with Data Structure and AlgorithmC4Nil
      SC2301Algorithm Design and AnalysisC3MH1812, SC1303
      SC2302Object Oriented Design and ProgrammingC3SC1303
      SC2320Data Analytics and MiningC3SC1315
      AI Cores (Some of these may be taken in Year 3 overseas studies)
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPrerequisite/Remark
      SC1315Artificial Intelligence C3SC1303
      SC2300Machine LearningC3SC1315
      SC3301Neural Networks and Deep LearningC3SC2300
      SC4301Fundamentals of Generative AIC3SC1315
      SC4326Computer VisionC3SC3301 (Can map to MSAI AI6126)
      SC4327NLP for Large Language ModelsC3SC4301 (Can map to MSAI AI6127)
      AI Major Prescribed Electives (Minimum 5 - including maximum 2 Masterclass courses)
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPrerequisite/Remark
      SC4103Intelligent AgentsMPE3SC2301
      SC43xxEthical AIMPE3SC1315
      SC43xxAdvanced Reinforcement LearningMPE3SC1315
      SC53xxSpecial Topic IMPE3TBC (Masterclass)
      SC53xxSpecial Topic IIMPE3TBC (Masterclass)
      SC43xxSpecial Topic IIIMPE3TBC
      SC43xxSpecial Topic IVMPE3TBC
      SC43xxSpecial Topic VMPE3TBC
      AI Broadening and Deepening Electives (For Masterclass courses that cannot map to AI Cores/MPEs)
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPrerequisite/Remark
      SC53xxMasterclass IBDE3If cannot map as AI Core/MPE
      SC53xxMasterclass IIBDE3If cannot map as AI Core/MPE
      SC53xxMasterclass IIIBDE3If cannot map as AI Core/MPE
      SC53xxMasterclass IVBDE3If cannot map as AI Core/MPE
      Overseas Study - YEAR 3 Semester 1 (AUs to be mapped to NTU equivalent courses)
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPre-Requisite
      SCxxxxOverseas  ProgrammeC/MPE/BDE (15)Year 3 standing
      Internship and Project - Year 3 Semester 2 and Year 4
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPre-Requisite
      SD3079Professional InternshipC10Year 3 standing
      SC4079FY Capstone ProjectC8Year 4 standing
      Experiential Learning - Year 1 Summer
      Course CodeCourse TitleTypeAUPre-Requisite
      SC1079AIC Immersion Trip BDE1Year 1


      TAISP Courses' Schedule
      Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
       Semester 1 Semester 2  Semester 1 Semester 2  Semester 1 Semester 2  Semester 1 Semester 2
      MH1805 SC1315 MH2500 SC2300 SC3301 Internship MPE SC4326
      MH1812 SC2301 MH2802 SC2320 SC4301  MPE SC4327
      SC1303 SC2302   MPE  MPE  
      Master class I Master class II Master class III Master class IV MPE  Master class V Master class VI
       AIC Trip URECA URECA BDE   FY Capstone Project
