Extension of Student's Pass

You are required to ensure that you always remain in Singapore on a valid Pass. Failure to do so will result in you overstaying in ​Singapore. 

Please be informed that overstaying is a punishable offence under the Immigration Act. If a person overstays beyond the validity of his/her immigration pass, he/she may be subjected to a composition fine and prosecution in court.

 CategoryActions / Information Required

Undergraduate / Graduate Students who wish to extend student’s Pass due to

a. candidature extension

b. resumption from Leave of Absence

c. thesis amendment (Major)

d. conversion of part-time to full time study

You must submit a service request for Students’ Pass (STP) extension via the NTU Student One Stop Portal, based on the following guidelines.

Candidature extensionUpon approved extension of candidature
Resumption from Leave of Absence
  • Upon receiving Notice of Resumption of studies, OR
  • At least 2 months before the expiry date stated on STP card.
Thesis amendment (Major)Upon receiving Thesis outcome
Conversion of part-time to full time studyUpon conversion approval
Conversion of Master by Research to PHDUpon conversion approval

Extension of Student’s Pass

Step 1: Login to  NTU Student One Stop Portal

Step 2: Click Student Card / Pass, then select “Application/Extension of Student’s Pass”

Step 3: Fill up the required fields

Please look out for instructions via Service Request on registration and submission of particulars for re-application of your Student's Pass via ICA SOLAR System

2.Exchange / Non-graduating StudentsExchange and non-graduating students wishing to extend their period of study at NTU must write to OGEM (GEM-Trailblazer@ntu.edu.sg) to express their intent, along with their home university’s endorsement. Upon OGEM’s approval of the extension, students must submit a service request for Students’ Pass (STP) extension via the NTU Student One Stop Portal1at least 2 months before the expiry date stated on their STP card.

1Refer to item 1, steps to apply for extension of Student’s Pass. 


Re-application of student’s pass does not constitute legal extension of stay in Singapore. 

You must have a valid Short-Term Visit Pass if you are continuing your stay in Singapore. Please refer to the information below on obtaining the short-term pass.

  • Student will be able to retrieve the status of cancellation via ICA portal the next day.  Guide on how to apply for cancellation of Student’s Pass online can be downloaded here.
  • You are required to have a Singpass account.  If you currently do not have a Singpass account, you may visit here to set up your Singpass account.
  • Please ensure that you enter a valid address that you are currently residing in to receive the PIN mailer and NOT USE a generic address.