Ph.D. & M.Sc. Projects

The application deadline for Ph.D. & M.Sc. projects is as follows:
August intake: 31 January
January intake: 31 July
Apply online via NTU website here.
Email your application ID to, so that we can facilitate the application process.
If you have any queries, please write to

The following table lists the Ph.D. & M.Sc. projects that are currently available. 

Click on the individual links to find out more about each research project. You may contact the research supervisor directly if you have any questions regarding the project you are interested in. 

PhD projects (Research Student Scholarships from SBS-NTU)

SupervisorResearch Project Title
Bhattacharyya, SurajitDesign and mode of action of antimicrobials (peptides and mimetics) and mechanisms of bacterial resistance
Designing Functional Mini-proteins
Mechanisms of Integrins Mediated Cell-Cell Adhesion & Therapeutics Development​
Basak, SandipUnderstanding the molecular mechanism of odorant receptor co-receptor (orco) in Anopheles gambiae
​Choe, Young-JunDecoding Protein Degradation: Unraveling Ribosomal Responses to Translation Stress
Unraveling the Role of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation and Protein Aggregation in ALS Pathogenesis
Claudio, BussiThe role of stress granules in human microglial function
Dong, XuemingNon-contact mass spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics via acoustic levitation
Epitope mapping of polyclonal antibodies associated with infections disease via hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry.
High throughput screening of potential antimicrobial molecules via native mass spectrometry
Roca, Francesc XavierRegulation and artificial modulation of alternative splicing in human genetic diseases
Fullwood, MelissaUnderstanding 3D genome organization in cancer through an integrated artificial intelligence and molecular biology approach​
Gao, YongguiProtein translation and regulation in stress response and quality control, exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and regulation
Gruber, GerhardUnderstanding the Acinetobacter baumannii F-ATP synthase to discover new inhibitor targets
Jarkko SalojarviPopulation genomics view to the speciation history of South East Asian flora
Koh, Cheng GeeCancer Microenvironment and its Impact on the Biology of Cancer Cells
Lescar, JulienThe L protein from the Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Structures and functions
Development of a nanotechnology modular platform for vaccination
Liang, Zhao-Xun ​Genome-guided discovery of novel microbial enzymes and natural products
Reprogramming nature’s biosynthetic machinery
Li, Hoi YeungInvestigating R-Loop Biology for Therapeutic Applications in PARP inhibitor resistant and chemo-resistant Cancer
​Multidisciplinary approach to redefine chromosome condensation models
Li, YinghuiCharacterizing the regulatory landscape of cancer drivers and vulnerabilities
Role of MAPK signaling in chromatin organization and transcriptional control of cancers
Investigating the role of long non-coding RNAs in cancer progression
Liu Chuan FaStructure, function, engineering and applications of peptide asparaginyl ligases
Protein conjugates in cancer therapy
Loh, Jia TongInvestigating trained immunity during early life
Lu, LanyuanInvestigating the protein phase behavior in polarized fungal growth by coarse-grained molecular simulation​
Lu, LeiHow proteins are targeted to cilia
The dynamic trafficking within the Golgi
The effect of nutrient on the membrane trafficking
​Ludwig, Alexander ​ ​Investigating the nanoscale organization of epithelial cell junctions using correlative light and cryo electron microscopy
Regulation of the tight junction paracellular permeability barrier by the junctional actin cytoskeleton
​Ma, Wei​Functional characterization of transcriptional regulator(s) in plant oil biosynthesis and plant development​
Miao, YansongLiquid-liquid Phase Separation (LLPS)-regulated Host-Pathogen Interaction
Novel Drug Discovery of Novel Antifungal Medicine via Phase Separation
Two-dimentional Phase Separation Regulated Cell Signaling
Rewiring Plant Immune Signaling for Synthetic Biology
Mu, Yuguang​ ​Combining target and ligand- based tools for super-large molecular library virtual screening
​Improve protein-ligands docking scoring using machine learning method.
Develop reverse docking techniques for drugs repurposing
Mueller-Cajar, OliverMechanistic studies concerning biological CO2 fixation
Microalgal CO2 superchargers
Pervushin, KonstantinStructural variation and inhibition of key coronaviral ion channels in SARS-CoV-2
Artificial Intelligence-based advisory system for blood sugar management in elderly diabetics
Structural basis of amyloid seeds disaggregation by neuroprotective chaperones as a novel therapeutic avenue in TGFBIp-related cornea
​​Preiser, Peter​ ​ ​ ​Small variant antigens of malaria parasites as key regulators of biological functions
​The role of RNA modifications in malaria parasite biology​
Investigating the role of camp signalling conservation during malaria parasite invasion
Discovering new target space for the development of drugs against malaria parasites
Su, I-HsinFunctional characterization and physiological significance of SETD3-mediated methylation in immune responses
Molecular and functional characterization of UBR7-regulated cell adhesion and migration
The role of cytoplasmic EZH2 in cancer stem cells 
​​The role of dendritic cells in T cell development and thymic involution
Tan, Suet MienInvestigating integrin-linked cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance in leukemic cells
Investigating the roles of kindlins in cancer epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Thibault, GuillaumeCellular Stress Response in Metabolic Syndrome
The role of the endoplasmic reticulum in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Dissecting synergetic outcome of host-microbe interactions in wound of diabetic animal models
Torres, JaumesStructural features and potential for inhibition of channel activity in coronavirus envelope proteins
Wu, BinComprehending the molecular dynamics of CARD domain driven Nuclear Speckles – a 'nuclear' approach to understand autoimmune diseases.
Determining the molecular basis of Noddosome activation in human
Kanaga SabapathyUnderstanding the mechanistic basis of the Antizyme-mediated protein degradation system
Understanding the evolution of p53  
Rebecca J CaseApoptotic like - programmed cell death (AL-PCD) in Emiliania huxleyi
Chemical ecology of antibiotics in marine trophic interactions
Singapore’s seagrass meadows
Antibiotic producing bacteria in Singapore’s corals
Xiao, TianshuDevelopment of anti-flavivirus entry inhibitors
Zhong Lidan, LindaThe functions and mechanisms of TCM and food in the regulation of IBS via gut microbiota
Zhang, AnniPredicting Bacterial Environmental Sensing via AI to Enhance Bacteria-Based  Cancer Therapy
Predicting Interactions Between Human Receptors and Bacterial Metabolites via AI for New Drugs
Predicting DNA-Protein Binding via AI to Decode Gene Regulatory Networks

M.Sc Projects

 Supervisor Research Project Title
Claudio BussiEvaluating organelle network dynamics during the cellular response to lysosome damage
Dong XuemingOpen science: highly distributable methods via robotic automation
Comparison of hydrogen-deuterium exchange kinetics and mechanisms in size exclusion chromatography and in solution
Fullwood, MelissaMachine Learning of Chromatin Interactions and Transcription in Cancer
Investigating the effects of DNA hypomethylating agents on 3D genome organization in myeloid leukemia
Gao, Yonggui
Molecular analysis of proteins in ribosome biogenesis
Data mining for genes involving exopolysaccharide biosynthesis
Grüber, Gerhard Understanding the Mycobacterium abscessus energy converter F-ATP synthase to discover novel compound targets
​Li, YinghuiExpression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTLs) prediction optimisation and multi-data integration with machine learning to target novel cis-regulatory relationships in cancer 
Characterizing the regulatory landscape of cancer drivers and vulnerabilities
Lu LeiImaging the dynamics of the Golgi ap
Miao, YansongLiquid-liquid Phase Separation (LLPS)-regulated plant immunity
Phase Separation-mediated filamentous fungal growth and host invasion
Cellular Aging by Biomolecular Phase-separation
Rewiring Plant-pathogen Interactions for Novel Agrifood Technology
Mu, YuguangMachine learning approaches to improve protein-ligand binding affinity prediction
Wu BinEvaluation of a novel ex vivo protein engineering method to modulate cellular surface with anti-CD19 receptor, for therapeutic purposes
Systematic Engineering of Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase
Xiao TianshuMechanistic understanding on pre-hairpin intermediate of SARS-CoV-2 Spike
Kanaga SabapathyUnderstanding p53 mutants through structural biology – a computational approach
Hong YanMetagenomic study of Microbial Communities in Wood Decay for Advancing Wood's Role as a Sustainable Construction Material