Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Reporting & Support
NTU’s Stand on Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
Harassment or any form of sexual misconduct is a violation of trust and mutual respect. It undermines relationships in our University community, and hinders us from giving our best collectively.
NTU takes a zero-tolerance stance towards all forms of harassment, including bullying, voyeurism and sexual misconduct. For a more extensive list of what constitutes harassment, please refer to the Anti-Harassment Policy in the student and staff intranet.
If you have been on the receiving end of harassment/sexual misconduct, we are here to help. This flowchart is to guide you on what to do:
Quick Links
- List of Schools’ Associate Chairs (Students)
- List of Faculty-In-Residence at Halls
- Email a support & care officer
- Contact the University Counselling Centre
Making A Report
When reporting an incident, what do I need to include in my report?
(a) The full name(s) of the person(s) against whom the Complaint is made
(b) Details of the harassment / sexual misconduct committed against the Complainant
(c) The date(s), time(s) and place(s) where the incident(s) took place
(d) The full names of any other persons involved, including witnesses
(e) Any relevant evidence in relation to the harassment / sexual misconduct
(f) The specific interventions desired by the Complainant, if any.
What happens after I have submitted my report?
If any University students or staff were involved in the alleged harassment incident, the University will commence investigations based on your report and get in touch with you accordingly. The investigations will be conducted in line with our anti-harassment policies and policies governing student and faculty conduct.
Our support & care officers from the University Wellbeing Office (UWO) and the respective School’s Student Care team will also reach out and offer you support. This may include practical measures, such as:
- Guiding you to make a police report if needed (and/or accompanying you to do so)
- Arranging a no-contact order to prevent the perpetrator from being in physical or verbal contact with you
- Other forms of assistance.
Counsellors from the University Counselling Centre (UCC) may also be assigned to provide counselling services to you, if required.
In cases where criminal conduct is suspected or reported, the University may refer the case to the Police after discussing the matter with you, if you have not already made a police report on your own.
How will the University follow up on my report?
If any University students or staff were involved in the alleged harassment incident, the University will commence investigations based on your report and get in touch with you accordingly. The investigations will be conducted in line with our anti-harassment policies and policies governing student and faculty conduct. Please refer to the disciplinary flowchart below for more details.
Receiving Support
Experiencing harassment or sexual misconduct can be a painful and difficult experience. You may be feeling many different emotions, such as fear, shame or betrayal. These feelings are valid, and you don’t have to struggle alone.
Sharing what happened and journeying with a trusted person can help you get through your experiences.
On-Campus Support
1. University Counselling Centre (UCC) & Psychological Emergency Line (PEL)
- Make an appointment for counselling
- Call 6790 4462 (UCC) (during office hours) or 6904 7041 (PEL) (after office hours)
- Send an e-mail to ucc-students@ntu.edu.sg
- For more information on UCC, please visit the Student Intranet
2. Student Care Managers
They work with different administrative units within the School to ensure the wellbeing of students. Please approach your School’s General Office or your Associate Dean/ Chair for Students, who will guide you accordingly.
3. Residential Student Care Teams (RSCT)
Each Hall of Residence has a team to promote wellbeing and provide support for student residents. Each RSCT is led by a Senior Faculty/Faculty-in-Residence (SFiR/FiR) and supported by Residential
Mentors and Undergraduate student hall leaders. Please approach your SFiR in your Hall of Residence.
4. Peer Helping Programme
If you would prefer to talk to someone closer in age, you may wish to connect with our NTU Peer Helpers, who are trained to provide a listening ear with emotional and moral support during the recovery process.
Off-Campus Support
Provides case management, counselling, legal advice, befriending and assistance to women in need.
- Call 1800 777 5555 (Mon – Fri, 10am – 6pm)
- Visit their website for more details
2. Family Service Centre
Community-based social services that provide support to vulnerable individuals with social and emotional issues.
- Find your nearest FSC here.
3. Samaritans of Singapore
Provides confidential emotional support to individuals facing a crisis, who may be thinking about or are affected by suicide.
- Call 1767 (24 hours)
- Whatsapp 91511767 (24 hours)
- Visit their website for more details
4. Ministry of Social and Family Development
Provides 24-hour support to individuals and families facing violence/abuse or neglect, including sexual violence and sexual harassment.
- Call the National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline at 1800 777 0000
- Make an online report
How can I help if I see someone being harassed?
NTU has been taking steps to make our campus a safer place for everyone. But we can’t do this alone.
As part of our campus community, each of us have a part to play in creating an environment that is respectful, trustworthy and free of harassment.
Updated as of 14 December 2023