1. How to apply for CNYSP?

Complete the online undergraduate application form. Indicate in the form if you want to be considered for CNYSP. Separately, you are required to submit an online application for the CN Yang Scholars Programme Scholarship (CNYSPS) under the Scholarship section if you intend to apply for a scholarship. We shall contact you for an interview if you are eligible.


2. If I am selected for CNYSP, what kind of scholarship will be offered to me?

The CN Yang Scholars Programme Scholarship (CNYSPS) will be awarded to selected applicants. 

The CN Yang Scholars Programme (without CNYSPS) will be offered to selected candidates depending on the interview outcome. Candidates are allowed to accept the CNYSP offer (without CNYSPS) with other/external scholarships.


3. I have ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship/NTU Science and Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship, can I still apply?

Yes. Students can enjoy non-monetary benefits such as priority for overseas exchange (one-off) and guaranteed stay in NTU halls of residence (Online hall application is required).


4. I am an international student. Can I apply for CNYSP and scholarship?

Yes. You can apply for CNYSP and Scholarship. If you are eligible for CNYSP, we will invite you for an interview.


5. Can I join CNYSP with an external scholarship?



6. Can I apply for CNYSP if my first choice is an Integrated Programme (BSc and MSc)?

Both programmes are mutually exclusive.


7. Can I apply for CNYSP if my first choice is a double degree programme?

Both programmes are mutually exclusive.


8. Can I apply for CNYSP if my first choice is a programme with Second Major?

Only the following Second Major programmes are eligible for CNYSP.

From AY2023-24 onwards:

  • Aerospace Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Bioengineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Biological Sciences with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Chemistry and Biological Chemistry with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Civil Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Computer Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Environmental Earth Systems Science with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Environmental Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Information Engineering and Media with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Materials Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Mathematical Sciences with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Mechanical Engineering with a Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Physics / Applied Physics with a Second Major in Data Analytics

From AY2024-25 onwards:

  • Aerospace Engineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Bioengineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Biological Sciences with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Chemistry and Biological Chemistry with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Civil Engineering with a Second Major in Second Major in Sustainability
  • Computer Engineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Computer Science with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Environmental Earth Systems Science with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Environmental Engineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Information Engineering and Media with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Materials Engineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Mathematical Sciences with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Mechanical Engineering with a Second Major in Sustainability
  • Physics / Applied Physics with a Second Major in Sustainability

Below are the new Second Majors to be introduced from AY25-26 onwards (Pending Approval), for your reference:

  • Applied Physics with Second Major in Medical Physics
  • Applied Physics with Second Major in Microelectronics Engineering
  • Physics/Applied Physics with Second Major in Quantum Technologies
  • Robotics with Second Major in Data Analytics
  • Robotics with Second Major in Sustainability


9. Can I join CNYSP together with USP / REP / TAISP?

CNYSP and USP / REP / TAISP are mutually exclusive.


10. Is there a bond for CNYSP?

There is no bond. Singapore PR and International students are to serve 3 years bond under the MOE Tuition Grant Scheme. Some scholarships may have extra bond conditions (case-by-case basis). There is no bond for the CN Yang Scholars Programme Scholarship if you are a Singaporean.


11. What is the minimum GPA to remain in the programme?

Same as most of the other scholarships in NTU: 3.5 out of 5.0 on a per-semester basis.


12. Terms and Conditions of the CN Yang Scholars Programme?

  • Maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5. The CNYSP Director will counsel any scholar whose CGPA falls below 3.5 for the first time. A scholar who fails to meet the minimum CGPA for the second consecutive semester after counselling will not be allowed to continue with the CN Yang Scholars Programme. 
  • Participate actively in most activities organized by the CNYSP office.
  • Required to take on the role of student ambassador, or any other similar role, representing the university to give publicity talks, to receive guests, etc., as and when called upon to do so.
  • Scholars' CNYSP candidature may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the scholar's progress or behaviour is deemed unsatisfactory.


1. Are the CN Yang modules hard/Will it be easy to cope?

  • Some subjects are more challenging than usual.
  • Scholars generally can cope (offer of the program is a recognition of academic capability).
  • A class/community of intellectual and willing-to-help peers.
  • Exclusive freshmen preparatory class will be organized before school starts.

1. Are there any restrictions on the countries that scholars can go for their OFYP?

In general, there is no restriction to the countries which scholars can choose to go for their OFYP. Scholars are encouraged to complete their OFYP in reputable research laboratories for their relevant field of study.


2. Are my expenses for OFYP Covered?

  • Yes, at least 80% will be covered by CNYSP office. 
  • Average per student: S$15,000


How long will my OFYP be?

  • For Science scholars, OFYP will be 8 months.
  • For Engineering scholars, OFYP will be 5 months.


4. When will I be embarking on my OFYP?

  • For Science scholars, OFYP will happen from Year 3 Special Semester – Year 4 Semester 1.
  • For Engineering scholars, OFYP will be scheduled to take place in Year 4 Semester 1 (with the exception for Aerospace Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Bioengineering scholars)
  • Scholars from Aerospace Engineering will be scheduled to have their OFYP in Year 4 Semester 2, while scholars from Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Bioengineering will have their OFYP during Year 3 Semester 2.

1. What type of research opportunities does CNYSP offer?

  • Year 1 Semester 1: Introduction to Research (CY1500)
  • Year 1 Special Semester: Making & Tinkering (CY2003)
  • Year 2/3: Research Attachment 1 (CY2001) - done across 2 semester 
  • Year 4: Overseas Final Year Project (OFYP)


2. What is unique about the research opportunities offered by CNYSP?

Our curriculum is packed with compulsory RA modules which lays the groundwork for advanced research work. Scholars are free to explore the interdisciplinary nature of Science and Engineering. We also expose scholars to the global nature of research, encouraging scholars to explore research overseas. 

1. How is our most recent batch of graduates doing in their career?

Majority of them are working in public sectors and research-related fields. We also have scholars pursuing their graduate studies.


2. What are some enjoyable things that the graduates miss in CNYSP?

  • Overseas Experience such as the Overseas Final Year Project
  • The network of friends across various discipline
  • Exposure to different modules
  • Attending the events hosted by the CN Yang Scholars Programme Office

1. What are the activities available for CN Yang scholars to participate in?

There is a range of activities and events exclusive to CNYSC members, planned by the CNYSC Committee.


2. How can I join the club?

All CN Yang scholars will automatically be a part of the CNYSC as a member.


3. Am I able to take on leadership roles in the club?

Any member of the CNYSC can run for any portfolio position in the CNYSC Executive Committee and Subcommittee, so long as they are able to serve their full term without any intended breaks (Such as Semester Exchange, Overseas Final Year Project).


4. Is the workload as part of the CNYSP Portfolios manageable?

Yes, the workload is certainly manageable. It depends heavily on the time management skills of potential Directors and Subcommittee Members.


5. Will I have time for non-academic activities?

Yes, you will have time for non-academic activities. Many of our scholars are actively involved in planning CNYSC activities. They are also actively involved in hall activities. 


6. Are there any available facilities for club members?

The Premier Scholars Programmes (PSP) Lounge. It is well-equipped with amenities, such as meeting rooms, a pantry, comfortable cushioned chairs, and beanbags.