Meet the Team

Professor Ang Peng Hwa

Ang Peng Hwa

Professor Ang Peng Hwa

Director, NTUUniversity Scholars Programme

Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information

Associate Professor Bhubhindar Singh

Jesvin Yeo

Associate Professor Bhubhindar Singh

Deputy Director, NTU–University Scholars Programme

Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences


Dr Rebecca Nichols

Dr Rebecca Nichols 

Assistant Director (Academic), NTU–University Scholars Programme

Coordinator (Student Club), NTU-University Scholars Programme

Ms Yvonne Lim Yin Chum

Yvonne Lim

Ms Yvonne Lim Yin Chum 

Assistant Director, NTU–University Scholars Programme

Dr Rebecca Nichols

Dr Rebecca Nichols

Assistant Director (Academic), NTU–University Scholars Programme

Coordinator (Student Club), NTU-University Scholars Programme

Dr Rebecca (Becky) Nichols is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Faculty Member of the Nanyang Technological University-University Scholars Programme. She holds a BS in Psychology (University of Washington) and a PhD in Psychology and Social Behavior (University of California, Irvine). Her research interests include memory distortion and other cognitive errors as well as pedagogical challenges and innovations in higher education. Her work has appeared in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Current Directions in Psychological Science, to name a few. Outside of her academic interests, she enjoys dance (everything from ballet to Argentine tango), yoga, attending arts and cultural events, travelling, trying new food, and generally trying and learning new things.


Dr Geraldine Song

Dr Geraldine Song

Coordinator (Curriculum), NTU–University Scholars Programme

Dr Geraldine Song is a Senior Lecturer in English. She holds a PhD in English Literature from the National University of Singapore specializing in the poetry of Robert Browning. She currently teaches Writing and Reasoning to scholars of the REP and CN Yang programmes. She also teaches NTU-USP elective courses such as Schooling & Culture, Fables & Folklore, and Dramatic Texts. Geraldine is also a published playwright and has had her plays produced and published since 2011. One of her plays “Absence” is featured in MOE’s forthcoming book of plays for Lower Secondary.

Dr Melvin Chen

Dr Melvin Chen

NTU–University Scholars Programme

Dr Melvin Chen is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Faculty Member of the University Scholars Programme at Nanyang Technological University. He holds a BA in Literature (National University of Singapore), an MPhil in Ibsen Studies (University of Oslo), and a PhD in Philosophy (Cardiff University). He is a holder of the Sword-of-Merit from the Singapore Police Force. His philosophy, poetry, and paintings have appeared (or are due to appear) in Philosophical Psychology, Hypatia, Philosophy & Literature, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, LONTAR, Tipton Poetry Journal, Heartbeat, and Eunoia Review. His research interests include the following: creative cognition research, philosophy of AI, ethics and metaethics, aesthetics, philosophy of the imagination, feminist philosophy, non-Western philosophy, and the philosophy and literature movement.​

Dr Christina Chuang

Dr Christina Chuang

Coordinator (Publicity, Alumni and Outreach), NTU–University Scholars Programme

Dr Christina Chuang is a Senior Lecturer in the Philosophy Programme. She received her PhD from the University of California, Irvine. She is an avid Ashtanga yoga practitioner and enjoys running and hiking. Her research interests are in early modern philosophy, history of ethics, moral psychology and classical Indian philosophy.  She has published in Synthese, Asian Philosophy, Sophia and the Journal of Scottish Philosophy.

Ms Yvonne Lim Yin Chum

Yvonne Lim

Ms Yvonne Lim Yin Chum

Assistant Director, NTU–University Scholars Programme

Ms Nurul Atiqah


Ms Nurul Atiqah

Assistant Manager, Student Administration, NTU–University Scholars Programme

Ms Toh Sock Hwee


Ms Toh Sock Hwee

Senior Executive, Student Administration, NTU–University Scholars Programme

Ms Priya D/O Revichandran


Ms Priya D/O Revichandran

Project Officer, NTU–University Scholars Programme

Ms Estelle Wong Dong Qi


Ms Estelle Wong Dong Qi

Senior Executive, Student Development, NTU–University Scholars Programme

Professor Tan Ooi Kiang

Professor Tan Ooi Kiang

Deputy Provost (Education), President's Office

Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Professor Joseph Liow

Professor Joseph Liow

Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

Professor, School of Social Sciences

Dr Mark Cenite

Dr Mark Cenite

Dr Mark Alan Cenite

Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education), College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

Principal Lecturer, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information

Professor May Lwin

Professor May Oo Lwin

Chair, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information

Jesvin Yeo

Associate Professor Elison Lim

Nanyang Business School


Associate Professor Hoo Tiang Boon

S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies


Professor Jesvin Yeo Puay Hwa

Deputy Associate Provost (Strategy), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Acting Chair, School of Art, Design & Media

Associate Professor Ng Beng Koon

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering




Dr Natasha Bhatia

Associate Chair (Academic) Asian School of the Environment


Dr Lim Boon Chong

Nanyang Business School